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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. I S3NAIF This—£loo a Room—o Hoodie, £900; ' ~ all cony. i 340 casii.—Particulars Owner, S»l, STAIH. 26 REENLANE (7mlus. from staUon).— Villa, of C rooms and outbuildings; eection iiO x noo: immediate possession.— For further particulars apply Box 5, Xc«market. 33 RAH'U.N (3 mills, from Bridge;.—Sound House of 0 rooms and coiivs. Snip at £700 cash.— Thodx Bros., 17, I'huenlx ■Chambers (opp. G.1'.0.i. 5u3 MT. EDEN (2nd Section).—Solidly-built Bungalow of 7 large rooms and all j couve. Price. £1(550. Terms.—Thode Bros.. IT. Phoenix Chambers. 503 I T^" OIIIMARAMA—House, on beach. £11 OT>. j- 1 -*- £175 deposit. Terms.—G. Saudere :«, Shortland St. Phone !i<ilGA. 43 "DIUKENHEAD—A Real Uood Bargain— -*-* β-roomed Bungalow, poro. hath and I basin, kitchenette w.b.. cnlifont: (rood secjtlon. Pricp £1350.' Terms arranged.—\V. 11. IMiyne. Highbury Tomer, Birkenhead. 40 BUNGALOW SITE. Kemuera ; 50ft frontage. £5 15' per foot. A snip.—Victor Stewart. 58. Queen St. 161 I "fOEAR EDEN TERKACE.— House. U I Immediate possession. flKiO. "Terms.—H. JK. Cooke ap-d Son. 12. Kort St. ISO ■■PIQQX —MT. EDEN.—Modern Bunga-low-LOOU ) ow ,; rooms. Intent appointments; large Section. —Victor Stewart, 58, ; Queen St. I£l ! -<? 1 9^n—MT. ALBKBT—Bun«alow, 5 j <SjX_O\J ronms nnd convs.: h uilt 2 . .years; good buvlng.— Buckley and Bull, ! Smeeton's Bides. 211 MT. 'EDEN — r.enntlfui ffouie, fl rooms, every cony.. p.w.c: about i acre. ; £17.")0: rash f3iK>.—Spnln. HKI. Symonda St. <.<0 I'A VdNIIALE — £14r>(i — Close Station— i •"- Modern P.ungalow (i rooms: porcelain bath and basin, caltfont, washhouse. every I convenience, Guarantee all heart timber. I ftiOU cash.—Mrs. Morey, Kobcrton ltd., I Avondale. l<l3 BUNGALOW, just completed. Mt. Albert: brick cavity wails: ' i plastered iuside and out; six large rooms; . ! heavy .beam ceilings: one gas, two open ;! tires; bathroom, pore, bath and basin; hot land cold shower: verandah back and front: 1 ! cement floors; tiled hearths; range: sink : and basin; large motor garage; garden laid ■ ' out. This property i.s flre and vorniln- ; proof, and good for a century. £1750. ' I twins arranged. No agents. IXI OWNER, 970, STAR. !"p A R M L E T. ; I ONE lIOI'R PROM CITY. j • ; GOOD HOMjE Or 7 ROOMS, with con- | venlouees; 3 acres, in gross; all level aud frontage to the sea. I'rlee only £Sso. I Terms. I N.EIjSON AND MARKWICK, Gi. Endeans Kutldlnss, ; Queen Street. B MT. EDEN. 1 NEAR VALLEY RD—£l4so. BUNGALOW OF C KOOM.S AND KITCIMuN'ETPE.—A iMOST COX'ViENTEINT ; ARRANGED HOME. The rooms are all • large and well ipltdied. The "house Is in thorough pood order, solidly built, and of . a nice appearance. Stands high. Porcrlain , IS EXCEPTIONALLY CHEAP AT £1450. THRMS. (4721) PONSONBY — £1275. TP3I MEDIATE POSSESSION. - Splendid -■- House of 7 rooms, two-fjfrorey. in excellent ordex inside and out; very close to oars, with every convenience. Largo dnnv- ; ingroom and dinlngroom, 3 splendid bedrooms, box room, linen press, wardrobes, kitchenette with ron;o. built-in dresser. THEIfcE IS GOOD VALUE LN THIiS AT £1275. (4820) DOMINION ROAD —£1600. ! TJCNGALOW OF S ROOMS, all largo, j ! lnin bath and basin, califont, waehliouse. I etc. All in first-class order Inside and out. A splendl-d faction, 50 x 270. lcTel: motor entrance. The Souse Is very sound and stands Oiifrh. IXK>K AT THE iPRIOK, ONLY £1(300. TIIDE SBCTIvOi AIXK.VE IS WORTH 0200. (47&1) NATIONAL CCTOP. REALTY j COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD. SAFE DEPOSIT BUILDINGS, VULCAN LANE. 