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I PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. ; a X~/X — OXEHL'XGA — Good β-roonied v IO House nnd conve. close cars. J Term*.— J. II Millar. 63. Queen St. (SO ', i> '7KA—-UiKIEY iV.NN— Practically new — d*liH; β-roomed Bungalow: all convs. i £606—GREY iLYXX—House. 5 rooms, " wash-house, c. and t.. ip.w.c. £150 cash. £11100—GftEY .LYiNjN—(House, 7 rooms and ' conva.; return; corner section. Room for motor entrance. £300 cash. I , £S7a—PO-NSOiNTBI'—B-roomed House, gas ' stove and range, washhouse, c. and t., I) |p.w.c. £300 cash. ' W. J. (PRIEST, 1302. New Zealand Insurance Buildings. TIT 5 AfT- EDEN—HiTO—G-roonied Semi-Bunga-e -"■»- law, in {rood order, pore, bntn and ' : ! basin, .Shower, built-in Wardrobes, front and i back verandah. Section, 43 x 1<33: asphalt paths. In the picked part of Mt. Eden. -• Pri-ce. £1230. Terms. <A '61).—■RICHARPf SON AND CASH, i-'i <4rh floor), S.Z. Insirr- '• . anco Buildings, Queen Srreet. T4 '• i C" C7X — dUI'MMER IROAD — 5-roome<l |-_—Ol*_/ V4Tla, kitchenette, recently reno- _ rated, all ™nr.; handy to <-ar: select street. "■Terms. fX/33).—Hichardaan and Cash. 421 j> jl-l-Lh Boon, N.Z. Insurance Bldgs., Queen St. k ; Jpi I'WnXION ROAL>r-0-room e<l Villa, recently renovated, all cony.. stable, fevdroom: section, J-ncre. This Is cheap. Deposit, £450. (B/iS) , KICII.AJtDSON AND CASH. B +24 (4tfc noon. N.Z. Insurance Bldgs.. Qneen Street. 71 EAWLY POSSESSION —Epsom Bungalow v! c> rooms, every modern possible • eonv.. pore, hath ami basin, p.w.c.. built-in wardrobes; I.pautif'illy finir--hod. Section, 100 x 182. Price. £ISOO. Terms. e (C/4S) RTTHARDSON AND CASH. 421 (4;li Floor). N.Z. Insurance Buildings. :e Queen 'Street. 74 '■ TV EM I -■Xli A—£l r.wTme-i hnncalow". r - '-"' la.-se reception 'hall, pore , , bath and s - dasln, picture rails, every ranv. ot a modern L> - i home. -Section, J-acre. Terms. iD/3:)) itinna.rγ-sox and cash. 424 ('•It'll Floor). X.Z. Insurance Huil.ling*. Queen Street. 74 r TJ'EMUBKA WATEIirKiT\, -LV n!:i<-eiit (i-roouietl I3iuugal«w, pm-.-. I iiatli and Hasiu. p.w.c.. t>uiit-in 'UTir- | roreil wardrobe*, planter ceilings: beautiful p. sea view. TMs Is riieap. Terms, ill. 3>i i UKIIAHIISON AND CASIII. 41)4 i+fh Fiouri. N.Z. Insurance Buiiain::*. Queen Srre-t. 74 T>i IX SONKY \V VI'PHIFHII'NT -inim— Solld I-L Ilv.-irr Knurl S-rnrwd Vinn. Nic *el r ! i-f»', ;il: rour. Deposit, £."OU. Th'» I* n ni:"-HAi:r)Si)N and caiit. J? I 421 i Uli Hoori. N.Z. Insurance Giuildlngs, l " I Queou Street. 74 v. FOR EXCHANGE. ) : T)ROBABLY liest Corner Section, 100 ft s.' -*- Uem'iora lid. X ICSft deep. £12 10/ ft. in Accept First-class Motor Car. No agents »v i!.. nai. <;.po. 2io ' v UEXD Holliday an<l Orchard. 13. Queen O St.. Auckland, any Property Exchange proi.osltinns. 162 J" r-< oon SF.coxn mortgage, fc-io, and ' I vJ* rednceahlp. Will laUe Building Section In gooff locality. DA ACRES. GOOD MIXED ORCHARD "" ANI> TAX.M. A good living in this Price. CJOOO. Will Exchange for Store or Milk P.ouud Business B r W. S. RALPH. ' . B 22. Shortland Street. EXCHANGES. 3* £. f 4JiEMI-BLX<;aLO\V, 4 moms, usual con- ™ veulencef; section. 