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WANTED TO WELL. KAKE Chance. Best KupoU, 1/0 pet ii.- ,-ash with order; eet in. early.— \ Ickoirtl.ltr. Klliotl SI. «Tti IlKl-:i. llnrou cTlTtltl;.' XUcLlluo. i-lle.lj-. iinlcU buyer: no I'urther use. —ltenowii i-'ish Ma_rt. MM._Kiir:iiißalnUie »■'. —■> BI'Y niiir Furniture dinvt from t he manufacturers — E Henuant ami son, Parliell Illse. fjli Frn.Niisill'NHiS and Fun'iliiuv for Sale, with option of re ill Ing house.—Address in STAR. IT4 OLli Port, Sherry Wines--•Velln'a xrand i)iinllty, :).V ,««e. cn.<li wiUi order, frelffht paid. - Veila's Vineyards, Oralis. U out Wine. Hpei-lnl. ::.". cnsi'. delivered city railway freight extra.—Coloulal Wln.> d>.. '-Mb. Swauson St. IJ QUANTITY H'u Ualvuiilseil l'lpinß.— I.omk anil C... Bench ltd. L'l7 tVoilT Wiiie (good), ii/ per gallon.—Brlnj -T your j.irs to Wendell's Wine Shop, 12S. Karnujrahnpe Rd. " 1» ICKKISIi" Kills. Lice on Hiirses, Cows. C'Elvee, and Pigs. Obtainable all Stores: LMo7. tin, posted, .'i'G. ■ifKISCO AND DOMINION CO., Cnok Street, Auckland. D GUAMUPHUXES anil Kceonls, all leading makes in Hock.— K. nnd V. Piano Agency, l.til. S. Coldicutf. Manager. LI ASY Terms—Kuruiture. So worth, f 3 deposit. 6/0 weekly. Pianos from 10/ deposit. .T weekly. —70. City Chambers. L) rpilK Kamoue "liiimore -. Sowing Machine J- Motors.—o. W. Barker, Klectrlrnl Engineers. 4114. Upper Queen St. l'noiie _A2t!42. l> I.TL'I.I, STOCKS OF ALL HOME ITU 1 N'ISHIXOS now In our New Promisee, Upper yueeu Street (opn. Town Ilnll). ItICHAUU AUTHUa, bTD.. l> Auction Dept., Klllott Street. CASK of our lu™lid I'orr will hulld you up: "7/0. niUwny freight paid.--Bray's Vineries. Swanson. L! r\ RA M 01* 1 1 ON V. S- T lie i-'emJiisißexonolaii, vJ the Tnlklng Machino with the ori.elnal patent retlei'tor Round cliauilier. Ciiil and hear. Prices, £0 «/ to £75.-HOWIE'S. Kndcan's Hklys., ijnny St. duly nddreaa. B SlNtil'.R. Kounil Sliiittle. ,'i-drawor Drophead, cheap: ICxperr ."i-drawer, cover top (Uew). HcpalrH a speciality. -J. H. Holers, ■_■:: and ;t.", \Velle.»lc.v St. W, (above fuller"* Opera ). • B QI.NOK.U «« Drophead, a bargain; also n« new.-.1. H. Itoisen llteturneil Soldleril sueeorisor to 'It. H. Wll.'on. T.I anil 3.1. Wellesley Si. W. I'houp. 3460. U -DAR'GAINS IN FURNITURE. Inspect the Beautiful Used FURNITURE lv Our Shop. If you want your home to look nice, come to us. Our Used Good.' are better than the present-day New, at Half the Price. I/OTcly Ornaments, Antique Vases. Art Furniture. EDIi'N'S rIUXITCRE STORE, 4GS, Queen Street. Opposite Myers Park Entrance. It mi MB Eli AND CORUUUATEP IRON. 12."..000 ft of Flret-pla.tfi Kauri and Ulmu Weatherlioanls, Floorlns, CelllncP. Lining, Scanlllngw, and Crossbeams, 3 by -, 1 by 2, 4 by :t, C by 2, ti by :i. 9 by 12 by -J. nml 1U liy H. Seven Tons nf J'listclnss Corrugated Iron. 1 am now ready lo receive orders nnd make Immediate delivery. V. S. I'ETRIE, H 7, Alpha Rd., Paniell. l'lione A3OC.
