AMUSEMEJWTS. ::. rpiVOLI The Theatre C. A-IVOLI ■ — Of C. miVOLI Big C. J-IVOLI Attractions! EACH A FTKRXOON, O Oft ACII -fi-I'TICRNOON, *•««• EACH A KTEWNOON, OOft N ACH -ti-FTEiRXOON, *"OVi EACH •VTKJIIT AT C ACH -L> KiriT AT °» "\f auk rnwAiN'B J -'- L AT<K J- WAIN'S MARK rpWAIN'9 AUK -»-WAIN'S GREATEST ROiM.VXCE OK YOITH AND ADVKXTUKE, HUCKDRB-ERItY TTWXX." IR-KI/EIBEKRY ■»- IXX." r - '• TTrcKIvEBKHRY TTIIXX. ,, Iβ .. JJ.fJCKIJBRK'KKY -f ■INN." If - TTTUCKI.aDB-EKRY "CUXX." ; "■ u -ri'Ki. i ßßi!iiiiv X! ixx." " TT I ■CKUEIBERRY Tr«INN." ' •■• IJ -rcKi.K;vEHUY J- ixx." t<. " xraxx. ,, Id " J - L l ; CKIyIi!VERRY -T IXX." " TTi:'CKUO3ERUY TCTIXX." "■"■ITKLKBEItIIV *IXX." •* In the Etonial Gallery or Youth, Mark Twain, the Master Hii!iiori»c, lias carved their adventure!) — HUCKLE.RERRY FIXX T(f.M SAWVIOIt THE " KIXG " TIIK " DUKE" " pop " fix: auxt tolly becky thatcher widow douglas " black " jim s UXCLi: HAItVE And all the other inimitable characters, now appear lv a delightful and thrilling 7-REBL ARTfIRAFT SPECIAL ATTKACTION I '. HUOKLESEintY TJ«IXX " UC'KLEIHiRRY -LIXN" " TJI"OKLE»EItHY "■'-•■DCKLEBEKHY ■*- IXX" Is Interpreted fey an All-Stnr Cnirt. each of the twenty rules being ue.ilgncd to arlisis suitable to Che parte portrayed. '' TTU C X LEiR WI9R V TAIX X." " J-MJCKL-EiHMRIHY J- IXX." '' TT UC X LEiBFjRiH V T7M XX." " JJ-UCKLEiBHUiRY - 1 - IXX." Through all the years THEY LIVE ! ! As real, as fresh, aw appenllngly human as when Mark Twain—his eyes n-twiDkle—railed them from his heart, and wrote them down for WORLD'S GREATEST ROMANCE OF YOUTH : A PICTURE AS GREAT AS TUT. STORI Also, THE LATEST GAZETTES, WORLD'S PICTOGHAI'H, BORRY BUMP'S "CARTOON." Etc M-UVICE "p»AILY--t> Oft AND Q J-wice •L'aili-Auv and <->. TIVOI.I Resen-es nt H IVOI.I — Cleul's, <Juee riTIVOLI .St., or Thentr J-IVOLI Phone 223<> Autc mOWS TTALL /-^HAMBEI Y\7iEi>N"E-«r)AY ■pvEsrso, s-BPrroinEß s. At 8 oVlo<-lc "IfADAMB T FjEDIIAM pROWB, The Distinguished English I'innist an Composer of the following celebrate Son^s:—"ln a Far Countrle." ••Koi gotten." ''My Desire," "When Heart Grow Old." "Lans Mortis," "Liberty , Cell." "Zephere i'aresse," etc; also 0 "Fotp X.TPolitaine." "Barcarolle. le "Alpine Sons." "Inrpminptu a L t- Gnvorte," etc. for piano; ami "Xoi Tveirlnn Suite." "Chnnson Triste, "Danse Antique," etc., for violin, T - Will Give Her First t>l A NO FORTE TTKCITAU Vocalist: MtSS VIOLET DENNrS. Tlckots: Numbered. 4/; Unreserved. 3 anil 2/ (plus tax), at McßSrs. End; and Co.'s, Queen Street, and Richardson's ~, 50 ie "\TEK3 CrMIXO, 'The Mlfhty Atom," irh > J-L is charming the Strand -patrons thl .}" week, will appear at the Lyric next Satui «1 day. DOX'T miss hearing Meg CLmlno, "Th Mighty Atom," at the Lyric next Sat '» urday. ir __^>^ »——^^—— — —— ■h ORGAN RECITAL. m O W >I g Z I /-\RGA:X TJECITAL, , I- IBY TITR. IyU'UOBAN J^ARXETT, j (CITY OR'GAiXLST), CSATUIiDAY ■pVEXIXG, ;OEP. A 192< AT 8 O'CLOCK. <M U X I C I P A Ii CHOIR. MUNICIPAL CHOIR. Programme in Saturday's Issue. ai>m;i s skxx : c 1 xirBNCR, _ s - HEXRT "W. WILSON, _ Town Clerk. — September 2, 102 Q. ■ 52 a! DANCING. b; — ■ * CT. PATRICK'S TENXIS CLUI )' Will hold their 4® ANNUAL "SOCIAL S ST. BENEDICT'S HALL, EAST STREEI ; s In aid of City Queen. THURSDAY, SEIT. 2, at S p.m. n- Lillis' Orchestra. Tickets l/( ' n Valuable Prizes for Euchre. S2 33 TJATRONK — THUUHDAY NIGIO [J DRUIDS' HAL-I* C OUR FIRST PROGRAMJJE NIGHT. Dancing S till 11. — •μ-cs, Messrs G. Thomas, W. Bucklej N. Hancock. Saturdny Classes as usuaU-Aftemoon. 2.3 till 0; Night, 7.45 to 1U.30. Instructors, G Thomas, X. Hancock. 1 W. BUCKLEY, Sec. »f _ TEACHERS OF DANCING. MAC'S Dancing Academy. — Taugb thousands, can teach you. Lessons an hour. — Herrsford and I'itt Sis., Newton. G.'J DAXCIXO—iMIss Speiicer'e Classes, MOl ■day, Wednesday and Thursday, at .. p.m., at 23, Vincent St.; St. Sepulchre' Hall, Tuesday, S p.m.; (Saturday, 2.30 and 5. p.m. Private Lessons by eippolntmen Terms, etc., 25, Vincent 'St. Phone 23bi. ; MEDICAI, t\ TUMiBAGC w AND n- TTIX.DRED A ILiMBXTS. It, • THE FAMOUS ENGLISdI REMEDY FOR to TJHEUM-iTISM:— " -y 1 to x." In '■ -y 1 T O X." !T. " T7- I T O X." d. V '• V I T O X." ac •• VITOX " TONIC TABL-ETS •' VITOX " LAXATIVE PILLS. Are now obtainable at the following id Pharmacies:— A. ECCLES, ~ W. H. WOOLLAjMS. 1,1 J C. F. SHAW. . I>ELAXEY MENZIKS. jBA QUJOEX STREET. DEIVILISH Elsie Janis (tlbe Disrgere' 'Dai line-) i-s a regular xlevil in "The Imp, B, at the Lyric, Saturday.
Page 10 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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