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_ PROPERTIES FOR SALE. MOORE~JONES ~ BROST RE-MCERA— £1600—Residence, 6 rooms and kitchenette. Special ventilation nnd all convs. that maKe a modern home. Level garden, 66 x KiOft, lawn, fruit trees, etc.; close car. Here is a sjilendidly-buiit house in best locality. iTOSTI EIPSOM— £15100— Bungalow, pretty design. 6 rooms and kitchenette; artistically decorated: planned compactly tm minimise garage. A pleasure to show you a home like this, which hi built to invite any_e*THIs'wEEK'S SPECIALTY. \\7ULL Be Sold Immediately. — Pretty »' Bungalow. 0 artlstb- rooms, on brick foundation. Artistic, cosy, bright, sunny rooms. Materials heart of kauri with rimu finish. All selected and supervised by lending architect. Excellent order. Sun verandah. Valuable sec-lion. £22UU. Owner leaviug, what's your liest offer. Situation Remuera, best locality; close tram. A chance for a bargain. (7::<r.M MT. EUEN — iITOO— Neat Bungalow Hoiue, 7 rooms: artistic, bright, comfortable, no waste space. City drainage available. Ijirge garden. Nicely above road. Haudy tram aud schools. Inspect this, and you will buy. (71).-»-! i R'EMUERA £l"i!l>—Bungalow. G rooms 1 and kitchenette; especially well-built, splendid order; stands ou j-ncre al'-ot. on northern slopes: nicely to sun. Situation ls first-class and value sound. t7-7o) MOORE - JONES BROS., G, SIIORTLAND STREET, AI sr> HAMILTON. V PROFIT-MAKING HOMES. 4?-|O" DEPOSIT - Vi'!:i ~ --n--, ■•---' conveniences, patent drainage; on section sort x 2Li>ft. A few pounds spent on this property would make lt a sure profit-mnkpr. Few minutes to cars, Onohunga. Total Pri<-e. £S'J. - .. GREY LYNN—PRICE. £7."iH —Villa. i< rooms, scullery, all usual conveniences patent i!rali:ai:c: on s«-<-tion 4'> ft x liort. In gnrdeii. et.-. This is n sound little house, ami the buyer could make money after spcr.dlnir a few pounds on renovations. Only Smlus. to Crey Lynn Cars. Terms. BUYERS! MAKE KNOWN YOl'R WANTS. WE MOTOR YOU TO INSPE'-T. |WM. A. HORNE, LTD., ; "THE LAND MAN." I AUCTIONKKKS AND lijl-LiL ESTATE SKIiVICE. SFIORTLAND STR.EET. AfCKLAXD. P THE IDEAL LIFE, HEALTHY OCCUPATION. GOOD ENVIRONMENT. INDEPENDENT LIVING. (A ACRES WITH 2 GOOD HOUSES ■*" gas. gas stoves, water laid on. bath mom, etc.; good metal road, also path t< property, beautifully sheltered, am some splendid lnnd: new cowshed. 4(i x being erected: l> 100 x l! 0 vineries. 1 10!) ! 10 tomato bouse. 1 30 x 10 iiKllmber house 1 jO I li frames; stable, large storerooiii manure shed, man's room, c-urt eheil. Al laid out and planted with best varietie fruit tre<-s. ' lO.'H»> strawberry plauts Some splt-nilid pad.locks ~f Krnss. etc Water laid ou to priiuliial pans of property Here one can make an Independent livln; strawberries, pumpkins, vegetables, keel poultry, aud milk a few cows. Only two miles from one of Auckland , ! marine suburbs, and close to school and al : conveniences. 'get in now, the crops are com in i ON. SEE US AT ONCE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS. FRANK M. WINSTONE. j LAND DEPARTMENT, 39, CUSTOMS STREET, AUCKLAND L RECHERCHE BUNGALOW. rr BOOMS. Attractions and inducements » Handy to cars (if sections), also level volcanic foil aud la id-out garden. Housi ban a rettni-d aud Rood quality look. an<: will appeal to the artistic. Panelled yes tlbule aud living room; folding doors; built lv buffet; electric light throughout; hesi porcelain bath, basin, califont, etc; w.c Only £12 10/ g.r. Price, moderate, al il7oO. OU'ercd with confidence. HARROP AND MEDLEY 15. SHORTLAND STREET. I IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ■\TOUNT EDEN.—Semi-bungalow. 7 largi position; magnificent views; close to tram in perfect order. £2DOO. REMUERA. "pRETTY BUNGALOW of six rooms reception hall; pore. bath, hot water p.w.c; motor gnrage; nearly J-acre, in per feet order. £X>DO. C. R. WILLIAMSON & CO. 64, QUEEN STREET. TB IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. KINOSLAND— £300 I>DPOSIT—SOT'NL 5-ROOTMED HOUSE; batliroom and a' conveniences. Very tine section, with con crete footpaths, etc. Siluated kandy to 2c cars. Price, £000. Cash .CiWO. NOTE. —This is a very cheap home, oi which immediate possession can be given It is built of the best of timbers, is perfectly sound, and the price is. right. J. & G. LOVEGROVE & CO. HOUSE SALESMEN, &MEETON - S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. B BAYSWATER. HOTJSiE OF 7 ROOMS, WELL-BUILT OF REINFORiCET CON-CRETE. Commands Grand View ol Harbour, City. Waitakere Ranges, etc. Every possible convenience; p.w.c; gai in all rooms; gas stove. Half-acre of land, laid out In lawn flower garden, and small orchard. Wei fenced with hardwood palings. Anyone ii search of a perfectly-appointed home eiioulc secure this. PRICE, £3,000. TERM'S. w. esdail£ and co., TAKAPPNA. I SUBURBAN HOMES AND FARMLETS. 9 ACRES, good luuni soil, level, watered about 4 acres in good fruit trees glasshouse and good (new) 2-roomed Cot tage, nicely finished; water laid on. J great Snip at £950. Eas.-: Terms. 171/ ACRES, In grass, well watered, nic< t /2 aspect and great prospective value House of 5 rooms und Eheds; good buylnf at £1.200. Easy Terms. 5 ACRE'S, In grass and fruit trees, eomi native bush: splendid House 'of < rooms and outbuildings: reduced to £1,400 Owner leaving the country. 8 ACRES, level, in grass: good 5-roomec House. Sheds suitable for pig 01 poultry pen. Cheap at £1.500; terms. Stock can be hnd at valuation. HERBERT GRAYSON, shokt'S Btnxa>ixGS. r
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
841Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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