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AMUSEMENTS. STRAND N.Z.s CTKASO TRAND Largest "TRAXP fiTRAXD And ■ «TKAXD Othaxd • Fines* K->THA>D STRAND Picture CSTRAVD tSaxd . House. K7TRAND Direction: Fuller's Pictures, Ltd. LAST TWO NIGHTS! At 11.15, 1, 2.40, 4.30, 0.20 and S. /CONSTANCE rrUMAME, VJOXSTAXCK ■*- ALMA-D'GK, In Sauce tt'Oß rnriE AUCE -L Olt XHE VT OOSE." ALSO, AT THE EVENING SESSION': Mm; /AIMING EG "Tbe MEG Mighty piIMINO EG Atom." lIIINO—Day: 1' nnil fi<l. Evening: 2/0, 2/_it nd 1/. BOOK KY 'PHOXE 3114. CJTRAXD xTz/s CJTRAXD «TKAXD Largest ■ *->TRAXD ... CjTRAXD And CJTKAXD \ .N E> TRAND Finest I^TKAND STRAND I'ictiire QTRAXD THAX.D House. *>i'RAND Direction: Fuller's PictnreM, Ltd. -v "The Big Theatre with the Big Attractions" , •"■ "vrkXT SATURDAY ! KX <r WatHRDAY ! A Highly Melodrnmatie Story that abounds lv thrills. " T- N TTENTIXKY." "In wli) -IVentuckw Featuring ANITA CJTEWART, NITA OtBWABT, lv THE GOOD LUCK PI-CTURE OP 1820. You have npvor seen Anita Stewart at her greatest until you see her as the whimsical, I hard-riding waif of tile Kentucky hills. THE MOST SPECTACULAR AND SENSATIONAL DRAMA OF THE YEAR! The Auckland Season Commences Saturday Next. /~1 RAND rpO-DAY A NEW GOLDWYN DRAMA. SOCIAL A MBITION." Starring OCIAL -"-MIHTION." HOWARD SOCIAL A MBITION." HICK-MAN. OCIAL ■"-MHITION." " CJOCIAL A MHITIOX." Starring V! " IOOI'IAI. •** MUITION." KIIEA SOCIAL A MHITIOX." MITCHELL OCIAL ■ TWO WOMEN—WHICH? ;c- The New Society Beauty or tbe Young Girl of Alaska. 4 Til /"lIIAPTER, ""IT YSTERY OF "I Q " ~ Tii Chapter, ■" l '- l ystery of xo." H - ATH /~IIIAPTEH, '•■\TTBTEUY OF 19 " pn * TII —JJ-YSTERY OF J-0.-» to And _' piHARLIE pIIIAI'LIX. V-'.HAPLIX. — :r in Charlie "the rink." charlie /"Imaplix. harlie charlie will appear at 12.5U, 3.40, 0.30, and 9.10. POPULAR PRICES. Day Sessions : Circle, 1/0 and 1/ ; Stalls, 6d ; Children. Gd. Evening Sessions : Reserves. 2/; Circle, 1/0 nnd 1/: Stalls, nd (plus Tax). i RCADIA. ' TO-XI-GHT, -"-RCADIA. Also ad A RHADIA. FUTDAT and d SATURDAY. ,r " OLATTOX, , - Ij 'THKI, _2 T/'THF.I r^LATTOX. y. Clayton, IN !« " * OPORTING /--»nAXCK." .. OpoRTIXG v/HAXGE." Also, Aγ. cjt. tohx, L Or. "OH.X, A L QT. JOHN, -A-L " OHX. IX •' DrEBD," " CSTEED." •• IJrEED," " OI'EED." A WIRDWIND OF JOY. 3/ . s. (Reservoir Cγ.), Ntflvt'-i'OX. 03 \-i TO-NIGHT ONLY. AT 7. bo EMPRESS ORCHESTRA, ils Under Direction Mr. iPercy Flynn, lr_ GINGER MICK. GIMVDR MI OK. ■>« THE BRAMIMjE BUSn, lt ' Starring CORIXXE GRIFFITHS. — T7HLSHE .T.VNIS (The Diggers' Darling*, the ■X-J liveliest, motit cheerful, effervescent mixture of "pep" and -personality on the ~ screen to-day—at the Lyric in "(The Imp" v Saturday. THE Children ivlll he delighted n-lth dear little Mcc Cinilno, the Character Singer, at the Lyric -Matinee Saturday. HOCKEY. 20, rs XT O~ C X E Y. ///)) X.Z. CHAMPION" SITTP LMty rHALI.KXUE SHIELD MATCH. V W THE MATCH Off THE Ci» SE AS 3S T . CANTERBURY A UCKI.AND. ANTERBURY V. . -ii-UCKLAND. fj REMUERA RECREATION GROUND. = SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. Bully Off 3 p.m. Sharp. _ Curtain Raiser, n FAST REPS. V. JUXIOR RErS. • Admieslon 1/. ChUdren 6d. Stand Gd. Special Car Service. Take Remuera Cars or Train to Ground, Market Road. T J. C. REXNIE, Hon. Sec, 532 Auckland Hockey Association. '6. SPORTING. 30 T>AKURAXGA TTUXT /"^LUB. = POINT-TO-POINT RACES. SATURDAY, CIEPTEMBER "J "I 1920. Ny AT RAMARAMA. Over such course as directed by the IU - Committee. „., Open only to horses qunlifled as ITunters — 2 during the season 1020, aud kept during the ? season for hunting purposes only. Same £; must be owned by members of the above '" hunt, and ridden by amateur horsemen who ~ are members of the above liuut, excepting Race No. 0. Anyone riding over course before the race — is disqualified. o. 1. MEMBERS' LIGHTWEIGHT RACE. about 21 miles. Weight 11.0. Timed to start at 11.30 a.m. 2. EAMARAMA FARMERS' RACE, about 2J miles. Weight 11.0. Open to horses owned by farmers at Ramaranaa, over whose land the hounds have permission to hunt. 3. LADIES' RACE, about two miles. For I-Jidy Members only. 4. FARMERS' RACE, about 2J miles. Walght 12.7. Open to horses owned by farmers over whose laud the hounds have permission to hunt. 5. MEMBERS' HEAVYWEIGHT RACE About 2J miles. Weight 13.0. 0. OPEN POINT-TO-POINT R\CE about 2i miles. Weight 11.0. Open to horses owned and ridden by members of any duly registered Hunt Club. Trophy to owner of horse placed first, second, or third In each race. Entries for all the above, Rtving name of horse, owner, and rider, accompanied with entry fee of 5/ for each horse and each race entered, will be received up till 4pm on on SATURDAY, the 4th September, by' the undersigned. Xo post entries. KOBT. l>. NEAI., = Secretary and Treasurer. Corner Wyndham and Albert Streets, ir- Auckland. '," Telephone T64. Postal Address: Rox 207 Auckland. 519
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
Word Count
767Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.