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PSOPERTIES FOR SALE. IM.NfIvf)IATK Possaseion—Ponsonby — ,\v.>inlaie- «!-roomeU Huuse, 17 acrea.—lrvin, Rlcnard«un Rd.. !S\ r. Albert. SS SMT —£1.000—Two Houses, 6 Rooms each, handy, pi-rfec-t coudlUon. heart knurl: £<&> cash- Address al STAR. '-'4 , B A V - H un Ra 1 ow, 6 S,±tK»V Kooms. splendid finish, pas Hove L'ns copper, rnlifonf, section, 50 x • M ,. —8.8.. 928. STAR J -i OfT Ai'RBS for £1+0; deiiosit £40: unlOJ Imprm-ed; mth river frontage.----11. 11. r, nnd Son. -[2. Fort St. _31 (•1 1 i\(\ — DOMINION HD. — ."i-roomed, i,!IUU mort . home , p.b. and b., callfnn:. Jhi.wor. patent drainage, art wall pipe 7 - , ; nnlv Lj.'rfi A bargain.— (•■•waril an.l 'Hull, itt. Qnwn St. 2iH4A. X'C"CiV- MT - KDION— Modern t X.Oi'V' tlmiKS newly papered and painted, lhin.iy fcjisy terms arranged. Coward find Hall, !>:>, yueet Kt. 2M4A. 1 1 i~l\ KI'SOM — .i-roomed Modern ;5-l-t«JV; ituugalow: all latest conve.; miner inugl sell aud sacrlilce it at £1450. Term" i" right huver. —Coward and Ball,] DB. (jiieen St. am A. /. -i Q~(\ —PONSdNBY—Callfornlan Bunlow. j beautiful rooms; electric lii;]i: and heaters. Brnud new. A suip. i nil early.—Coward and Ball, !)S, Queen St. ■JU44A. /. -i .>—■— —IK)MI'NI<IN RD.—lmmediate ci>l—jl'O l'ossesslon —0-roomed Beautiful Home: every cony. Only needs inspection hv rlslH buyer. Terms easy.—Coward aud BaII. I>.-i. iju'een St. 2tH4A. i L'~\ ACA— M ' T - EDEN —(5-roomed BuugailUOU inw; glorious home, double einrouce; p.b and b., patent; handy cars. Terms to suit —Coward and Ball, i»o. Queen SI, g>44 A. j* -O 1 O^fY—BCNCALOW (Emptyt — Mt. 3~A—-O\J Eden. Close Term'.nuß — a Rooms and kitchenette; 6ft volcanic, no stone: built t> years, heart kauri, recently painted aud papered: insured £700: includes r> large sections.—'Ureai value.— Address at STAR. . ?} 1">0"lNT CH'BVALlßK.—.Substantial roomT well-buUt Villa: handy motor bus or <;rer Lynn trams: reasonable deposit. Immediate posseasiou.—niirnan. ArmsironK ami Jordan. iSollcitors, Vulcan Lane. U-i-'i S-RUOMED House, every fonv larae section, pleasant street. OneUunjra', next Jlr. Burks; terms; lmnu-dinte possession.—J. Simpson, bn-an-son. P.O. Box 71. B* r< QO-- STANLEY BAY—O Rooms aud bathroom (cal.fontl, pas stove, Pwc- • elevated position. £330 de-poslt. A Snip.—QCANE AND LACDEK, Mews Clmmhers IQI'P. C.:P.O.h ' i? 1 (Y7K— DOIMIXIO-N RUAO, handy 2nd MUI O Section—l 3 Booms, pore. batn. ■in* stove: paint aud papers good. J-ood value—QUAN'E ANT> LAUDiEit. ltew 8 Ciiambexs lopp. G-P.0.). I' OftA-CaET LYNN-4 Rooms and sculSiOUU i et7 , dty drainage; level section, .-.mrrete paths, fruit trees, fowl run. Deposit, £i'.U.-QUANE AND LAUDBH, Itew's Cham'.iers G.P.0.). "ei-jrwA—SMIX. DOMINION HD. TER-twl-LUU mint.«-5 Rooms, h. and c. water, pore, lmth; lovely section. A cheap property.—QUANE AND LAUDt-R, Rew s Chambers iopp. L " T>SN.?bNTBY. 4-mms. from car.—Sound -I House of 7 rooms, all convs. Immediate possession. Price £1050: deposit £300.— rMITCHET.L AND CO., Phoenix i'hnnibprs. opp. G.P.O. ___ of S ™ ms ,. yJ oonvs.: large section. Price iWOO. deposit £300 "V\'onld exchange for small Jiouse and some cash, or any approved^worifles as part cash.—GEORGE MITCHELL AND CO.. Phoeulx Chambers, opp. U.r.n. AVONDALE.— 6 Acres of Good LaJld. fenced into 4 paddocks. House of 0 rooms separate room outside, washhouse, c and t • stalile. trapshetf, feedhouse, cowtails, etc. Price a>000: terms arran«ed. iPricc includes norse, trap and harness. «ftraimtor churn and chaffcutter. — (fBORG,E' ,M,ITCirELL AIND CO., i>hoenli Chambers, opp. G.P.O. a - ii-ip-r-—MT. PLEASANT RD., MT. 3_ -LD I O EDEN — Charming Bungalow, 6 rooms and kitchenette; p.b. and b.. icily sewerage), gas etove: beautifully eleTnted: splendid view; terms.—Fred Ball. Hole Apenr,' 10, Queen St. (opp., L..1.0.). Thone 2<>34AjToxTTa— REMUERA—Beautiful BungaS,_*)\J\J low c rooms: eieeptionally artistic- dining 'room 19 x 15: pretty round bays nud inglenooks; every up-to-date convenience: elevated. A Snip.