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__ZS?£SSSIES FOR SALE. /■"tOTTAGE, 2-roouTed —STTi —i fi i S ItT BAY -Houee,-7 rooms, go^ PST-; *" l S"'Ji needs renovatinz- chenn Owner. SOO, STAR 86 3J <5 I)EI "OBIT—Nice little 5-roomeTco~t- i Johns | £100 Cottage, good £HOO_j oh |!l der ' H p o rueU - S°"<J locality: bai. Arcade Franks, 37, His Majesty's ! £750~ ? UMIMER ST - Near' Tram—G~Roomed House, p.Tv.c, Dathroom, c. and t.. Just been painted aud papered; earden and lawn. The small deposit of £250.—Sturgess and Olney, Rew's Chambers, oi>p. G.P.O. 'Phone 237TA. v fi^OA - f230 DEPOSIT—Off Dominion I d._Lt>V\f R(1 ins [ de 2(1 _ 8 Rooms, recently renovated, patent drainage, porceinin bath, califont, gas stove; level section. Real Bargain. (740)— Sturgess and Olney. l.'i. Queen St. U - MT - F-r>EN (Bandy Dominion C ~'- L —""• Rd. Tram, near 2d Sec.)—s--roomed Villa: bathroom, pantry, scullery, patent, etc.; built-in wardrobes; nice lawn, garden; level section. Early possession. Easy terms.—Sturgess and Oluey, 13, Queen St. ** ■PTfMV - WV l'ousonby Rd.—Up-to-date ~• "" Bunpalow. -1 r,,on.s, handy car; nice section; cosy home. Say £250 Deposit —prp-wnr price. nil) STIRCKSS AND OLXKY. Agents. H 4? TOO- PARNKLI. oTS Stephens cw i w Av.i—C-r.mmea Villa: stamls liicD; water view: section. 70 x 170 ft. £330 De- ■ POS o^. T Another <-hea P property. (7«l I STT RT.ESS AND OLNEY, Afrents. B JfOK SALE BY TEXDEB. I HIGH POSITION OT MT. EDEv\. ] OENTOEMAN-S BBSIDEXCE of 7 rooms 'f-2230 large SectloU - U l ,s?t P rlce - I Further particulars on application to '! X.S.. 703, STAR. 000 .'.±o COWS, 115 ACRKS. f3O-EXOHANGB , FOR RESIDENCE. j The owner of this Farm, with good Sroomexl Residence, cowshed K<»"freted). ■ barn, stable: 2J h.p. enslne. Including o<) ' fleres drained kahikatea swamp* no weede Will take a KefiiUenoe in Auckland a? part payment. Farm iias not (-handed han<L« for 30 years, and owner Is now retiring. Suit man with family. —A. E. DEWAIR, 17 Union •Buildings. Custom.* Street. B ~\f O U N T A I. B E X T. . MOUNTAIN iRD. 3rd Section. SPLENDID iLEVEL SECTIONS of DEEP VOLCANIC SOIL, warm, well -sheltered ON EAST TERMS. G-R.-3 an.] Water laid an sections. BEN BOLLARD, Darby's ■Bulldlnge. Queen Street, Auckland. B 'T EA'SEHOLD. I ISO ACRES. Lease several years to run 'at a low rental. LARGE HOUSE, implement shed, cowshed, milking plant. Situate very close to railway, school, store, etc. Price for goodwill and milking plant, only £530. Carry GO cows. There is a small fortune In this. Owing to low- rental the total goodwill can be paid out of first year's profit. Don't turn this down, there's a fortune In it. APEXTS, TE ATVAMUTU. U HERE'S GOING CONOERN--Sult Your Means — Handy to Papakura — 121 ACRJIS, mostly in y.'cass, some oats; feed plentiful. Good 0 Rooms and convn. Price £40 10/, with 26 cows (good ulck), Sep., S. drill, h*rrows. Open for short time. Terms ' to unit. ' FARM, Near Auckland—llo ■ *■-' ACRES; 80 grass; 3 rooms, outbuildings : £1900, with dead stock and furniture. Terms, £400, bai. 5 years at 3J. A VONDALE—New 4-roomed Bungalow, Just completed: beantifully flnlshea Cor. sec, good views. £1100; terms, £300. Built for owner now away. Snap this julck. Close station. _. R. TYLD EN, Papakura; also Hallenstein's Buildings, Auckland. B IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. GREENL-AXE-5-RD. MODERN BUNGALOW, built one year, all convs.; good ieectiou. Price £1300. r ash £550. ELLERSLIE —6-RD. MODERN BD.NGALOW, al latest coins.; i-acre section. I Price £1275. Cosh. £675. PENROSE —5 ROOMS and kitchenette and all convs.; good section; orchard, and garden. An absolute snip. Price , £900. Cash £550. I Theee are good value and Immediate possession given. ERNEST & DILWORTH, , 63. QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. 588 HOMES, HOMES, "DEMUERA—£S7S CASH—Modern Buti- -*■*' calow Home of C rooms, latest modern appointments installed, porcelain bath and basin, pas stove. five register grates, plaster ceilinps, large dining-room (rlnru panelled), sleepln-g porch off dining-room, front and back verandahs. Blinds included lin price. Section, 1-acre, in garden, etc. (•Motor garage; only 2 minutes to Remuera cars. Total Price, £1,700. Immediate Possession. MT. ___£>— £1.650— Modern Bungalo-w of 6 rooms, verandah in front, range and h. and c. water, gas cooker, porcelain ■bath and basin, rimn finished interior, plaster and heavy beam ceilings. House is in perfect order throughout: se;>ti< drainage: on section r.Oft x Wrtft. 'n s»r<' etc Elevated position, splendid views, and only Sniin.s. to Mt. Eden cars. ; "Tlie Land Man ,, has the Best Selection 'of Homes in Aucklnnd to choose from. I Make an appointment to inspect to-day. WM. A, HORNE, LTD., "THE LAND 31AN." AUCTIONEERS AND ROSAL ESTATE SERVICE. SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. B AUCKLAND, one mile station — I 20 Acres, all plonffhable, well fenced an-d subdirtded: 16 acres grass, watered artesian bore; 2 acres nursery (return this year £350). House, 5 rooms and cony., cowI • filled, stable, cartshed, etc. ' /~VFF KAKANGAHAPE EOAD—House, 5 \J rooms, gas throughout, gas stove, washhouse (c, fixed tubs), p.w.c. £650; £350 cash. HANDY CITY —iHonee, 6 rooms, range. -jraslihoiMe (copper, fixed tubs), p.w.c; about 38 x 90. £500. T>ON3ONBT — Seml-Bnngalow, • eubetan -t tlally built, 6 rooms; poilite ceilings, pore, bath and basin, califont, gas ftre, unique plaster mantels and mirror, p.w.c, all neceesair cony.; Imln. tram or beach; 39ft 61n I 123 ft. _ PERC. S. USSHER, 30, <B_l. ATtCADEL B MANGERE. pAIRY pARM. GOrNG CONCERN. 70 ACEES GOOD LAND, HOUSE AND SHEDS. All well sheltered. Long road frontage. Good Cows and Implements. NEW BUNGAIxTw, 6 BOOMS. Splendid Position. Every conrenience. Close to SUtion. Early Possession. Equity, £500. W. B. LLOYD AND CO., OTAHUHU. _ Phone 451. * (
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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902Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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