'PSIOXKS 2630 A and 1070 A. D JUST IN f} QKfiA—CHOICE EPSOM HOME, Brec*o**O\j\J proof; 6 rooms, all coiits. : choice position, Imin tram; good Section. Inspection will suffice. Terms. (I 72) P()Onn —NEARLY 3j ACRES, splendid ; 3~_iO\j\J volcanic and free from stone. 1 ROOMS, washhouse, stable, shed, cow?shed: 2 frontages; 12min Royal Oak. Terms. O-j CFTA—MT. EDEN.—T ROOMS and 5/-LC3t»\f convs.: lmln tram stop; excellent condition. Section, GO i 17D. Terms. (J. 158) PITtn—MT. EDEN (high side). —NEW S/XltW BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, kit--2 sleeping porches: fine elevated position. £750 Deposit IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. (J 159) . ■PGT^γ— PONSONBY.—5 ROOMS, bath- ™*-' < •** room, washhouse. range and gas stove: 2min Heme Bay tram; well built , nnd good value. £325 Deposit. (H 80) ■Pi/lfvft -MT * ALBERT. — 0 ROOMS , mJJxxJU an( j con vs. 3 fine elevated Sections (no stone). Nice views. A cheap . Uome on £300 deposit. Quick Possession. (I 03) •C'OTAA —MT. ALBERT. —34 Acres voldvWlW/ canlc land. HOUSE. 6 rooms, . pore, bath and basin ; dairy, sheds, etc. , Nearly 330 ft main road frontage. Close to 1 terminus. £1000 Deposit. (L 94) •PI 1 PU1 — WAIKCMETE.—3 Acres, in o»>-LXUV g Sections. 4-ROOMED BUNGALOW. Nice piece, right at station. Terms. (I 95) T. R. SMYTHEMAN, GROUND FLOOR, IMPERIAL BLDGS-, (Opp. Smeetons), Queen Street. ANTJ AT lIA MILTON. B ; EXCLUSIVE. i LADIES' MILE ! ! , WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO SELL BY PRIVATE TREATY, 4 M AGXIFICENT QECTIONS IN THIS FASHIONABLE LOCALITY, AT A FIGURE THAT WILL JUSTIFY BUILDING. The Sections are on a SUNNY SLOPE, j ENSURING PERFECT DRAINAGE AND COMMANDING A FINE VIEW. 1 RING OR WRITE AN APPOINTMENT i AND WE WILL MOTOR YOU TO THEM. ! RICHARD ARTHUR LTD. ' AUCTIONEERS, . Phones 1923, 2535. ELLIOTT STREET. iX? QOK— <SIILTOX ROAD, lit Eden— 3JV&O Solid Kauri (House of 4 rooms and conTS.. In eood order, p.iv.c. to eewer; , cash wanted. £250. (B) ; jpQK/V—(NiEAR Mt. Eden Bridge)— Kauri 's*O*jyj Residence of 6 Rooms and conve., easy walking distance to town, and everything in perfect order. ■ (1036) • 0 1 AATV—MT. AIiBEBT — Semi-Bunga- ! 3*±\nnJ i ow , 5 extra large rooms and kitchenette, pore. bath, cnlrfont, and Auckland <sas Cooker; paint and paper as new. Immediate possession and terms. 4? 1 Qfl/y-'EPSOM — Rpngh-cast Bungai±oW 10-nr, 6 rooms and large range of coDva.. electric lipht: In fact, everything TKissfble t<f save labour and add comfort. Section, 96ft 1 132 ft. One minute to car. J? 1 QfW" 7MT - BDE^—Snug Little Bun-dfv-LOVfl/ galow of 5 Rooms and Kitchenette, fnll range of convs.. built of best timbers, and well -worth Inspecting. We can give Immediate Possession. (1031) BUCKLEY AND BULL. 1, 13. 6MEET.OITS BLDG-S. QtDSBX ST. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
974Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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