50ft x ISOrt. House uo only built 5 years. Price, £1,1/50. Equity, £600. Owner wants Suburban Farmlet. TjXR'R Good Sectiofs, 2 i-acres and 2 J- -*- acres; price, £4450, miencumbered, is I Mancu-o Knad, Otahuhu. Owner wants I Housd* City. *>/V> ACHES—Going Concern—Price. £25 —'"-' per acre: equity. £2,800. Owner I wants Boardlnphouse. City. _B Newton. 7 rooms; price. £500. *-*- Equity. £ol.">; owner wants mortgage. VH Acres, house 4 rooms; price. £1.130. Eqnlty. £SW; owner wants House or 3lortyages. Make known your wants. We can arrange an Exchange for you. i.v WM A HORNE, LTD., AUCTION.EE.KS' A XI) R'iiiL E.STJ.TE SERVICE. SUORTLANU STREET, AUCKLAND. B BUSINESSES FOB SALE. ■mKEHV. "lCKxTioave.-ir'smadlsr etc.; lnt" JJ -uing about £35U. includes everything. ij«o(l shop Lradt; opposition nil. —Address STAR. r?I BILLIAIU> JCooui and Tobacconist, 3 tables; lease. Oty; r-enfcal £1. Price, iIOOO. —J"urticulars Heddaway, Kara ogaihape ii-d. i5~ BILLIARD Saloon wanted to Lease for nix mouths, town or country, with view tv pun-base, by experienced man.—lsll- -- liarcs. 8114. STAR. 96 H llepairing Business ; good stand ; — JJ good reasons lor selling.—Address at ST A R. 188 CtOXFECTIOXEiRy — Lock-up iShop, theatre f riffhu*; real good; reu:al. 126. Price, £l.")o.—Reddaway. 271. Knra:;gaJiape Rd. 54 J," /SOXFBCTIOXEKI' and Summer Drinks, c ' I>welling; lease obralnable; rent 25/; a I pri-re. fliJO: City.—Keddaway, Agent, 271, }]. Karanguhape Rtl. 33 JT* iTTMiEEUOLD Store Property aud General lt - J- Store Businei-s, in one of the most ,' jprosperous farming districts in the Bay L of Plenty. No asents. Principals only dealt with.—Store. 1)77. STAR. C 2 HUM!-. Looliery. .-<o!t and lea Rooms.—Address at STAR. <E ILLIXBRY anil Ladies' Wear BuflneS; large shop; would suit draper. Lease, cc cheap rent. Main street. Srock and Pitrings at Invoice—A<ldress STAR. 3r>9 ■o- QTATIU-MKUY. Fa no limids. Crockery, f5 Tobacco, et ■. (eombdnpfl): 'rental 23/. Price. £:vio. nwelling.—Keddaway, 271, Kara-ngahape T:<i. 117 TjTOR SALE AS i GOING CONCERN. S FIXE ART AVn PICTURE FRAMING ',: " BUSINESS IN BUSY TOWN. Good Connection. — Splendid opportunity to acquire a wellestablished business. 6 For Particulars apply. II ART DEALER, 303, STAR. •s. ■ 5 31 ie- STATIONER'S fiilDT AND 4 LIVING '.: ►J ROOMS. y " \Vi!I Sell Business and Sto<-k and give 5 years' lease of Premises for 30/ per week. ,'(j_ VALUE STUCK, £140. 0; Also, to Ro with above (price £360), a v. Licensed Taxi, In good order. This is a good chance for a young couple. 3d The wife can attend to the business, and el husband run the car. Terms arranged. Owner going farming. T ' Particulars from — ;,. RENRY CLAYTON & CO. ;e' SiIEETONS BUILDINGS. D i - BICYCLES WANTED. n' fyi CYCLE, lady's, stnail. ivantwl.— PrTce ,<j" -*-* and particulars to J. l>. Kk-uardson, ' 40. Empire Rd.. Epsom. 8 m BICTCLES FOR SAI.E. a, ;-pEDBIRD "OEDbTrd a>. J- 4 - "DICYCLKS. i* rh J -D O; raised the Bicycle affords a Cheapi and Sure means of transit. h-. ; Call and inspect the well-known >£ ! "REDBIRIJ." r; Three Years' Guarantee. TVe are offering very easy terms of pay ment m order to try and help you meet the high cost of living. • '•» MERSOX BROS., 170-172, Sj-monde Street Also Agents for Harley Davldsott a Motor Cycles. C
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
988Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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