FINANCIAL. MONEY TO IJGND at moderate rate o! interest.—Jackson, Russell, Tucks nr.i Qgtler, Solicitors. Sbortland St. D ONEV TO LEND on Mortgage, current C. Uakur, late Ewinjton and Baker), Durham St.. Kast. D i?*)IXA WAR Ccrtlflcatei" for Sale; £100 cv— <j\j ,] tlP i()oj_ i, a | an ,.p ij)_«; ; princjnnls only.—Owner, r.O. Box laa. w, £OXfkn WANTED on First Mortgage Security.— J. F. (Pullen, folli-l-tor, Queeu S?t. "DUILDIXG Society Shares, Group 29, I - 1 - , £26 4/ pnid up. What offer?— Urgent Siile, 006. STAR. 180 THIRST and Second Mortgages nought: ■*■ finances arranged. — llolliday end Orchard. 15. Queen St., Auckland. Mil "jVfONISY to Lend on Bret and second nrort- ■"■*• Rage.—Wake, Anderson, aud Sneddcn, Safe Depojrit Building*. Hiffh St.. City. B TV/TOHTGAGES, Flret irnd Second, pur ■"■*- rhnsed for cash. —Send details to A. B. Dev«.Bon, 4. S«.ir».v Bldge. n GET nwny from that even. Uamdrnm life, and do Kometlilng tlait cnunl«. Consult nip about your Investments. I have TWO rROFITABLK PROPOSITIONS interestltiß to smaU investors, besides sevcrnl of larjfe dimcueions. J. JOLLEY THOMAS. 31, Hellaby's Bldgn., Auckland. P.O. Box 1471. 'Phone 1817. D rpH E .INCH Olt LOAN .CO., X 03-67, VICTOBIA ST. WEST. Money Advanced In Sums from 1/ to £100 on Jewellery, Clothing, Hate. Musical Instruments, and every description of -Meroiandlsf. Business Strictly Confidential. Private Pledge Department. Drop a Liiie and our Representative will I call on you, t MH £fiooo WANTED OK FIKST <£*\l\J\nj MORTGAGE Of an Excellent Farm Security At 6} Per Cent. Apply SAMUEL VAILE A"ND SONS, LIMITED, 83, Queen Street. 501 TDEAL JOAN ASD /~10., LIMITED. WE T.T3>»D ATONEY OX FURNITURE, PIAKOS (TVltUout Kemoral from tne Owner), »fS rl ! oC,bty saARES - AND ON ANY KEASONABL/E FORM OF SECUKITY. Repayments hy Instalments or Otherwise. tS- FOR LOANS ON JEWELLERY we quote a Special Kate of Bd. In the £ per Month (one-half the usual amount cuarced iv Auckland to-day). * INQUIRIES INVITED. ADDRESS: ALSTON" /CHAMBERS, 00, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. A. KMAyt'EL. Managing Director. D I^JONEY. THE EMPIRE LOAN' AND FINANCE CO. will Lend You Any Amount, from £5 upwards, at lowest rates of Interest In town, and without any removal security ■whatever. You can pay back by easy instalments to suit yourself, and all business Is strictly confidential. Civility and fair treatment guaranteed. We Advance 'Money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, SEWING MACHINES, or any other secu--5& E $? AT OXCE ' AXD WJS WILI * flα ioij li. rnHE piSTPIRE T.OAX AND ■pWNANCE po., WYNDHAM CHAMBERS (Second Fioor), WYNDHAM .STREET, CITY. Phone 20CI. Opp. Gas Office. U MOTOR CARS WANTED. "PORD Car, 5-seater. 1»2(> model, wanted. - 1 - 54. Security Bldgs.. Queon St. 63 -poui) Ton Truck Wanted.— Price and •*- particulars to Motor, WK, STAR. 170 LATE FOR CLASSIFICATION. T>UICK. « cylinder. bar- *-* sain, £.XH).~- 'Phone iSKii; 2, Waitemntn St.. Ponsonby. 81 j-seater, spol lislit; KpUmdid J- puller: tyres good; any trial.—a 2. East St., ivnrangahape 'itd. f,13 A UXH J h.p. cnglnl bT. n s6."G.p"o d " r "° r - Ba ' lrifl ""g- «Wi BOAT. 14ft. flat Prii'e. £18. or near oBVr \- n tCheshlre St.. ' 2 ig n?' k i?i P««"rc<i, ior S a *-> '.>ortn Kd., tilenmore. 150
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
966Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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