-Fred Ball, 15, Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.), Phone 2054 A. X'Om/V-MT. ALBERT—LoveIy Bunga3i.—±\}\J LOW, 0 rooms and kitchenette; (lining room 24 X Iβ; every modern cony.; . trick motor garage; elevated, with gorgeous landscape and harbour views.—Fred Ball, ir. Qiipen St. (opp. G.P.O. i 'Phone 2Co4A. r.p-O in/ PE R ACRE—GORDONTON 3-DJi IU/ _ ideal Dairy Farm, 150 ni-res- Sl r > acres grass, 5 acres swedes, balance drained swamp; 40 cows been milking on property, and ure well at top of list Top fiictorv test" 0 roome. bathroom, wfliJD - house, concreted cowshed, 0 bails, fitted with Scow Simplex milking plant, which goes with property. Stables manure shed, piggeries, etc. As this property is being sold to wind up deceased estate, thte Iβ your blc chance to buy right.—Fred Ball, i.->, Queeu St. (opp. G.P.0.) 'Phone 2So4AEMU ERA—Price, £600—Large Section. about 40 X 320; kauri House, 4 large rooms (newly done upt, with convs.: handy trams "nd section.—GßEAT NORTHERN AGENCY. 11. H.M. ARCADE. » nnXA—9 ACRES, ail ploughed and grassed, subdivided, shelter trees. Good 4-roomed House, 2 eheds; 0 mins station, North suburban. —Great Northern Agency, 11, H-M. Arcade. B | T EDEN—About i-acre good volcanic land and nice House 6 large rooms and , cony in good order: beautiful view. Price, iITSO.-GREAT NORTHERN AGENCY, 11. H.M. Arcade. fj MT ROSKILL.—£IB3O— 4 Acres and Nice Knurl House. 5 large rooms re "" n verandah, in first-class order. Cowshed,, stable, dairy, etc. Magnificent views.(iREAT NORTHERN AUENCI, 11, H.M. Arcade. r 7- DO PER ACRE—WAIUKU— 100 SiOO Acres (about), all in grass and all ploughable; haudy school. P. 0.. etc. Cream iollreted. Honee, 6 rooms and ontbulldlngs. Price £33 per acre. £1000 earfh: balance arranged— WSU. L. CRiKAOII, Victoria Arcade. o i- DAA—I'ON'SONBY.— House, 5 rooms. SrOUU recently papered and paintedFreehold se-etion, 40ft frontage. Mortgasee, £420. Situated near Three Lamps.—U±.(). C. CRRAltll. 112. Victoria Arcade.- o 1 AAfb ACRES (L.1.P.): U mUes from new HJUU stratf<ird line, and 14 miles from Taiimarunui.—Aliout 400 acres grass, ■balance millohle timber 3 miles SRhool. crore. P. 0., etc. House, 4 rooms. Price. £10 10/ per acre. Would consider good City property as deposit.—GßO. C. CTfcBAGH. 11 2. Victoria Arcade. - El'SO-M (near Owens Rd).— Two-storeyed Buncalow of 7 roo. -.«, electric light, pore, barh and basin, h. nnd c. water ana califont; linos and blinds included in priceHouse has recently been papered and palnttrl. Section i-acre; motor garage. Mortgage £7.10. Price £1373.—0-EO. C. OREAfMI. 11-. Victoria Arcade. f OR NEAR OFFER.—KBMU*wIOU BRA.—Bungalow. 6 large rooms, all conveniences: sleeinng porch; i-acre section. Mortgages £1150. Lnsurance £13(K). Immediate possession.—GtßO. C. CIBEAGn. 11-', Vintoria Arcade. f> ACRES AND 7-UOOMED HOUSE, handy suburban station; two good metalled road frontages: no waste land; will dairy i cows. Small orchard. £1300. Cash £3UO. 23 minutes from Queen Street. This Is Cheap. HENRY CLAYTON AND CO., D Smeeton's Buildings. X?lOXfk- J MT. EDEN—LOVELY HOME, 3j—._nJ\) well built, of choice heart kauri; 3mln. trams: in best locality; 5 bright and airy rooms and convs.; all In splendid order. Clean and neat. Fine elevated section, nicely laid out. Plenty of room for motor drive outside. A snip. Apply, early. We also have a very fine selection of First-class Remuera and Greenlane Properties. CHAS. S. WILSON AND SONS, Green Lane, Sole Agents. •Phone 2043. JJBMUHRA - £2500. ADJOINING POST OFFICE. . CFLENDID SECTION, With HOft Frontage to KECYTOETRA EOAD 'by 130 ft, with 10ft right-of-way. , For further particulars and terms apply (ESTATE AiGENCI BRANCH, J. J. L™QUEEN STBBET. 8
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
Word Count
1,159Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 3
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