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MOTOR CAKS FOB SALE. DOIHiE, late I&U> model; mechanical condition .perfect; priv-ate use only; quick saie ±345. —Address at -STAR. l^ -CKHlbr 2-seater, 1920, electric Sight, -C epares; 2 months' use; sacrifice tvr cash UlO. J «3 FORD Ton Truck, £320; £150 deposit, balance ea«v terms; connection seals, etc. Opportunity," 973 I _STAR. <U -CTORD Car. 2-seater. newly painted and -T overhauled, spare wheels, gootl order Iβ. la-wrgnce St.. i'onsonby, o-»3 ttwrd B-SEATER. with i'abtial _T DELIVERY BODY. Suit Grocer. Any Trial. Snip £lftj. MOUAT'S GARAGE. DEVONPORT, 593 Li'MUiJILE Car. 5-seater; c.l. and s.s spot light. 5 new tyres, new upholstery; perfect running order. Owner must sell and sa-criflce it at i2iw, or offer.—Jas. Lombs. Albert St., City. BIS -tF?W Zenith Carburettor; price, 1will sell cSeap.-J. Mclvor^ 228, Dominion Rd. T-ITHITE T-JittCKS 'FOR I.U.UE I>l ATH VV nl r>EL IVKR Y. Only 2 of these splendid Trucks left out of She last shipment, and are available for 1 S-tou White Automatic Duiu-n. ' Auckland Agents: •GILMOUR, JOLL AeNID WILLIAMS, Coach .Builders and Motor Body Specialists Xewton ltd, (off Pymonds ht. S«vrt»n). B rtADIULAC, seats three, £250; Sew O Velie £TSO; Llfrtu Delivery Truck. £200; Briton, £330; Chevrolet. £320. THE CITY AND SUBURBAN MOTOR Broadway, Newmarket, and Eemuera Garage. •Phones 2856 A and VMO (3 rings). B T> A. I G E, The Product of SOUNDEST EXGIOTEKI-Ntf ■SKILL, Blended with Artistic and Elegant Appearaiice. Built to suit the needs of the Experienced ilotorist. who "knows , ' Car Values from A to Z, and who sees In the PALGE-GLE'N'BROOK SIX CYLINDER FIVE-SEATER A ilotor Carriage of Merit* J£ A Car of Quality "Class," ( ,MSL. And An nngineerine Achievement of Endurance. We may be Prejudiced. Your independent opinion is invited. DEMONSTRATIONS ARRANGED. .. 'H. O. ~W*- ES ' L TD ~ k 65, FORT STREET. AUCKLAND. Telephone: 410 A and 2079 A. H23 ■ptORD SWEATER, S.H. £150! FORD 5-SEATER, body only ;,..„—, £Vi We lare Clients waiting for ■Suitable Cars. Let Us Sell Yours. ,j -:;£: SMITH TRUCK ATTACHMENTS to turn your car into a 80cwt lorry WE SELL ONLY GEXTTIXE FORD TARTS, Under agreement with COLONIAL MOTOR CO. pEE, "pOTTER, AND "pAITHFULI* LORNE AND .RUTLAND STREETS. Established. ISO 9. » MOTOR GARAGES. I - Fyour Motor Truck jeeds expert attention or overhaul, ring Seabrook, Fowlda and Co. 'Phone A 2071. 5 A-N EASY CHANCE TO EAILX A. A. POUXD. Somewhere in our show window we have placed Ji Pound amongst our Mutor Accessories. To anyone ideating It we will allow it off any tyre purchased, or -*> per cent off any article up to Lbe value of to. HARRISON JQiS> GASH. Motor Specialists, .Newnarto. B /-tOODIRICH /TVYiiES. p OODiEKH mrKES. SPECIAL CUT. _i In the Following Sizes: ; Bin x 103 Black Safety Tread £S net. 675 X 105 „ „ „ £S 10/ net. S2O x 120 „ „ „ £10 10/ net, 31 s 4 „ „ £S net. 34 x 4 „ is 10/ net. Inquire at Your Garage. WE SELL All Sizes in Motor Cyr-le Covers. WE CAIR'RY large stocks of Linera, Solutioiy and Tubes. "PORDE AND -~^. OIHE GOODRICH PEOPLE, "HeraM" Buildings, QUEEN' STREET. AUCKLAND. B mYBES. mUBES, rrvußES. rpTRES, To open the Spring Motoring Seasoa we are quoting Special Cash. _■ Discounts on ]y TYiRES AND TUBES In Stock. Marathon, Barnett Glass, Goodrlci, Nortii British, Clincher, etc rpHE AND CIUBCttBAN "V.TOTOR .j BROADWAY, NEWMARKET. JUNCTION' REMUERA ROAD. B \T A G N E T O S, Just Arrived Full Consignment. "JiIBERTY" -DOSCII IVJAGNETOS, DU 1, DD 2, DU 4, DC 6, BA 1, etc., etc. Sole Agents and Service Station— GrpREVITHICK, Electrical Engineers, -*- Grey BuUdlngs, HIGH STREET, AUCKLAND. Mil MOTOR CTCLES TOR SAIJE. T> and Sidecar, Wl4 model, pood <J-*» order; war certioc-ute or scrip. H., Box 53. P.O. 01 TTARLEY Darkltion, cheap, tor ,-ash, hardly used.—Bearsley and Co., Devooport. 5; i 3 TNDIAN and Side Car, 1819 elpctric - 1 - model: done about 500 miles. Cbeup.— 216, Ponsonby Rd. 43 INEBVA, just spent £-JC ovtrhaultoz. good tyres, new carimretter; i'.i2.~ 6-:!. Owen's Rd., Jit. Eden. 6 p.m. 2D RUDGE and Sldevar, and Side-' ' car. Humber. Triumph, ludian. al! quod order.—lo4. Broad wa.v. N.'w:ii:irM-t. 83 II.J'. 8..--.A. an 1 Hi le.-nr. p.-.-:> ~: order. just overhau'.wi: t'.i'.— LJate and Fra-er. GllUngham St.. I'arnrl'.. 111 A.TEW IJn'KHIAI. MOTUR CYCLES. -N Enslnud's Premier Motor Cycle: S h.p. J.A.P. Engine, lon,- wheel base, i>? s 3 tyres, Gin road clearance. Liieqjaiied for eidecar Call anJ inspe.-t. »s vrri'r mr p:irti<-u;are of tiese s'Jperb Enallati Motor Cycles. J. S. iaVIN, B 10, WakefieM Street. STSEDS FOR SALE. 1 SEEDS for rami aari (Jarflen. Seed potatoes. Seed Oats. Price Us: posted. O'Lear.v-Downs. L:d.. Spt-dsmen. i"o..k B Al SEEDS. — Southern-cruX n seed Potatoes: Maori Chief, New Era. Dakota Red, Early I'uritac, all varieties.—OLearyUowna. Ltd. t£ A 1 SEE-DS.—Gardon Seeds, Plants Jor A- Flower and Vegetable Garden, Hedge Plants, Nursery otocfe.—OLeary-Downs, Ltd., Cook St. B COOKSFOOT. Coolisfoot. Cooksfoot.— Cheapest and best. Write for sampiel and price before ordering.—Bovd's Agen'-y, Duneiiln. "
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
813Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 9 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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