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WANTED KNOWN. IM-SWMAK-LN'lS.—M<rs. Franklin is start Ihk ■■-< Kiiim-i Si • ■"' Walters lUJ. Dnniliiliin iffl. rx OIK FUKNIMIUN"<3 Jj-Hi'AIflWUC'N' Inn been remorert to Upper (Juce Riiwi (opj) Town Rail), l»nt our AlKTIO: DiJIT, p: 11] remains iw 'Kllioit Street. rue I lAItU ARTHUK. I/PD. I Look: iSoo ••WOHCIL-γ" Kerorde, till eaeli 711 «loz. Needles 3d 20(1, 3/ 1000. ~7t Cily I'lmmbers. _I ■>'()!• I'ANT HEAT IT.-THE KDIfJO: -* DIAMOND DISC PHOMH'.RAI'H i t:.o W.mill's' Ufst. The ru'rt br»t ii Hi KIUSuN CYLINDER, Inspection Inritcd Rui>nlrn n speciality.—EDl*lN UKAI.HKS 70. lily I'hamherH. ' r/Viu. Kuyal Oak. Uueliiingn. Iα full swing t-J 11 lions trnlncd at :i..'«> daily. ff DU MILKS' Autl-pnlu -'ills. 2/1, Tor nl pains. XaltUer. the Great Hoalii Ro-lnriT. li'3—Mr. Dowar. Strand Arrude. 1 I>fKl-li' Clrrle T.-uisht iThnrmlay) "■ T.'l!i. I'ernrnl Ilnll. Onok St., onnductei by Mr. Ilunress. _ l' , M" AISkN" Knrine Intesi. French, KiirlM Illmise.-; Handmade l.iiigcplp; Krorl nn,! I'oflnnie Specialism.— Wateon's lUilld liiis. Wi'Meslp.v St. K. _ . J , 1 AUIKS:: The bnrsi-si Variety of Hlouw J> l.< hi he round at The BimUnlr, KnratiK" tape Rrt. inear Tlv..lli_ j_ / Voxsri.T :.I.i,lnine finrmlndrl. or lu.lla * ' Tplp;hilli Inspiration Speaker: (.'hnnnter KenclliiL' froui llau.iwrltinK. Hlln. enorc.v i> usp|r?s.—RS, J\ _ kanrln St. W. 1.. KOHKiYtsoX. Auctlonper, Sell- Oal Kuriilture lit Wliulf.tnle _l'rice_. 1TvloLirateil Stainless lipsscrl X Knlvo." f-.v ji)7.t'Ti: Table. M/: po.i free - H. K. Smith aiiJ Co., City C,Uaiii lnT«. Aui lilr.nJ. P^ ipi KOliliK WAI.KKK .Manufactures Xcn "J Piinilriiri* ami ran nave buyers .'SO pei en: «-:i. n i-:;'rnls)ii:is. HIM; hloair your old Gold. Silver, Falst 'JVcth. eir.' Hignpßt prices given.— -M.-<. rji. Vli-iiirln St. \V. L" \TT A X T JO D X N O TV X. »> CItriCKSII.VXK, ?.ni.I.KH AN*D CO er,. Sol'lii,- .if l\oivesl Prires Househnlt; Itardwnr-. Ciitlvry, and Hullilers iMinnoniMT.v il.v'iilar sliipniculs. I"VT KXVT (> X H(II'I* L _ AG X N •_. V J-* --T. KAI.ANGAIIAI'K KOAD, For riionogrniias, ijrauiopliones nnil Kec»r,ls. AceilU'S. 1, ikt bo_; ol 'l-lmu.-rpiltfLSAXnS or .Meu iire Koduclug thf - 1 - Cost of Living by having tlielr lint: Cleaned al Cus's llur. Pucturj , , liarangahapp lid. v t>is. iTau.'s FAJiora cai'sui-s. iTice, J- , •■ package, {>•>»!■ fref. Tv ensure potting order illrect fi'oio Sole Affi'iiis, r.rlcl_:p Drug Stores, Cheiulsta, 3, K:iraujjnbape lid. (at Gruftou Bridge), A___iu_K V GOOJJ :.r:CK —You can't go wrong ii UKOlfUt VVALKEK is Selling lout Furniture. D rpVTT'S Clniri iiiui lit-lilock ell descrlp- - 1 - tlona Jld.::;.—Only Address, Top ol S.r mo n r! b J?n FIKTM'i CclehratcJ Stalnles.-i Dpseert JCnlruK, S.V dozen; Table, 05/; poet free —K. K. ymitli and Co., City Cnumhv t s ,_£}\c Itlaiid. D 4 GEOBU-jt: WAbKEK bus tbc Best Selectiuu vi* Nciv FuruiLure Inspection lvTited. Sliawrnom.-. .'iS. gneen St. D COX'S Hut i'iii-;.-r.v. Kurangnhapo Rd., i 3 IJlaeiiijf tlifilr wbolo stuff ClcanliiK und Huaiud«lUug LiuiK's' nud Gent's Hats. I) IP Furnishing lv Oak, see itobertson. Aiictloneer, lirst. D BE AUT UPU A. XJ-:\V SIi.VS-UX'S If 6 ATE Pr'KXISHINOa. Finest .SelecllOD, aud cur J'rk-ps are .Moderate. IUCUAJtD AKTHUB. LTD., P X T pper Queen atreetJopp. Town Hall). ALL Leading Grocers sell Egg Soclct Stamped Fresh iiggs. Evqry egg i etninpcd. ] LADIES' Costumes, Suite Benovateo ready made or to order.