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AMTTSEMENTS. P3TXCESS. 1 RINCESS. I J PRINCESS. 1 KIXCESS. J L MISS IRMA CAROX. i£ Miss Irma Cnron, now singing at the: l ' Priurres Theatre evening sessions, Is a j daughter of the well-known composer Leon j" Cnron. and nulte a distinguished artist.!" Her performilnce Inst evening caused the 1 " greatest enthusiasm. rMlss Caron's voice " is a true dramatic soprano, remarkable for " Its purity of tone, and her enunciation is " perfect. She sang solos from "Madnni ." Butterny." "Belle or New York." "Slumber : " Song" (Lron Caron), and 'iilso played two violin solos beautirully on an Instrument ! of exqnielte tone, snlil to be four hun.lred , years old. Her final Item, a verse of "The ' Marseillaise," sung In French, rowed the 1 audience to quite a remarkable demoustra- ? tlon of pleasure. | —Auckland "Star," Sept. 1. 102(1. „ I REMEMBER : LAST TWO NIGHTS. Nt) RETURN' VISIT. MDI.I.E. IRMA CAROX leaves for England end of September. Engagements South to 'be fullllled. PRIXTESS. The ' ORIXCIEiSS. RIXCIESa. Then Ire Jt RIXCSSS. PRilxcjESS. or 7>iMXou;>s. RLNOEi-'iS. Surprises. X itiNCESS. ', rWMMiEXCLN'G OATJKDAY < V£M 2 '. QATURPAV" VTKXT. '. at Tin-: ] ' M ATLXEE. M ATIXK.:. O.ZQ. ■ M atlxee. M .vri.vF.i:. 2 30 # • p'RAXD piO.MBIiX'OED' • piBAiXD /^O.MBIiNJ-:r> "P^ , T.DRT ALN M lON T. XTERTAI N'M IjXT. . TH.H FAMOUS l!>20 'DANDIES ANiD ■PirrURES. • THiH FAMOUS l<l2o -DAN.DIES ANiD •I'ICTUIUCS. ■ Tn.H FAMOUS lOl'O UANiDIKS AND IPK'TURKS. ' TH-H FAMOUS 1020 UAAiDIKS AXX) ; iPICTUIIES. The Pmsramme is as follows:— . I.— T7LSIE TT'iER'OUSOiX, ' Jl* x 1 ■Kii-rtusox. TAERGUSOX, [Kl-v r,KßrjfS<\X TTMCItGUSOX, J- KRGUSO.X, IX " (~* O T T uK T iB 'R F X .1 T." " V> iO 1 N T B R F B I T." CO IT X T iK -R F E I T." m U 'N T X It V E J T " " O V .N T E R F E ii T." •• \y o V X T E R F E I T." IFrom Robert Baker's oriplnfll story. "Counterfeit." -Oulda Ilorgere has created a scenario that provides Elsie Fcrirusoii ' with an Ideal role—one r<isihiou<Ml ndroltly •trt suit the hmiiitlful star's personality. Moreovor. 'Miss iltergpxe ins given the film • practically nil .t.bc elements that belong In • tho Ruccpssful photo-drama. 'I'vhrre Is a • well-develrannl action leading easily into • climaxes that -prodm-e the rpqiilsitn' thrill; ■ • well sustained mystery and engrossing low • lU'terest. 'Hiere nro moments In tho picture that ! call flpou Miss Ferguson to run tiie rull I gamut of the emotions. Olaßnlflcently. fJie i , rises to every occasion. Tine same atjno- 1 ' sphere of breeding that pervades Elsie Ferguson -films Is again apparent, anrl the • r stunnin™ gowns. j j David iPowell snoports Miss Ferguson in I { this Paramount-Artcraft prodm-tloiu George Fltzmaurice directed. 1 2.—MODiEL H-USIBAMI D<> Laren. 1 S.—AX OCEAN I'AJIIAIMKE Plctorlnl 4.