PROFERTTES FOR SALE. 5 ACRES GOOD LAND. "prVE-ROOMED TTOUSB AND CONTENIEN'>CBS. LONG PRONTAOa CHEAP. EASY TERMS. ' W. B. LLOYD AND CO. ,\ otahuht;. Phone 451. B i £10 DEPOSIT. WILL BUI BEAUTIFUL LEVEL j-ACRE | SECTIONS ACROSS THE HARBOUR. THESE SECTIONS COMPRISE THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THE WELL-KNOWN KAURI PARK ESTATE, BIRKENHEAD, BITUATED BETWEEN NORTHCOTE SCHOOL AND ZION HILL CHURCH, AND CLOSE TO FAMOUS KAURI GULLY PARK. THE PRICES ARE EXTREMELY LOW, RANGING FROM £100 TO £150. LIBERAL DISCOFNT WILL BE ALLOWED FUR CASH. A concession will be extended to any purchaser building within a reasonable period. BUILDERS AND OTHERS? SEEKING CHEAP SECTIONSHERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ! PLANS AVAILABLE AT OUR OFFICE. TOM HADFIELD & SONS, 44, QUEEN STREET. 503 A VONDALE —Villa, 6 rooms, bath, hot ■*"*- water, gas: corner position. 4 minutes from station. Nice high position. £830. BUNGALOW AT MT. BMEN, 7 rooms, kitchenette, porr. bath, p.w.c, gas stove end range; corner position; close to tram. flioO. TJARNELL—ViIIa. 6 large rooms, bath, JL p.w.c: large section; fine high position; close to tram. £1100. DBVONPOET— 6-roomed Villa. hath., p.w.e. electric light; section, GO i 130 ft. £»W. DEK-ONTORT— STANLEY BAY—House, 5 rooms, bath, hot water, p.w.c. £TOO. C. R. WILLIAMSON & CO. 64, QUEEN STREET. TH EPSOM HOMES. THIS IS ONB OF KPSOM'S BEST HOMES. 6 FINE LARGE ROOMS, the usual latest appointments, on splendid section 60ft 1 lf»Sft. In nice garden, lawns, shrube, and fruit trees: also several outbuildings. This home was built by an architect for his own home. Only a few minutes to Epsom cars. PRICE IS r>-| 700 TERMS. ARRANVTE FOR EARLY INSPECTION. RESIDENCE OF 0 BOOMS, all the latest appointments, includ.. pore, bath, basin, on fine comer section, 200 ft x ISOtt, in garden, etc. Main Manukau .Road, Epsom, and the total price is £'^7 ! to ONLY £400 CASH. WM. A. HORNE, LTD., •• THE LAND MAX," AUCTIONEERS AND (REAL ESTATE ' SERTICE, SHORTLAND STREET, AUCKLAND. B SUBURBAN FARMLET HOMES. xSELECTED FOR THEIR GREAT PROSPECTIVE VALUE, CONVENIENT TO STATION, HANDY CITY. OUR LIST INCLUDES NOKTIi AND SOUTH LINES. n\J ACRES—Modern House of ." rootus; *>72 prat value ; £925 ; easy terms. 5 ACRES. Splendid Modern House. A great bargain at £1400 ; terms. 6 ACRES, all In grass and fruit. Splendid brick House of 8 rooms, all conveniences. Building worth the money, £1700. Terms. 5 ACRES. Modern Bungalow, beautiful home; £1350; terms. 4 ACRES aftd 2-roomed Home; very suitable for lemon growing. A gift at £850: cash £100. QA ACRES, splendid land, orchard, vinee; OU grass; real value at £2400. House, 2 rooms, and sheds. AX ACRES: 4 Rooms; cheapest property tO on our books. HERBERT GRAYSON, SHORT"S BUILDINGS. B MOUNT ALBERT. FRESH FROM THE BUILDER'S nANDS. X ROOMS AND KITCHENETTE, pantry, " bathroom, pore, bath and basin, shower; washnouse. Section, 50 by 128. PRICE, £1550. DEPOSIT, £300. DO NOT FAIL TO INSPECT THIS. GEO. MITCHELL & CO., PHOENIX CHAMBERS, Opp. G.P.0.. B HALL'S CORNER, TAKAPTTNiA—Easy Terms arfri £l.fiOo only—.SlX-BOOMiBD HOUSE and. SIXTEEN SECTIONS; three road frontages. All like a market garden. The land is rich volt-anic, elevated, yet level, with hedges and etib-divlaions. Tram passes the gate- The new ferry eeirice will bring tie boat within a few minutea. If I don't sell it within ten days will let to practical man. The person who troys Trill reap a gTeat profit very soon. A 1-acre won't keep you—tills wilL Get returns and plan from STEPHEN HUNTER, ( SOLE AGENT. G-ovt. Life Bldgs, Queen. St.. and HURSTMETRiS ROAD. TAKAPUNA. B "^INGSLAND —Comfortable Home, - "buSt throughout, stove and convs. Allot. 40 x 150. £600. VyAITAKERE — 50 Acres, li acres '" orchard, 45 acres grass, ring fenced, subdivided 6 divisions, watered by creek. House, 9 rooms, aud convs.; dairy, workshop, eowahed, etc. £35 per acre. pOSSO.NBI- W.eU-bullt HOUSE, 5 ran., X pantry and convs.; back entrance; 45ft frontage; £800: £290 eantr; b>l. 5 years. GB.BEX LANE (Handy Station)—HOTJSE, 5 rooms, kitchenette; califont. conveniences; workshop, fowlhoure and run; fruit tree*. About 09 i 2SO. £1500. £500 cash, b»L 5 rears 6 per cent. PERC. S. USSHER, 30. H.M. ARCADE. B rpANIWHA—The Puitat and Best 9o«p X manufactured. B
Page 3 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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