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PIANOS FOB HALE. A LI.ISON.—The (treat Engi!iir~Plnno Call ami sco new models.—Sol Agent*, K. : ,nd l--. i'lano Agency. Ltd. ! t nlillcilft, MiimiKer. ) C" "TisTT - KCKK, - ciu: Alilson, m<; (Himk( i' 7.">; einial to new.—Aucklaud Mail A R enc.v. a/1. Queeii St. Is / vHAPPELL. excellent tone and condition check a-.lnti: only €0i cash.- S7, Wli Ay.. Grey Lynn. 1 EXC'Ki'TION'ALLV ilCXcellent 'l'iauo. i per.'ret c-ondltlou. «l .pre-war pi-Ice, l> Hurtling ÜBd Spangcnberg suit .iirotessioiin or :;rt!.-:p. .Rare clinuce for geiiulnp lniyoi Ormrod, nearly opp. i1'.0., Oue/hiinga. ."mi ITi-r\~i>Ttlo"o~fn«ne. perfect LMann. MX STAIL l> PI .-VN-<i 7 fro ~1-VauTe. for Kale; gouil~< i.'l."> or nearest offer. —Apply ID. (iutidr St.. Newton. 17 vjriANOS \S), beautiful Uprlghr <irand«. fn Sale: mnet sell, offer wanted. - lleddn way. V7l, Knrimgaliape ltd. 1 T>IA"N(>S. Iron fmhleit, overstrung, be.s J- makers; jrunranteod in detail; £10 t> Eo3.— AlK'k'lnnd Piano Agency, Jim, (Ju'o! St. it C3QVIRKS. as new; lowest priced Enrl--10 piano In ,-it.v; only £110.- Aucklan l'iauo Agency, LW. Queen St. TJIANO, llrsl-flass, Iron 'iiiiii". .»r Sn'.i' J - Also Phonograph, Mas -rV; \ nice - Address STAR, •--.: PIANO. 1..v Hoelliug and Spangeiibers;. tiTT, tone, <M.">: others at cut jirlc-cs. t;],,:.<• 1-14, yiieen St. 1 fiIAXO, by John Urta.«mead and So-,, J- London, Wir-ap; ondltion n< new.'Ulnhe. t.'i-t, Quopti Si. 1 rjMIOUtSANDS of "satisfied customer -*- testify to the excellent piano service E. and V, Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldicntt Manager 1 CULLAItn TTrni Collard. world-re unwn c> Pianos; great vulue, easy terms.—Sol Agents. E. and F. l'iauo Agency. Ltd., ti L'oldlcutt, Manager. 1 IANOri oli has.v TeriUH.— Kxcliangc made: large stock for selection. — X nnd •¥. I'laiio Ageucy, Ltd. t'. Coldk-mt Mannger. I \LLISON Pianos — Shipment arrived Tlinusiinds sold In Aucklnud.—lC. «vi V. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcuti Manager. I I~ vTTy Organs — The World's Best Re 81 ■* Orgauii. Send for catalogues.—E. 11 m V. I'lano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt Manager. i AVKSTAKt' Pianos sold In New Zealand for s(> years.—Sole Agents, K. an,l V l'laco Aaency, Ltd. S. Coldicntt. Manager. 1 E~""StEY Pianos-World-famed for quality Easy terms.—Sole Agents. E. an.l X Piano Agency. Ltd. S. Coldicutt. Manager. I LEWIS ~ J] A l> V "piANO DARGAINS. This Week's List Includes: noi.LARD. Loiidon, white keys £W EELLEIt, Cottage model, walnut case..£H nOS'E.VER, iron frame, trichord tl. Hf-MMTSLL. Upright (irand, fine tone...£3: MILLS, 'London, overstrung, fine walnut ca.«e .... it* BELLMAIX,e«<don. practically new..£UJ CASH OR TE3RMB TO SUIT. T EWIS T> "pADY AXD CON, T TD., lv. KARANGAHAPE ROAD (Near Uraiton Brldjoj. B MACHINERY WANTED. i;k/j Planer" and Shnper. ,>r Han pel SpiiHlle.—Builder, Z!, STAR. 11l littCUl/A'R Saw—Man, with planr, to cm few tons firewood, Epsom.—Firewood, P.O. Box 11, Auckland. 11J 4-cycle, 8 or 10 horse-power'; *~* wanted; must be In good working nrder; trial wanted; reverse gear.-Full partlculars to Kjß., Og>. STAR. L' 7 MAISXKTI>S (4), second ha 11.!. wunted; anj condition; not necessary to l>e Ii working order—Magneto. 830. STAR. l>l SMALL Sawmllllng Plant wanted. In good order. Send particulars. -Rlmu, 603. STAIt. 02 rp F. iLCXG AND CO. buy Mni-hliKTj free of charge. 7£ F. LONG A:NT) -CO. -Sell all c.lnsses ot Machinery, but will not sell unions t.he.r are convinced the article Is sound .inn wvleeaWU'. _T£ 14-U.P. Self-contained Boiler. Poll) presmine. and (%.. UJeach ltd Phone 2413 A. 7£ CiETE'RAL SETS STREL TR.VM WIHE'ELf ° 41n to oiu Tread, WANTED TO PTj'UOHASE. Also, a JEM OROW. for Working Kails nr to 301b. OSCAR AXOMJWS AXD CO., «7, Fitzherbert Street, Palmersron N. H ICACHKfERY rOR SALE. r\EAL Frame, 26 I 14, Robinaon, double, Long and Co., Beach ltd. ilii FAX AND EQAN SAXDEK MACHINE, complete: Stone Crushing Plant, complete: 1 1G h.p. Otto Gas Engine; 1 8 h.p. Standard Portable OH Engine, mag. nod coll: Gate's Rock Crusher, with bins aud nlevntor; Magneto, Sparker. Anvils, Drilling Machine; 12 1 4 Fay Planer, 3-eider.— LONG" AND CO. 'Phone 2413 A. n jITuVOHIXIBRt Tf\o(R OIAUE. praEAP. aiWIAPI/IC MOTOR TYRE PRESS. He-nd or 'Power. 2JH.P. OROS3IJEY GAS EJNGIXiE. >VOO,DBX TANK. 426 Gallons. fDHICLB RUBBBB TYRrNG .MACHINE. ■ORTA'BLE TYKE EDEATEIR. *EED WATER IBE-ATER. DSC AXD O° ueiKS * c ousLNS 'lil SfITBD, KITOHBN'E'R STREET. B 2TAXIONARY QIL TCVStHNE. 0 H.P. "PETTAT. ,, Iv First-claes Order and Condition. PRICE, £ 70# Apply • T IMITED, 6 AND 8, CUSTOMS STRESS. B 2TA-NDABD TITAKIXE -pNGIMCS. Vβ offer you the following from Stock:— 4-H.P '... £123 7-H.P f^ss 8-H.P £305 10-iH.P £325 Xlile i» one of the BEST KNOWN lAKES, and THOKOUGHLY ItELIABLB. J. J. G*™' L m - CRAIG'S BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. IU POOXTRY FOR SALE. iTSTIH-ITB Ivegho-rns, Black Orpingtons, "» Kuuuer Ducks; 5/ Setting.—XaSU, Duuan Ay., Jop Eklendflte Rd. 4 THE PANTHER'S TREAD Is no softer than the tread of tbc man who wears (VOOD-MILNB RUBBER HBBLS. They ilso absorb all xoad jar! Get no otUcre. (1 w>
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
783Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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