—AMERICAiX GAZiETTE Topical. i INTERVAL. Then follows that 'Merry Combination of ' Singers, Jesters, and Dancers, known as irpilH iQiF -t Q->/\ fpilE -QAXDIBS r\F I<)9o* irpiiß TjAXDiES ryw lOOf)" T HE 0F 1920 ; T™ D^ DIBS O F 1920. ' ! rpH!H -TiAN-DIES /-JF "I Q^A . This Li a partlcnlarly brlg-ht coterie of « capable atrf rersmtUc actlsts. Tney're all 0 Good. Here they are— I -j HASSF.T., FULUEIR -Soprano J V-ICT-PiRIA YOT7XO ContrnHo H AXKiBTTE I.AXO J> t MIRIAiM KTTTKKR Songs on the Hano _ . WILL COTTERILL Tenor - RiFjXiX iMiLI,LAR Basso (Bro. (Miliar Is an old favourite, especially with the ladle*. ) ■ KEXXIFIDY BLAOK 'Mu.-rical director f G'EOROE S.HAR.RATT Comedian - (George is on English Compdlnn of much [ TCipute and a great mlr*h-.maJier.) HAVE YOU IBOOK'E-D THOSE SEATS > Y-iET ? IPlans now open at Kirtiardson's. TARIFF: 0.C., 3/; Stalls, 2/; Gallery 1/. All plus tax. HEAR Meg Clinino at the Lyric Saturday, In additlxjn to a cork-ing £ood programme. 1 » ■S t BUILDING. THE HUDSON R&TXFORCED PUMICIS " CONCRETE BOILER FRAME (Patented). NO HOME OR FARM IS COMP.LEYIS ] ) WITHOUT OVE. ~ IT SAVES FUEL AND LABOUR, * And is P PRACTICALLY EVERLASTING. Write for Illustrated Booklet, with full J details and Price List. • HUDSON'S CONCRETE BOILER CASING 1 CO., LTD., j iHllaby's Buildings, Auckland. B , P.O. Box 369. 'Phone 3746. B4 1 t ■ ■ I: .TUST .LANDED.^ i' A SHIPMENT OIF ELECTRIC HEATERS, ; - Also, a New Range of Up-to-date 5 GAS FITTINGS. J. PETFORD AND SOX, f * Direct Importers, : B 39, Albert Street. 1 KAURI, TOTaKA, RIMU, MATAI, KAHIKATEA, ' OKEGOX (Douglas Fir), T, OR OKEGOX LATHS, ■ l-i.\J X>. OREGOX DOORS B.C. CEDAR SHIXGLES, REDWOOD SHIXGLES, 3-PLY WOOD, MOULDINGS AND JOINERY -1 } - ' TITOVE TOUR HOUSE ON WHEELa We have Special Equipment for Removing £ or Raising Houses. 1 f* EO. TJHODES AND QONS, T TD. Pbone 1051. B 1 PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. RGILCHRIST CAIRNS, Masseur and 1 • Medical Electrician (late of King George V. Hospital, Rotorua; Govt Bath- 1 house, Rotorua: Auckland -Military Hospital). Massage and Medical Electricity In all ' Its branches. For Neuritis, Goitre, -Rheumatism, Sciatica, Skin Diseases, Catarrhal Deafnee3, Scalp aud Hair Treatment, etc 1 Results guaranteed. ■ Consultation Free. '• Hours: 9 a.m. to G p.m. Evenings by ; appointment.—2G, CITY CHAMBERS. B ; Q H I R O P R A C T I C. ! 1 Hundreds of people throughout Xew ! Zealand have been Cured by us without drugs and without operations. No matter ' what your complaint Is, call, and see us. | MeKENZIE AND JONES. I Chiropractors. 12. DARBY STREET. QU'EEX STREET ! Hours: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 £ p.m. Saturday. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. B MATERNITY NURSING HOME—Xnrse Canty, 'Phone 3152, 15. Huntly Ay., 1 off Khyber Pass Rd. Patients taken with
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
Word Count
890Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 10
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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