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PROPERTIES FOR SAKE. THE HAYMARKET LAND ROOMS, 4 LBERT CTR&-ET. KOHIMARAMA. \\TE SAY WITH ALL COXFIDiEuVCE >> thar KOJI gUALITY. .LO.V:F.LY I*OSITION. A-XII (MJOBK>re VIEWS, we can offer a Kine ltesldentlal th" like of wlrlcli is m>l to h<. had In the JH)PL"I.AIt AND NFAU MA/RIrNE iSlißTltn. t"l-10----tlal-f HuiiL'alow ißesidcnce, 7 LARCI-: LOFTY ROOMS, and every modern c.Hl-venlclK-e. All absolutely in'-phil; ,rf inside and out. Built of UiRART. <«F TOTARA. uiwli-r architect's supervision. The prwry grounds of H ACRES arc most tastefully laid out and well kept Lawns. gardens and cow paddock. N.-w laotor nhed. The owner asks fL'IOO. the place is ! honestly worth CMKIO. oth-r -J Acres land ! may be had If .required (6791 Ix't us show you Uils: yon will endorse all we say. Immediate possession. £650_COMMERCIAL ROAD, AUDIT HILL. PLEASANT OPEN POSITION, very convenient to car. Good Kauri House; fi ! rooms, scullery, etc.; city drainage and patent w.c. ' (671!) HENDERSON VALLEY. THE r-RUIT CENTRE. rv\o ORCiIARIHSTS. —An assured Income ! -t right away.—4i ACRES in orchard, paddock nnd garden. Convenient to town chip and stailou. by metalled road CAPITAL HOUSE. 5 LARGE ROOMS; packing shed, and necessary outbuildings. Owner wisiilng large farm, asks £1500. An absurdly low figure. (G7!>> ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS, LIMITED. B SPECIALS. SPECIALS. SPECIALS. jpiftAA - EPSOM -GLORIOUS BUN-.--LUUV (iAUiW. .I rooms and kitchenette: cl.ise Ur.-cuwoods corner: Imilt lilph: nice view?; '.' vcr.uidnhs; pore, hath and ] lmslli. h. auU c. water: Keclion »>; i IHT. well laid nut. Mndein Kuugnlow i-erkprn ! cannot get better lhan tMn. Terms, JICVi cash. f"l*>7'"\ — r 'RKKNI.ANK - MODERN lUNCALOW HOME. T, rooms, drainage: everything- In b<«t of order"3 mint;, to station; section 50 \ Ist* level vulcanic. Terms arranged. ■vMTOO — KEMUEHA Qf.MNT BTXvI ' «" CAI.oW. (! rooms: larce Ilvlnu room. panplled: slepplujj very tMstefi'.lly n.ilipred and tlnHieil throuzhout'situnted .-imlns. tram. hi beautifully (iheltered spot; luotur garage. Terms £31/) to £jiK) deposit. See this early. f QTK--MT. EDEX (close nomlnlen Rd. c~i/li_» Terminus* — MODERN BTXGALOA\, of ,"i room<<. with h. and c water service: septic Tank: all up-to-date corns ■ line level section, y> x 130. There In a sure profit here. T.-rms £200 to £3<O cash. Immediate possession - MT. EIIEX - liKSIRAni.E *- LfcJU G-RU. SEMI - Br-.NG.AI.OW 'close 2nd section; highest p.irt; every <-onv '■ I Hi. and c. w.iter, por<-. bnth and' baslli; lovely sea view o(T ba<k verandah: ex'ejitlonolly cood order: best barcalu in Mt Edeu to-day. Terms arranged 100 ~ <:nKY iy nn - nuNr,Ai.ow -c—liUlT HOME. .1 rooms- h,*t com tpleted: rlpl.t UI . to date: pore. Kith and bneln, patent w.c, Conner nnd tubs, nil nn.ler on e roof; -J verandahs- « PI . ■y.™ 4, - , r ., x « l2n ', Immediate possession. 1 eriud i*><)o ca>o. RAYMOND SHEATH, 7, SnORTLAND ST. (next Sharland). E BRAND ~NEW" BUNGALOW EPSOM. P.UILT OF KAURI, AND THE BEST ft ISOOII 'KCKkMM an<! kllejlc-nette and -ill « .-onvcMienccs: pK-ked woodwork throuehout: built-in wardrones. tasty benrn ceillhcs; all main windows in leadlich'si built-in goats. Just the style or property selling daily. Ttiree minutei to car Carpenters finishing within a fortnight. NoLhliig shoddy al>out this pr<-positlon Built by reliable builders. Large Freehold Se" Mon. I'rlee, fIUSO. Ternxs about isoO I cash. I TIfAXGERE , HO4IE-33 Acres. R Minutes ;■"■*■ to Station—X-EW HUXUALOW. 0 larre moms, hot aim <-o!d water, wardrobes I bniltin. pnni>lJe>l walls, tlrst-class finish ■ throiiL'hont: garage, storeroom, cowshed: grounds laid out In shrubs, paths, etc.: nice views. PHK'E, £.:',:.:<*>. Photos and Plan at our Office. A Really Attractive Home. THE NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD. KINGS CHAMBERS COMMERCE STREKT. AUCKLAND. HEAD OFFICE. WHANGAREI. D ~ HOMES. T T ILLA, 4 rooms, hathrnom. " copper and tubs, wood shrMl; on section X.oft x l(W>ft. free from stone, situated Mt. Albert district, and only lrmilns. from Dominion Road cars. Total Price, £n'.'.-i: terms. CASH—S-Roomed Villa, bath, c~O<lF\J califont. nice papers and friezes, first-class order throughout: on section st>ft x Il'lift. more or less: only smins. to Dominion Road ears. Total Price. £025. r<-I O^A - TOTAL PRICE — 3-Roomed wlwt)v Semi - P.ungalow. porcelain bath and basin, h. and c. water, oiled .rimu tiuis-hed interior, thoroughly sound house, in first-class order throughout; section, 3<)ft x Uftft. in carden. concrete path-*: only 4mir.s to 'Mt. Albert cars. £GOO cash rciiuired. WM, A. HORNE, LTD,, "THE LAND MAN." AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE &SKVIOK SIIORTLAND STItBET, AUCKLAND. B PONSONBY, 4?-ir;n DEPOSIT—Near Villa Residence. <2~-LO\J situated within a few minutes of washhouse (c. and t.), p.w.c.; level section' -15ft x 12dft approx. Balance, £330, easy terms. MOUNT EDEN. tTP-TO-DATE ROUGHCAST BUNGALOW > RESIDENCE, containing 6 rooms and all ennv.. including p.b. and b. and callfonr folding door betn-een dtalng and drawingrooms", level section. ">6ft x 140 ft; si mated in The nicest part of tills charming suburb Floor coverings and blinds go with the property. Price, £1730, and terms can be arranged. DEVONPORT. A-N IDEAL GENTLEMAN'S RESI- . DENCE. eituated in The best part of the popular marine suburb and commanding views of inner and outer harbours; impossible to build out. Residence is faithfully bulti of heart of kauri, contains .s lar"e rooms, with all possible cony. and spacious verandahs. Grounds comprUe } of an acre of volcanic soil, beautifully laid out In lawns, shrubs, and orchard. Located handy to best beaches. This class of property is seldom on the market, and is an absolute bargain at £2..%0. Terms can ■be arranged. First time offered. Sole Agents. W. E- DERVAN & C0 T , 51, Phoenix Chambers, opp. -G.P.O. B
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
885Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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