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PROPERTIES FOR SALE £9000 - Q CEEX s™ EET - 90ft i 80ft. with 4ft Right-of-way to Liverpool Street. Situated In highest part of Queen Street, commanding beautiful view. Excellent Site for Apartment House. Dwellinghouse on part of land, balance only vacant section in Queen Street. Terras on application to ESTATE AGENCY BRANCH, J. J. C*" 0 - L TD> QUEEN STREET. B BUY A HOME NOW. O~t AAfl ,- VILLA RESIDENCE of 6 good i.XV/1/Vf rooms, latest appointment*, pore, bath, steel ceilings. frn section RJft x 130 ft. Nice elevation, eood posttiou only α-bout 4mln. to Mount Albert cnr.« 1W section. TEUTMS. ' JP.I/IKA-A BUNGA.'LOW OF 7 GOOD "-'-L*t»V ROOMS. splendidly well built, latest appointments, ami lntest In laboursavins devices: ulfe swtlon. Wft x lEott. free from etone: nice quret locality. Only about 2mln. 2d section, I_H>minion Roan curs ■Mouiit Eden side. TERMS. We have n well selected ltet of Home* in all districts to eboose from. WM. A. HORNE, LTD. " THE LAND MAN," AUCTIONEERS AND UVEAL ESTATE SERVICE, SHORTHAND STREKT. AUCKLAND. B SMALL DEPOSITS. SMALL DEPOSITS. £7~ DEPOSIT—PONSONBY (handy to '" M cars)— 4 Rooms and'kitchen: twostoreyed houee: p.w.r. Price only £350. 4>"|AA DEPOSIT—S Rooms, and war. c*,X\W electric 3i«lit; handy to Id cars. Total price, £750. X?~(OOj DEPOSIT—3 Rooms, and eonv., *•'■">' oh eood section: handy to lleme Bey cars. Total price, £673. 4? 'TK DEPOSIT—4-roomed Cottage, bnilt cw I«J of sound tlnfber. nsnal cony.; on section 40ft i 100 ft; bendy lil cars. Price, fl>2s. 4> 1 00 DHPOSIT-β Rooms, well boilt. In good repair throughout; on section 40ft x 100 ft.; only few minutes to cars. Total price, only £835. WM. A. HORNE, LTD. " THE LAND MAN," AUCTIONEERS AND OTEAL ESTATE SERVICE, SHORTLAXD STREET. AUCKLAND. B SEE US FOR A HOME. i?KQrt CASH—NEW BUNGALOW, 5 6~i*Jk>\J rooms, heart kauri, latest appointments; rlmu finished Interior; attached washlionse: built on concrete foundation, on section 4."ift x 100 ft; handy to Ponsoaby cars, 'id section. Total price, £1230. PONSONBY. r?Qf>^— VILLA RESIDENCE, 5 rooms an<l UH ,iai appointments; lift studs, in good order throughout; nice elevated position: only 4inln. from Heme Bay or Ponsonby cars. £500 raxh. 6 -ROOMED VILLA RESIDENCE, all con-v.. on nice section 74ft x 027 ft; motor garage; usual other outbuildings: handy to cars. 2d section. Total price, £1100. Terms. WM. A. HORNE, LTD., " THE LAND MAN," AUCTIONEERS AND (REAL ESTATE SERVICE, PHORTLAND STREET. AUCKLAND. B PONSONBY. p-t AA ' DEPOSIT.—'Four Rooms and SjlM\J scullery; handy to either trams; elevated. Balance f4oO. Terms arranged. PONSONBY. X?IAA DEPOSIT.—6-Jloomed Residence, itJ-vfU containing modern conveniences. Level section, bandy to either cars Good locality. Balance £900; easy terms. r?QKA— RESIDENCE, all 3JO*J\J large rooms, every modern convenience. Including pore, bath aad caltTont; detached washhouse, copper and tabs; handy to tram. Honest value, and terms can be arranged. DOMINION ROAD. jO 1 OKA-UP-TOJ)ATE, ftroomed Resign _L-*JVT <]enee, containing modern conveniences: J-ecre eection; handy to trams. Terms arrangedGREEN LANE. 4?9ftftft — CHARMING BUNGALOW, containing 7 rooms, all modern h. and c. water, p.b. and caltfont; superior Interior decoration, Including art papers. Level volcanic Section, 89ft i 190 ft. Terms arranged. W. E. DERVAN & CO, SI, PHOENIX CHAMBERS, O(PP. G.P.O. B A FINE HOME. 1% A CRES OIF Tj axd, M T A J ' BERT - COMMODIOUS RESIDENCE OP 7 LARGE AND LOFTY ROOMS, 12ft stud; large wide return verandah, built-in bookcases in dtnlngroom, 2 built-in wardrobee, 2 patent w.c.'e, septic tank, pore. bath and basin, kitchenette with gas cooker, gas throughout house, also venetiau blind.*; city water supply: wash&ouse with copper and tubs, woodshed, motor shed, 3 fowlbonses and runs, bins for fowl feed. NICE ORCHARD, about 60 or 70 trees in full bearing. The whole -forms a delightful home; flne views a?e obtained from the property, which has two good road frontages and in well sheltered by live hedges. Asphalted footpaths and yard. We have Inspected the above, and recommend it with full confidence. The bouse is exceptionally well built of heart of kauri and is In first-class condition throughout. The property should appeal especially to a retired farmer or 'business man with a family. Trams 1* mile. Railway station 1J mile. PRICE J?qAAA LIBERAL TERMS d*OVW. oaJ i be arranged. SAMUEL VaEe & SONS, LTD., c S3, queen Street. b ~~~ 6 SNIPS. "DUNGALOW, Grey Lynn—Flrst-ctass -*-» BungaJovr, 0 rooms, with plaster dome ceilings; pore, bath and basin; hot aad cold water; white tiled range; venettaa blinds, lovely pantry, etc; good section. Price, £300. Cush required, £400. Immediate possession. "\TORNINGSIDE —Nice 5-roomed Semi- •"*■ bungalow stands high; pore, beta and basin. Snip, £725. Terms, about £325 cash. MT. EDEN (Sole SemlBungalow, 4 rooms and kitchenette; pore, bath and basin; verandah back and front; splendid elevated section, over i-ecre. Very sunny. 'Price, £1050. Terms arranged. ONEHITNCA BARUAIN.—Good Sound House, 4 rooms, paotry. w.-house, touts. Real good aectloD, 91 x 165. Four minutes from car. Price, £3sK>. Terms arranged. EPSOM (near Cornwall Park)— Early Possession. Bargain—Good Modern Semibungalow, 6 rooms: pore, hath and basin, w.-house, c. and tubs; motor range: splendid eeetion, 68 i 196. Price, £1300. Terms. about £400. irVREY LYNX (Sole Agency}. Corner of VT Roee Kd. and McKelvie St., 1 minute from c»r—Good House, t> rooim; detached bathroom and washhoufe. p.w.c: electric light; valuable corner section, about 42 x !<>> Price. £950 or offer. Terms, half rasb. J. C. SHARPLES & CO.. U. STKAJiD ABCADE. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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883Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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