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AMUSEMENTS. /-) P E B- A TT O U S E. Direction: Ben and John Fuller. ALWAYS TTIULLER'S AND MERRY JC ULLBR'S BRIGHT. TO-NIGHT — AT Q — mO-XIGHT. O-NIGHT — AT O — J-O-NIGIIT. r>:IIAMPION'S-/COLLEGE T"kOGS. I CHAMPION'S VJOLLEGE J-'OOS. A Delightful Array of Canine Comedy, "taleut," providing a unique and pleasant period of genuine enjoyment. SEE SPUD, THE CANINE CLOWN. FIRST APPEARANCE OF riiHE nmvo "atacks. J- HE -*- WO -"J-ACKS. ; SONG, DANCE, AND PATTER. < Direct from English Theatres, MISS "pkOFK PANTOMIME ISS J- , OFF ■»-'EX, STAR. Last Four Nights THE REV. TTIRAXK nORMAX, SINGING . EV. x RANK VJuKMAX, PARSON. . JEINNINGS AND /"i EIULD. IvN NINO'S AND VTeRALD. EXPLOITING "MISSUS McGILLICUDDY," and THE WONDERFUL AND BRAND NEW HKVUK, Laughing QADIE. Singing Jolly ►JADIK. Danciug Joyous CJADIE. Comedy ] Uirleens Kj'ADIK. Lauahter. Interpreted with Much Mirth by TT/ALTEK EORGE And »» ALTER VJkokOE His SUNSHINE "OLAYERS. UNSHINB Jt LAYERS • Plans at Rich.inlson's till .".. Then at Set-eJln's till 7. 'l'hoiic 3748 for Reserves. Prices, 1/, 2/, 2/0, 3/. Plus Tax. HIPPODROMTTi I P P O D R O M - L '» ' HI P P O D 11 O M XT' I P P O D R O M x - i > ' (Late Globe Theatre.) Under Entirely New Management. MANAGERIAL NOTICE. Owing to great numbers of our patrons being unable to gain admission during the hours of the past sessions, we have decided that the following session hours will prevail: — VI to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to G, 6 to 8, 8 to 10 12 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 0, 6 to 8, 8 to 10 12 to 2, 2 to 4, 4 to 0. G to S, 8 to 10 CONTINUOUS. CONTINUOUS. •■ EXOTIC BEAUTY AND THE FASCINATION OF SUPREME ART. J XAZIMOVA I NAZIMOVA NAZIMOVA '. NAZIMOVA In "THE RED LANTERN."! "THE RED LANTERN." "THE RED LANTERN." - "THE RED LANTERN." . Specially-selected Music ty the HIPPODROME rYRCHESTRA, IPPODROME ViiCHESTEA, Including N.Z.s Eipert Trap Drummer, Mr. T. Atkineon. Under the Baton of Mr. L. Stokes. COMING NEXT "SATURDAY. MAY ALLISON, MAY ALLISON, Dainty and Demure. The Screen's Most Captivating Comedienne, In " FAIR AND WARMER," • I " FAIR AND WARMER," " FAIR AND WARMER," The Fnnulest Farce Ever Written. It Will Make You Scream From Start To Finish. A Comedy With a Cocktail, Complications, and a Kick, Also, " THE GREAT GAMBLE," Serial. " THE GREAT GAMBLE," Serial. '• THE GREAT GAMBLE,"-Serial. This Serial is the Greatest Stunt Ever Released. TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT RESERVE " YOL R SEATS AT LEWIS EAD Y\S. EILSIE JANie la a CLOO-M DESTROYER ■par excellence. See iier Iα -The Imp " -at the Lyric nest Saturday. FOOTBALL. _ T EAGUE xpOOTBALL - jg& League -f ootball , T EAGUU UODTISALL I /*%& -P OOTBALi, . (NORTHERN UKION). OIIIELD pinALLEXGE -L HACKER OjiIELD V^ iiALLKN<;E rpaACKlilt J-HACKEU MATCH. ATCU. T7IEDERAL /"M,UB (Winners - 1 - EDEUAL V7LUB Senior rpiCDKUAL Competition, -L EDERAI. V^ Chrlßtchurch) ■ PONSONBY ' ONSONBY *JIUB (Holders) TJONSONBY ■*- ONSONBIT VVLUB 1 •yiCTORIA pARK T>ARK » ICTORIA -L ARK V ICTORIA -t AKK \TICTOKU pAUK AriL-TORIA TJARK ] * ICTORIA -t ARK * ICTORIA " ARK yiCTOUU pARK "PARK A -^ K xV eroU J A FakK OaTL'UDAY -L>EXT, C3EPT A SATURDAY XTEXT, C 5 4:, ATL'HDAY JA EXT, q P.M. SURE TO BE A GOOD FAST GAME. All Supporters willing to Assist the Management In Gatekeeping, etc., are requested to notify the Secretary at once, or be on Ground 12.15 p.m. on Day of Match. Owing to the absence of Fencing on this Ground, the League appeals to the Sporting Public to support the Rangers, aud Gate--jy gTAJCD, -J / 2/" -t /' , IVAN CFLPAN, Secretary Auckland Rugby League. 607 • A SSOCIATION "pOOTBALL. gATURDAX, { h v~Q 4th sei>tembi::r i "TjOMAJiN A CCKLAND V. V^ELLINGTON. KICK-OFF 3 P.M. J NEW ZEALAND CHAMPIONS AND ' HOLDERS OF ' t> R O W N H I E L D. NORTH ISLAND TEAM WILL BE < SELECTED FROM THE PLAYERS. ► COME AND SEE NEW ZEALAND'S FINEST EXPONENTS OF TIIK SOCCER CODE. CURTAIN RAISER : SECOND DIVISION Ct.'P FINAL. EVERTON V. V.M.C.A. Kick-off 1.30 p.m. Admission 1/, Boys Gd, Stand 1/, Ladies Gd. ( HOWARD GRIBBLE, * SUG Hon. Sec. A.F.A. QIIV 0 F AUCKL-A ND. j DOMAIN' CRICKET GROUND. Notice is hereby given that the Auckland City Council has granted the Domain . Cricket Ground to the N.Z. University < Uug-by Union for the purpose of plaj-iug a " match, on September 11. ISCO, with authority to the Bald Unlou to make a charge ; not exceeding One Shilling for ea-ch person - for admission iv the Cricket Ground, with an extra charge of One Shilling for every " horse or vehicle, aad an additionnl charge not exceeding oiie shilling, f'>r each person ■ for admission to the pavilion. HENRY W. WILSON, Town Clerk. August 25, 1920. 526 HORTICITI,TTJRAt SHOW. ' AUCKLAND HORTICULTURAL i A. SOCIETY. : The SPRING SHOW will be held in ST " SEPULCHRE'S HALL, off Khyber Pass, i on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY." SEPTEMBER 10 and 13. Entries will be received up to Friday. September 3. Schedule and all Information on anplication to X. A. DUTHIE, Secretary. 1, 2. nnd 3 (Ist tionrK Williamson's • Chambers, Shortiand St. 371
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
Word Count
824Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.