AMUSEMENTS. LYRIC. Direction ~**""-|- yrio YRIC. Public J J YRIC LYRIC. Henlth T YRIC YRIC. Films. "A-RIC POSITIVELY T AST O TJAYS. rO-XIGHT. at B—For MEN Only. FRIDAY Matinee a nd Night—For WOME? Only.' THE rpHiE TJOAD.' HE Jβ XD VT]. , III.X -KOAD.' "irpilE TT AF mil'H TJOAD.' " '«H JIiXD "F AHE -"OAD. , "miMi TTX'D AF irrvii'H t>oad.' TUB />F fpH.B TJOAD.' JH-β J&xd v>.p i-n-iE xvoad.' Rend what the Rev. J. J. North, Minister snys about this Film:—"l have seen 'Th End of the Road,' aud my opinion is Ilia It is one calculated to do a vast nmonu of Kood. It never offends against t'ooi taste. It preaches pure sexual relatlonslil; In nu unexceptional way. It is vlgorou mid sensible and holds the mirror up t> life. 1 could wish the whole city shouli see It.'.' DON'T MISS THE LAST CHANCE TOBA' AND TO-MORKOW OF SEEING THE MOST PRAISED AND MOST ABUSED OF ALL FILMS. In Addition: " MYSTERY OF IH." Clli Episode: " MYSTERY OF 13." (Commencing 7.30). NO CHILDREN UNDER 1G ADMITTED. LYRIC SUPERB ORCHESTRA. PRICES: Front Stalls, 11; Back Stalls 2/1; Dress Circle, 2/7. IRiE'SiERTErS BY PIIONTE 3G45. LYUIC nox Plan at VHIC Richardson's. QUEEN'S mUEATRH. IE EX'S J-HEATUE. HUGE SUCCESS Of MIRIAM IRIAM V^OOI'ER tt'omax axn riw T/ w - --»> OMAN And IIIE -L'AWi Lee γ-iddiebi Uk -"- I D D I E S I JANE AND KATHEUIXE, ••linliy Grand" Stare. WILLIAM FOX Presents "mnOCBLBMAKERS" "■*- ROUBLE-MAKERS" (Story and Direction by Kenean Buel) SPARKLING COMEDY-DRAMA, Featuring Screen's Best Film Comedienne*, JANE- AND KATHE'RINE LEE. Plenty of Comedy, enough Drnmatlc, wee bit o' Tragedy. At the QUEENS, SATURDAY ■\T F:XT - ATIKDAY ■!•> KXT. rpilK liMl'," with Kt.T<r~.lauls. at th -•- LyTlc Saturday. A deluge of delight fill devilment. t> A X D CONCERT SUN-DAY NEXT, ntn. AIJBJOIIT PAUK. By GARRISON AIRTILLERY BANT). See Saturday's Tapers for Programuio. * (lucorpuruted). B2|s|j3 Ouing to Bis Illness nf severd fßyjKSe Miembprs of Hie Committee, tin "At Home" arranged for Sep tembe-r 2, Is further unavoidably postponed Tie date will be announcec inter. 572 A. (HOLLAND, Secretary. I>AIRENTS should send the kiddles V the Lyric 'Matinee Saturday to hea little Moc Clmln«, and see the sirinl whicl they missed last week. LECTURES. ISJATIOiNAL SCHOOL O<F HJEALTH OK AVION LIBRARY. (Top ot Synionds Street). MOXID.VY, SHPTEIMiISER 0, 7.45 P.M " EOONOIMIC WASTH .VXD TIIE 'COS: OF LIiVIXG." A Commonsense Address on a M^atter Which Vitally AlTects the Health and Welfare of the Community. By M. WALKER AS'D C. A. WILSOM. Silver Coin Admission to Defray Expenses TOItET SPECIALISTS. 163 ucKLWAIX ror permanent remove Superfluous Hair, Moles, Ulrthmarke 2.* i years experience..—270. Queen St. Will' MISSES WRIGLEY —Special Treatmeu Grey or Falling Hair; Scalp, Fan Massage, Lines, Wrinkles Remove-!.-14 Watson's Buildings. HF> ENGLISH Operator, not only Remove: SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, But kills the roots, thus effecting a perma nent cure. Ladles need not hesitate, cvei though they think they have tried ever; known method. Xo extravagant promise: or humbug, but conscientious treatment li the only scientific way at moderate fees, v strict privacy. Write for particulars or interview, BOX 1H77. AUCKLAND. 1 JuT A S O N ' S TTAIK CPEOIALISTS. Special Treatment for Acute Falling- o Hair after influenza. Cutti-ng off or Shaving of Tresses unnecessary under our method. 23C and 2T>B. QUEEN STREET. I UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. TJX REDEEMED pLEDGES BARGAINS AT THE JJ> a x QO. £ 8. d. 10 10 o—Massive Tea and Coffee iServlce Sheffield Electro-plate, 3 pieces almost new. Gl7 6—Brnnd New Accordeon, no> unprocurable. 17 10 o—Very Old Violin, in flrst-olass con ditlon. 8 10 o—New Blue Serge Tailor-made Sull size about 5. 03 10 o—Gent's Single Flawless Ston Diamond Ring. 40 0 o—lSct Solid Gold Extra Heav Chronograph Watch, eqoal t new. 2 1") o—Stetson Hat, almost new. 7 10 o—Marine Sextant. 4 7 o—lOyrs G.F. Waltham Watch, 1 perfect order. 17 10 o—Fox Typewriter, in perfect ordei •1 10 0— Heavy Canvas Coat, double-lined Brand new. 3 10 o—'Gent's Raincoat. 13 15 o—3-stone Diamond Cross-over Ring 5 3 o—Very Handsome and. Uniqu Dinner Gong. 215 o—Solid Sliver Keyless Huntln; Watch. 5 0 o—Solid Leather Suit Cace, bran. new. 1 15 o—Best Electroplate Teapot. 3 0 0 Upwards—Brand New Tents, al sizes. 37 10 o—Single-stone Diamond Ring; cos £00. WAITEMATA LOAN CO., Waitemata Chainberj, (lmin from' boats, train or post office) U. KISSIN, Pawnbroker. Phone ZI7SA. ]
Page 10 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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