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I PROPEHTIES FOB SAKE. Br.ll.DlNti SetTioli. (.irey Lynn, 50ft fiontaso to good street; level, and Just ■ off car line.—44, Anglesca «t., Ponsonby. DKVOXriJKT. — 8-roomed Uesidenee, , Tiiiln from beauh: p.w.,-.. cas. washhnn*i- iletai-heil, copiier and tubs ami woodshed. £.52.-.; deposit tljd.-Lionel 15. Taylor, I'almcrsti.u ,Bldgs., opp. i1.P.0. !«■» Ix± near beach. Hfdi-ock, t7r.C Cash. O-.i l-'rim-r's Afeniy WallciinK" < liaiiiliers. I*, CJEITIOx, £111), good locality: only l'H> ' O dcpoii; biiiiud tncrpase vnlue; good Investment.--.lausen, (H, (jueeii Si. ]<1) i>i(.\sONKi Hl>.. near Reservoir.—l!--n.ojle.l Residence, valuable, fri.titag , "; any rcas.inab'.o oltcr coiisidi-ic.!.—Frascr» , Air'ency. Wailemata C'heiivlicrs. __ [[' ±•1 Ofl-f> T;TH!-:KNi.AM:uKMcivitA -.'. c"t±«nHi Kooxj, ali ,-niiv.; i"ud so-tlon: ! terms.-■Bcacuioii't and Co., 11. Knilean's RldgA _ _ _ ... I( " Brn.lUX<; Se -tinu>. Kennicra. i:,-s..;ii, Ml. 'I'doii, Ki>hl;niirnti!ii, Ta->n;>uiia, Point C-ljevnller.-Beaumout and i"o., 31. Kndean's B»ly.«. ]_ 4 j' ; p n n ho x •■ v. Ill'Nii.'. LOW in ,l klt " ■•hpiiHf.e, Unuai m:.l pla-'.er cellliigM. t«-.< vrmmlah*. pantry. Kiiillpry, vvanlrines. linen press.--, wnshhoi'RP ie, and 1.1, bathroom ip.b.i <>rtr|,- Iljtlvl ir.i'l PvcrytllMS •r«shT np-t.Mlatc. 'V.-c, \-\m». Ternw. 1 I'osscfioii one month. m >> r. .1. dWKV, .'.. llarbyV ll!tU-.. (Jnpen_St. 1 4 - TT (7~ W I C K - NJCK CUItXKIt SECIHIN <>X '- ACRES. 1 iIOISK. .-, ROOM*. Scullery, dairy, larce shells, fruit trees, el' , . ITandy Post offlcc. etc. Really (iuml l'ropt),-illoii at the I!arg:»in Price «t .E7."i>. Apply enr!y. LIONEL B. TAYLOIt. 10:1 I'almermon HU[£s._(opp^_^.r.n.i._ I*l CASH AMI C3Ki AT (i PKII CENT wiOU Buys a noon wt)RKi'X«; mans home j (111 live Sunny *t<!c nt I Ncur l»d Tram Slop. ' WILLIAM RATTHAV. ; House and Land A3PIH. i Ambuljiue Station, Rutland street. , l fK; MT. BDBX—IMMEDIATE POSHKSSION SKMI-HI -XIIAMiW, (I splendldlv liilili of lieari knurl, nnd repleic wltli rvrrj- voiicetraldi- 1!>-M i-oiiv. and appolut- ' meut Klevatfii. level, volcanli- lection. Cnitiu:andi:is k'...i-lous views of harbour and , mirmunilluß district--. Situated 1 mlv. from Ml. Edpn trams. A home of tnl» kind Is seldom 0:1 the market, llrsi to Inspect will buy. Price. C>m>. 11. mT vFhitk. I VZ. Waitcinata Cliambers, Customs St. 1«> ~ £175 C ASH XrnwTOX.— sown residence. « LARCE ROOMS. Range. BiMlllery, wni-hhoiixe. .-opper and 1 ul.s.. patent w.c All iv llrst-class order. One uiluute trams, 15 minutes Queen Street. pnicß, £950 TERM*. £17.-. CASH. TJAVMOXD gHHATH, 7. SHORTLANI) STREET. I'M TVTmi.NIOX lU).. 'Marsden ~A\. - -Buiign low, iJ-- , .". larso rooms, all cony. £13i".; cuklj, £r>7.>. PON"SI>NBY, John St.—House, .". ronms. n-uxhlimise ti-upper and tub»). Only £7.-.0. ra.<h. . I ONKIir.NIJA. Victoria St.-l House. 5 rno:ii«. bathroom icelifont). washhouse, all under one roof. Cr>(>; £.'!3O. T»i()YAL OATv- House, « rooms, bathroom, --C* l wanbliourte, witb 1-ncre best volcaulc land. £i:««>; cash, £».">O. . ATply to -DALLAItP, i*n, mioEXix chambehs, ] opp. <;.p.o. Phone zamx iju MODKRX RVNCALOW of r> rooms, ver.v artistic dfslKli. nenr ntntlon. I'apakara. A dandy little home. Everything well kept. At £STS, with £400 cash. Why. I would like to get married again, If only to buy this. MODERN HOMfi of 0 Rood sized rooms, Bungalow style, replete with rvrry modern convenience, with u> acres of cood land. Handy to suburban station. Price. iU'iJOO. Cash £lo(n>. PAPAKI'RA — :i-roomeil Cottnpe: wnshhouse, and a J acre of freehold land ; £320; cash ilL'll. Handy station. T>APAKV XA— Ha ndy Level Section, (wo •*- acres ; £300. and In grass. I>APAKt'IIA Acres u<l a mllTt nir.. All level, 4 acres fallow, balance paslure. Small -4 roomed Toltace and cowshed. '_• c> Ib for butterfat la no good tr> tills man. lie gets G/ a lb. Only £22011. Cash £400. ONE Acre and Modern Vp-to-date IluiiKalow, 2 ralnuten station. Level section, 'and Root) soil. A Blft at £11.'