SITUATIONS VACANT. BOOT Trade.—Wanted Machinists and Benchmen; highest wage-.—lo, Ruskin St.. I'arnell. 'Phone _iiu4A. 530 OOV, smart, for office.—Don_ghy"s — -iope X* and Twine Co., Stanley St. 505 B7SYS wanted Immediately.— John Bull Manufacturing Co., 03, Union St.. Auckland. 548 TJOY, active, wanted.—G. T. Chapman, - 1 -* Stationer aud Paper Mcrchaut, Mi, Swanwon St. ill T>OYS wanted for factory.-Apply ForeJ-» man. Textile Bag ajidSafk Co., omi. α-is TJOY, respectable, to aesist on baker's - 1 -* cart; wages £I.—J. Davis, Baker, 19, Eden Terrace. 501 TJOi", smarts for warehouse.— \Vm. •*-* Crosher aud Sons, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Lome St. 97 TJOY, smart, wanted.—Apply W. O. XJI Allen and Co., 'Stationers, "Herald" Buildings, Queen St. LOS T3OYS, f o r factory; good wages] good ■*-* workliig conilltlons.— Northern Boot C 0... Ltd., Cn-73. Federal St.. 143 TJOV or Youth, smart, wanted at once; x> highest wages.—The Empire Dyers, 358, Queen St.. opposite Town nail. 5-4 TJOY, smart, wanted, for fancy depart- -*-* ment: good opportunity for willing lad. Apply, with references, to Fancy Dept., A. J. Entrienn and Co., Ltd., Friday, between 10 nnd 1 p.m. 4S BOY, INTELLIGENT, WANTED, FOR WAREHOUSED. S. FULLJAMES, 25. ELLIOTT ST. 37 BOY wanted for office: splendid prospects for intelligent youth; state age nnd Hi'iid credentials.—Spedding. lLtd., Wright's Buildings, Fort St.. Auckland. Gol> RICK-LAYERS (21. good wages to good men. —Audy Aston, 15. Johu St., Ponsonby. !T"i BRICK LA YiBHS, 3 o.r 4, good men; best wages.—Craig ißros., Wellcsley fit., Freeman's Ba*y. °8 BtJTCHER wanted for country; good allround man; wages £4 10/. —Address at STAR. 108 ptANVASSISII Salesman, one wltJi previous e-perience pref.; _ood conunlsslon. — -1.U., 11, STAR. 147 CARPENTERS wanted; 2/'J per hour.— Masonic Hall, Remuera Rd., S a.m., «0"- - good wages.— *^> , Apply on job, Curran St., Ponsoub.v. N. Cole, Builder. ! IOARPBJTTBRS wanted: top wages nnd fares.—Apply on job, Te Rotl, C, Orakel ltd., Remiiera. s'- J 2/0 hour , .—Apply on job, / corner Bulmo'ral Rd. and Ptnc ft.. Dominion Rd. Terminus. 584 ACIIBU lijslif£.S. — Good all-round v> , Hnnd for Che woodshop.—Han-ton ami Cost-ar, Otahuhu. 1 12 /"tOACII Painter.' leading hand, for paint VJ ghop: also nn Imiirover.—The O'Uara Motor and Carriage Factory. Otah-frn. 522 Finishers wanted urgently.—A. Cochrane. 2S. Swanson St. 107 riOOK (Plain), wanted; also Housemald- *-> Waitress.-—"Hlnemoa." Alfred St. 125) GARDENErTpooiL practlral; constant employm^nt.—'G.. Ota. STAR. 71 T>OT, SMART. WAKTED FOR DEPARTMENT. Apply, In writing, 153 P. HATMAN AND CO. T>OY, SMART, RESPECTABLE, WANTED FOR OUR DRUG DEPARTMENT, Also, ONE FOR THE OFFICE. Apply to THE MAN V;EU, KE—PTHORNF.. PROSSER AND CO. 3 • ;> Z. DRUG CO., LTD., Albert Street. 57 pi A R E T A X E II WASTED. Salary £ST> Year. ST. JOHN'S METHODIST CIIUIM3H, PONSONBY. from MR. E. E. PIERCF., 502 Chemicals, Ltd., G7, Fort St. /■^ARPENTERS, AT TE AROHA GLAXO FACTORY. 3/ per hour and found. Long hours. Apply A. E. CAVE. On job, by letter, or wire. 573 /COSTING CLERK, FOR OUR SADDLERY FACTORY. One with previous Saddlery Experience Preferred. Good Prospects. FARMERS' UNION TRADING CO., Hobson Street. 55! nJBC REPRESENTATIVE. We require the service* of an EXPERIENCED SALESMAN to represent us In the Warlborough aud West Coast Districts. Applicants must have had experience ithe Drug Trade. Apply, by letter, enclosing copies of testimonials, stating age and experience, to THE MANAGER, KEMPTHORNE, PROSSER AND CO.'S N.Z. DRUG CO., LTD., WELLINGTON. 13C riROCER, FIRST-CLASS. WANTED FOR KING COUNTRY. iHighest Wages Offered to the Right Man and Prospects Distinctly Attractive. Apply Urgent, L. D. NATHAN AND CO., LTD., Shorthand Street. SS •JOINER. FOREMAN—Wanted, for iuland -* town, Foreman for Joinery Works; wages to commence, £S per week. . Apply CARPENTER'S' UNIOX. 533 Trades Hall. TUXIOK C L E U X WANTE D. Good Prospects. Apply personally— THOS. COOK AND SON, Tourist Agents and Foreign Bankers New Zealand Insurance Building. 50< JUNIOR, SMART, WANTED FOI OFFICE. One with Little Experience (Pre-erred. Write JUNIOB, Bos 23, Auckland. • **