—Vernard French Tailor and Costumier, -rt2, Ouce; S i J T\7A.NTED Known.—Our Umbrellas ar * * world-renowned. Try one, at LetUaby , : IC, Strand An-ade. 1 T\ V.C.C. lor cleanini- ol every doscrtj J - , ' tion. Carpets a speciality.—l 2, Strac Arcade. Thone 000. ' ; ■TS7ANTBD Known.—Yeel We will Kepai ~~ or Cover any L'mbrella. Send youi alons to Lethaby'ii. Iβ, Strand Arcade. : «(SS, Eggs—Yonr~Jroccr sells them, be do they bear our stamp of freshnese?Aueklantl Co-op. Kgg Society. ! BELL'S N-10-T Auction Rooms, opp. TanHall. Buys, Sells, Stores and Value I'urnlturp.—Bing 2516. J MADAME HYLAMD, Pbrenolojrlst" an. ■ Character Reading from Hand-writing «end 2/6; 30 years' experience.—42o, Queei »Il I "/TVAXnVHA "—The 'Purest and Best Soai - 1 - manufactured. I ri/AXTED Known—Buy a Xew Umbrell; ■» ' or get your old one Henovated a Lethaby'a, 16, Strand Arcade. I TTOUSEWmVE, purchase only Aucklant J-A Co-op. Egg Society's Eggs. Every egi focirß our f< tv in p. ■ j '• "MO RUBBING" Laundry Help is win -*- 1 nlng on its merits; 1/ packets everj tlmp.—llntchlntioii Bros.. Ltd. i TfiOß Bye Comtort SnO Clear Vision ■*- consult 0. E. Xlel»en, Sight Specialist 62. I'itt St., opp. Central Fire Station Charges moderate. ] " Xro itUBBiNU" Laundry Help is oTi X 1 favourite washing powder; 1/ packe does 7 weekly washings.—SmcetonH. Ltd 1 "rrU-MIVHA" Soap bus Eevolutioni<ei ■*- t.hp Art of Washing. I "¥O UUBBING" Laundry Help is women" - 1 - ,1 staunchest friend; only 1/ for sevei weekly washings.—llome and Colonia Stores. 1 KKKEIt'S Soap Is as good as ever, f takes away all lnlionr by soakins th plotliew 20 minutes. All (jroeer.s. Try It. 1 ETAVE your Lawu ilower Sharpened"" a L Smith's. 14, WakettelU St. Collected dellTered free. 'I'uone. j Purest and Best Soai '■*■ manufactured. J 1~) V.C.C. stands for Domestic Vacuui f- , ' Cleaning Co. It also stands for satlfaction. Phone fIOO. j " "VTO 11UBBIXG" Laundry Help la reall tv wond ? rf,,l - Washes clothes deal without injnry; :/ pnekets.—l{. \\ Gal laugher. , Gloria" ,1., DIPFEHKNfrom all other ?ruini>plioni..s —u< .sound f, and tone chamlier are dllTerent reu<l..i-iii exactly —no more, no lens — what'tJie liuma voice or an instrument expresses in manner exactly adai)tcd to rli.. bluuau eai "La Gloria" will give to your '"' nai oryi) nEro'RDs NEW UEAfTIES. If the supreme in vocal nud iiirttruuipiita reproduction lutorests you. -COME AND H'EAIt it. "L A G- Lo:uiA " p^KLocns, 157, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. YOUR JJOUSE pUKXISHE. 1 ox xpASY- rpEßiis. For £5 Werth, £1, 5 0 Deposit, 5/ week] £10 fa 10 0 Deposit, 5/ fls £3 15 0 Deposit, 5/ " £20 1 £5 0 0 Deposit, 8/6 " 4PS £11 3 0 Deposit, 8/ £30 ' £7 10 O Deposit, 9/C , £40 flO 0 0 Deposit, 12/ £30 ,; fia it* o Deposit, is/. ;; Special Arrangements for Larger Amormts. * /-IROSSMAN AND QO., JJIL UiaiS. KAKANGABAPE BOAD. AUCKLAND. Ann YOU SUFFERING WII VARICOSE ULCERS? If so the Teres Method of Ireatme: will cure you, aot temporarily, but pc maueitlr and painlessly. No need to ii up. Cures old and lone standing cases i readily as new ones. Send for painphl ami t y e ß ™iale to ERNEST HEAIJS: Chemist. Foiton. or Auckland Agent, Nur Vanc-AVallace, 13, Pierce'e Bldgs., Vpp Street.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
Word Count
1,027Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 210, 2 September 1920, Page 2
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