MOTOB CARS FOR SALE. uluK Six, and 'Ford Sedan, in good order; owner leaving.—Box 103, G.P.O. /TniBVKOI7ET, 5-eeater, only been "used few momhs; good as uew; cheap for cash.—Bearslpy and Co.. Devonport. SiS ENGLISH 3-Seater, In good order; spare wheel, quick detachable wheels, electric lights, tyres new; over 35 miles to SftllOll.—W. Sheath. Kdgcrley Ay.. Bpsom. jyAKLAND Six, late model, magneto, tjres In good order; trial; bargain, £470— Box 1402. G.P.O. 150 Tt>HN \V. ANDiRL'W AND SON, Edeu Tertl race, have c Ford ESect. Self-starter Cara for faiwnpdiato delivery. g T sDiit. v> .- New toru Catalogue is free' -A-' to all in their district—South Port Albert and North Ohlnewni. _H Xl'o.VE wishing to procure Andrew's New Ford Catalogue outside their district pays 2/6. postage 3d. H G. A.. JJ AYI>O - N U ORD CARS, i 1 TRUCKS, ACCESSORIES. Kindly plai'p vonr orders for SELF-STARTER CARS. A Small Shipment to Hand. Gα TTAYDON, Ford Distributor, . ii. X± Auckland District. -,0. Street. -Phone -JZSI^U ■y cLI c gi x. TO INTENDIN-G PURCHASERS. IT WILL BE IN YOUR INTERESTS TO INSPECT THE LATEST MODEL (A3) YELIE CAR IiHFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER. TXT ALK. E R AND ri 0., (SOLE N.Z. AGENTS), STANLEY STREET. B rVKHiI /CANADIAN TTOTUIi /"W., OF N.Z.. LIMITED, LITTLE QUEEN ST. Phone A22OT. CALCOTT. elect, light and self-starter, In i "cALCOTT, elect, side lights,' in good • order. Price. £260. I HUDSON SUPER SIX. in . first-class order; suitable for taxi. Price, £783. DAIMLER, in perfect running order, newly painted, all new tyres. Price, £i-J. DAlill.EK. self-starter, elect, light, newly painted, new tyres, vacuum gasoline feed. Pric-e. £425. DODGES, 1916 and 1017 models. £400 aud £440. FORD, 1916, newly painted, seat covers, hood, in flrsi-clase order. £175. FORD, aoewt, chain drive, truck, with flat top body. £260. FQiltU. locin. light delivery. £150. B SCRII'PS-BOOTH, S-seater "o" ' STUDEBAKER. 7-3 eater £*90 FOItD, 5-seater £140 ' FORD, J-seater f l7O OAKLAND. 3-seater --S 5 Motor Driving Taught. City Council Certificate Guaranteed. QUEEN STREET GARAGE (Just above Town Hall). Phong 2.TG7A. B. A. MAYHILL. Prop. X -VTOW ON VIEW IN OUK GARAGE. APPERSON BROS. , CARS. The 8-cylinder Engine with 80 leas parts. Luxurious 7-seater Cars. lou rest as yoa ride in an AP.PEBSOS. UNION ENGINEKRING CO., Lome Street. B -pORD rpOURING />ARS TXJITH QELF QTA'BTBBS. We hai-e jnst received the First Shipment lof FORD 5-SEATER CARS, complete, with J FORD SELF STARTERS. Inspection Inrited. : ,TJXIVERSAL JJCD., FORD DrSTP.IBUTORS, B CHANCERY STREET. ATESSRS T>ULLAN, A RMITAGE & po.. J^TD., - TJOYAL - Q.ARAGE, j AUCKLAND AND TTAMILTON\ QVERLAXD, u-Seater £250 QAKLAND, 4-Cylinder, 5 Seater.... f350 , "TjODGE, 5-Seater f4OO "pXGLISH 30 CWT. TRTTCK, with Flat Top and Canopy complete, in splendid order. Any trial £373 B MILLER'S /~IA"RAOE, ILLES-S VJaRAGE, TOP OF KHYBEIR PASS. ; ALWAYS t)PEN. PHONE 32.77. Telegraphic Address: '\Millerage," Auckland. CHANDLER T>ERFORMANCE,S! HANJJLE'R -t ERFOKMANCES: : NOT IN AMERICA, BUT RIGHT TTHRE IN YEW lOHT -C-DRE IN -i-> EW WHO WOULD CARE TO TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE? The Official CHANDLER RECO.RD'S Are there to be Beaten. CHANDLER 7-seater, fitted with wire wheels £Sls CHANDLER, 7-Seater, fitted with artillery wheels £780 CHANDLER Roadster Models, fitted ■with wire or artillery ' wheeLs —same price as 7-seatere. CHANTDLER Despatch Models — Prices iv each case, extra £2c All Models Delivered from Stock. USED CAiRS FOR SALE. VULCAN— 5-Seater. English car: full streamlined body; e:ectri; exceptional opportunity £6S< OAKLAND—S-Seater, electric light.. £2£ 0\ n ERLAND— ri-Seater, electric light and starter £32< HUDSON SIX—7-Seater £42; . STUDEBAKEIt-5-Seater. elec. light and starrer, high-tension magneto £33.' CHANDLEiR—T-Seater; car as new; little service £62; , REO—S-Seater, electric light and : starter; special value £331 ; j CROSSLKY—.VSeater: sound as new; . I economical and relialrU- £46.' • SCRIPPS-BOOTH -S-seate#nrst-i.-la« order: new tyres £27; FORD—2-Seater £14. i' KKIT—2-Seater £13. I>K 'DlON—l.icv.t Truck £20 I SUNBEAM—2O h.p. Truck £23; -' I Other Ueed Trnclcs of Varlons llaies 1 ! on hand. P' lEIRiCE- \ R-ROW ~-rr?OX rpRUCIvS IBH-C E HR (1W v>- ■*- O N -»- R UCTCS I QTEKLIXG J^OR-RIES. t A UTOCAR. iXcTOCAR. OA /"<WT TO O TON mRUCK' oU \-svrr to - 1 - rucks Call for Inspection or Triel. ; B We Appreciate Your Inquiries.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 8
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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