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I WANTED TO BUY. 1 A I.L kinds iff Stoves, IJurdcnlug TooUi 1 -'"A- ('ari)cnttM-'s Tmil». Bulltlln 3 s fur «c iii.ival.-Jensfii liro>., Strand, i'anieil I'limif :Ulu. 7; B.V I! Y'S ,Ilii«ket .Push ("hair" wanted; liun.v raclii« handle liraft-rred.— Aipidy «;■ »rlie in ,1, .l,uki> 'ltd.. Devonimrt. Hi BVIA. Terrier, purebred. —Vn ft k-nlar's t.i 'Iti'W, Brunswick Hldgs., 174. (Jueeu Si. il'ii,i lio..ri._ ii)i CVoiTKlt Hollers (3). ten galloiiri, uulcjue ' it other rrunies. wanted; also Tubs. - -Price, particulars. Huilder. S'.C!. STAU. HI / 'Ul{.\KTs uu.l itaVi- liixtriiuientH for learners.-A. Hushes, Moerewa, Kay ol ISlßll.lw. v.-, GAS Store, good, wanted.-—State make nnd prlie Victoria St. West. 128 /1 AS Stove, small, or Ua.s (trlllor.—l>. Sjienror. s. ltlnß Terrace, Ponsonby. U" ENKilATTFurjiistilnßS or a FaTuU.v itDsldeni'o wanted; will purchase coiucnts i ""'right for casJi.- Farmer, L-H, STAR. 1) OBNTLKM.AN furnishing Seaside Hotel nnd H<>Rtaiiraut, would like purchase ! jrnml modern Furniture In any quantity. - jWri-re Mlllfvrd. 'Newton Post Office. 7 /■"i I.ASS t/iiip Counter, about ."fr em long, V.T lft Oin wide: Lowest price. —Box "X, i; )\o. 183 M't-Kimil and UnlnlreiiSier's Chairs f-'i wanted. -10. Wellesley St. West. 14 KIHCAI. cocitSl':. Wanted lo Purdiase C'liinlnghar nr Sfallrrlmlt/. on ' Aii'iluniv or other modern .works. sulla'.ilP i ,',. student. SV. rPlmSics. Hablvlu and liayiw.Tds. Smeeton's Bides.. AurUland. IUO !A , K'T "Fliier. »r nni» HiiltflbK- "VlesTi. iHiisih. am! /price r<. P.O. llox -'."." : (!' OKI'ICi: Tnhle" Chalre. and Typewriter wanted: reasonable price nnd In Rood 'order. Kliic .'il'iM CI rings!. -lo I"jAT'K Saddles (2), good. second-hand. complete with strapping. —F. llani- ! iiiniiil. Traveller. I'oiisonby Rd. [>'>' . LjAri , :. Irnn, wonted, aimnt 'Mn x 14lu. or j™ similar size:. — State price, etc. Box ir..-.s. u.p.o. 4-j iCAII-. iinlo-1 f. wanted, for Inunoli: tK- about 1 lft booin.—*.B.. I>?1. STAR. 21 i IeJAII. wanted for IS-footer. or Inrge one "i>u!il do. — Slate dimensions and i mice In C. Ca«i!e. Otnlltlhu. _ - 0 > QKWING Machine, any make. «o dealers. best price given.—Returned Soldier. '2. stai:. | , 100 Oi-KWIXii MaeMn'ea, nny nrnke or condl- ; C , ' t;,, P: £\t given fjr martiilw.'Cl.ilie. I*> 4. Queen 'St. I) CifxOEß ReWltiK ilaclilue. rollnd shuttle: k- , DrnpliMil not e«sentlal.—Write 'Ilomow.irl;. c o Newton Post Office. 8 CJTAM!I#. — VU-tory, used, and quantity wanted.—Prices to Gaw. P.O. 'Rox nuw. _ ljn WK.VXIH Net Isecondband) wanted.— -L .lonlnn. aw. Pnimnnliy ltd. 5iW V I > tv Roy, nt once. U Trcadl ii t> Machine*, in sood condition: price no ..i.i0,.;.— Tnlniie. Wα. STA-R. , n (' 1 HO, V\'AIK f.nnn, or Honri. for cfcXIMJ U.S.A. Motor Mke and Si,l».-ar.-H.. Box 33, P.O. S2 ■j WET Tiaißbiiry - Y.iiws of Ktlg'.and. also J- HutlenTOfth'e 'Precedents.— 'Hees, Bruns(Vlcfc P.ldss.. 174, Queen St. 'in:! TV* X A -X WOO D. Large or Small Quantity. TKAKWOOD, 920, STAR. 10