.0. I'nsh £4<>o. SPELLERS —I require Suburban Properties. £3 Kindly forward mc particulars. W. K. FRANCIS, PAPAKURA. Phone -14. 547 GRAFTOX. near Domain—DESIRABLE RESIDENCE of !l rooms, wasbhoiw. bathroom, pore. b«th and basin, cupboards, linen press. c.1.: every eonv.; Bret-class order. Price only £2<XV». C.-ish £l(KX). IMJIEDIATE POSSESSION - —POXSOXBY —NICE LITTLE HOUSE. D rooms, scullery, bathroom. washhoUHC, patent; all renovated throughout; nice lawn aud garden: concrete pitlhs. Only £!»(>. Terms. EARLY POSSESSION'—MODERN BUNGALOW, 7 rooms and kitchenette: O-reeiilnne; all conv.s.: open fireplace in breakfast room: patent; newly painted; grounds laid out in Inwns and shrubs; all Iti splendid order. A line properly aud only £lo<X>; cash £550. BUTLER BROS., CITY CHAMBERS. B £145 DEPOSIT. rpwO C-ROOMED TTOVSES IN NEWMARKET. Close To Train. Absolutely sound, and built of heart of kauri. TOTAL iTRIGE, £1450. 'Balance at <> per cent., payable £1 1/ a week eiu-li house, principal and Interest. Apply at ouee to NETTLETON AND SON, COMMERCIAL BANK BLDCiS., t?i;-EKX STREET. 5T>7 IMMEDIATE POSSESSTONT DEVONPORT— MODERN BUXC.ALOW, r> rooms and kitchenette, all modern conveniences: porcelain bath and basin, .-allfont. p.w.c: electric light and hmitcrs throughout; telephone Installed. ftroumlK newly laid out iv lawns. Nice sunny ]iositlon. This property Is only :', minutes to wharf aud 1 minute ■from beach, l'reeuold. P-R.ICE. £1300. Terms to he arranged. ROYAL OAK—NICE 'HOME. « large ' rooms, built heart kauri: -nashhouse. with c. and t.; woodphed and storeroom under house: {-acre section, laid out iv lawns in front. This house Is ouly lnvin. from tram. This is sound value. PRICE, £1350. Terms can be arranged. CHAMBERLIN AND CHAMBERLIN, 17, COMMERCIAL BANK BI'ILDINGS, ci. qu*:kn street. Take the Lift. - no MT. EDEN OPPORTUNITY. IF (Ml BUIL-D'EIRS AND INVVESTOftS <?iQPJft- J MODEnS!X HOME. 7 good oWJ - e -'" v rooms, all eonv., built-in linen, wardrobe, etc.; art blinida. Fine level section, la'!d ont flower, fruit and vegetable gard-eu; .iiuin. to car. Terms. For one week only. .<? 1 i>rrfy ! -'CaMPORTAIBLE HOME, 3 •3~'-'-*JtJ\J g oo< x rooms, cony., p.w.c, bnrltin sideboards, wardrobes, presses: urnntne-n----tal Xaullghts; large level sec-tion, ample rotmi etables ot garage. '.Magulflrent vdews front ami bar*. Easy distance of car. Terms. Real good value. X?IQAA-IR'BMU.EnA MODIKL IHOMK. o-XOiyi/ 00-y. well-designed Bungalow of 5 good rooms, fitted with every cony., h. and c. water, porr. bath, basin, p.w.c.; heann and planter cfilln?*. built-in presses, enpbo.irds, e-tv. Beautiful I<-vel se-ction :,i> x ISO (npprox.). This fn!thru!l.v-I>ulk hoiif-;-. finishe.l property, could not !>e bnilt to-day for £1401). Terms. LIONEL B. TAYLOR, 1. ffALJTEKSTON IBLIXJS. W3
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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989Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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