AITAiIUiL-'Mrs. Botterfll gives Hlphwst Prices All Kinds of Left-off Clothing, Boots, etc.—l 3, -Ell-tott St. IMione :MBB. 187 CiLJiAX. Furnishings wanted, in good con- - (Hlinii, for a Small Home—Mechanic. ■ 27. BTAK. V TTEX-D Walker's Auction Seles, and you will furnish 0 rooms for toe price of 3. D SORAF Braes, any quantity; best prices itlven.— J. B. MeEwnn and Co., Ltd., 1 Workshops, Freeman's Bay, Auckland, B ■ TTSEX) furniture accepted In payment foi r \J new at Walker's Auction Hooni*.— ( 'Phone 2857 for valuer to call. D ' -OOOISHTSON, Auctioneer, gives bees i ■"> prices for good Secondhand Furniture. i , ? GEQKOE WALKER Pays Real Good Prices D_ For Furniture. A KING TO MRS. K/ELLY.—She Buys •"- rallies , , Gents', Children's Clothlns, Evening Dresses, Boots, etc. Phone 2C06----392, Queen St. 1) XfUiLSB TeeTh mi Platinum. Gold, or ■*■ Vulcanite; increased prices by return. Pearling Co.. IBS. Queen St. p BOTTLES, BOXES, HOUSE HAIR, OLiD ' METALS. Fur Beat Prices. TITK ZEALANDIA TRADING CO., Thone 24»1. 20. Stanley St. ,1> /lEonoE walker, *- T Will Buy Your 'Furniture D Phone 2857. /VIJAJHH'HO.NES nnd Records wanted to yJ Iluy. also Pianos. Hichest pTlce paid. PUcine 400U.—Centrnl Agency, 70, <Jtty Chnu]l)ers. v OLD KA'LSK TEETH l!ou«lit, sound or Ijrnken, on cold, silver, or vulcanite. Post llipni t<> .1. l>unstone. Box 1418, Auckland. -Highest ensli'prices sent -hy return uitiil. Kst. 28 years. I) TCT &tt X [Tt'RE, ■•- George Walker "Will Buy It. D ;;s. Qncen Street. MH" S. ' '" O U T T X 1 M. Always rlnp Pbone '2U~4 when Selling your Left-oIT Clothing, etc. Best price in town given fur • superior articles.—ll4, Victoria Si. d ifoitOK IVAf.KKI! ' * (lives Yon Sound Advice ' 1J When Selling. UTAM-I'S.—Old New Zealiiud, <7.TTT, IK3 SaiiKKi. Coiaettloiie, etc.. -n-^nted, i highest .-ash price jjlveu.—Powell and Co., U.-,. Khnriiand St. D fpUUXITOKB. George Walker Will Buy It. D 26. Queen Street. r\/-K_ IU'Y JTJ-HN'ITFIH!, PIANOS. ETC., .»» AND fIIVK HIGHEST PIUCES. WIIOI.K HOIIBICS ROCGirr OCX. M.>!i»r far kept fur Prompt Service. Phone SliJ. Auction Dept. : D TOX-SON OAULiriv CO., LTD. .fTiToltiiE WAI.KK.It VT Buys Household Furniturp. D _ King Him Up. V I'l'AUliL. —Mrs Botterlli gives Hlshent ■i'l- l'rlres All Kinds i.C U'tl-oft PloUiins. Uitots. el.-.--4ri. Ellloll St. 'Phone 3488. IB* T II X JJAUUIT OKIX Ql). Are ( I'ASi] BCYKRB OW WINTEH SKIXS In Any quantity. Prompt Returns. (JI'ALIFIED GRADKB. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. > .Send Cor Our Latest Price List. A UCKLASD TJABBIT QKIN po. STAXLTSY STREET. Box 1400. Phone 3707. D r MISCEIiI-ANEOUS. WE don't fear frosty nights in our Houses. Our Xorth British C\lOT7ir ttXJBBEH HOT WATEB BAU vrarmsfl'e M " ke " ure o! ' rr\HE NOUT-H BRITISH HUBITEB~no~ JL Limited, of Edinburgh, Is oVer the whole world for the imalltv of it. UNIQUE HOT WATER BAGS. Obtainable everywhere. See the brand on the neck •• HOUTEN-s COCOA 1, food'"aild V drink combined. Xourlshlng, Invlsora. Ing, quenches thirst, and builds muscle and bone. Begin nslng to-day. At all grocera j , ii ■•• RUBBING" Laundry Help is lea"dinl -' all the time, 1/ cartons, most popular Page's Stores, Klngsland. " "J t Washing. g r i D U Bi^ H T£»** S a r r e , liJlble Hot'WaTel f ' J- , Bag Is n treasure. Doctors aud nur*»>< » know XORTH BRITIS?! KUBBEH BAG? « J are superior. The Unique stopper nev eJ ' '•'•k of the bay. ? «fpANiw«iA" i» s;
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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986Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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