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PROPERTIES FOB SALE^ i'ftßA-« ACRES, afi ploughed and a*,*JO\J pressed. subdivided, shelter trees. Good 4-roomed House, 2 sheds; 5 mlns station. North suburban. —Great Northern Agency. ]1, H.M. Arcade. B HOME SEEKERS. jy-AKE gSOWS YOUR \XTANTS. f}iJOX— GREY LYNN —BUNGALOW 5 I .j.J ROOMS, only few years old; jpYf>~ every convenience, h. and c ="» ' <irt -* water, porcelain bath and basin, f> 7OK wnshhouse. c. and t. : all under Sr I JJO on , roo f. Laj-ge Section. Term*. £725 £150Ca^ OT-Kn —GREY LYNN (handy position) — «'«« FIVE ROOMS and conveniences : Orert now being pointed; good order. o»10U Section 35 x 110. Terms, £300 £750 cash - r.QKO— GKEY LTMN (within 2d trams) 3*OO\r tIOUSE 0 LARGE ROOMS : all 4?C?CO ' n B°od order ; sewer drainage nnd al! conveniences. Owner will i?C?;O renovnte outside and accept £150 Z*OO\J dppoeit. •Pll Aft —GREY LYNN (few doors 2d '*- , -- 1 - uu trams) —ATTRACTIVE HOME £1100 ° UOOMS ; - bays, nJI c°- nTen|--4? "I 1 Aft ,aln °atb nnd basin, washbouso, t,w J-l-W copper and tnbu ;In fnct. every-r»-J-100 ,hln ß r ° sp'<""dld order and d»XXVU wor thy of inspection. Terms. £1100 £:!0 ° Cash - MT - BDEN — HOUSE 6 tviUi *' ROOMS, only 6 years old : 4. J every modern convenience, h. a^a - v -"-' nnd c. water. English porcelain XMO^' ba,n nn<l basin, gas fires, range cV-LV".- , with tiled back, washhouse with gas copper. Terms. £2.10 cVXVw«J r . ish (C 890) $ Ofiri —WITHIN 1d SUCTION —HOUSE cVULHJ 7 ROOMS, good order : porcelain P bn,b ana aM conveniences. Plecd~&K*J , He llßht througn<)ut . section PQiV\ :ho x 300 ' «bout. Terms, say, e-£7V*_J KSO rash. Owner transferred SOl,> reason for sellin B- (C 1041) £}-\ -(AA—REMUERA fvery handy posltlon) —TWO-STOREY RESIPIIOO 7 ROOMS: every convenienco; splendid harbour jPiinO views. Section 3(1 1 140, about. * 11U " Terms. £250 Cash. X?-JOOO —DOMIN3ON RD. TERMINUS— TWO SECTIONS, with frontX? 1 OOn a ß p t0 Dominion Road nnd also c-WJ-wJ-TV B | de street, each 44 x 132. with -01000 BUNGALOW 4 ROOMS, all cI*.L«VV conveniences, also 6-stall Stable i 200 (corrugated Iron) ;nt present c**-'-*'"" carried on as carrying business. i? 1 900 Uncased estate, and must sell. c) ' J -" u, -' Buildings alone worth the £1200 money X?-|f)Ort—MILFORD. TAKAPUNA (close cVJjwOJ trnm and bench)—KAUßl i>l OCX BUNGALOW 5 ROOMS (5) ; ~n mod( . rn conveniences, porce-p-|9Qr lain bath nnd basin, p.w.c, d ~ J -^ OO wnshhonse, c. nnd t., very large XMOOPC verandahs. Section with front- * O ° J - l «Ke to two roads. Terms, £450 £1285 Cash - £ 100fV~ HA?,T)Y TO PARNBLL AND c^xouu NEWMARKET — GOOD <?IQOn KAURI RESIDENCE 7. cwXOULF noOMS. In splendid order: ViQOO. <*very convenience. This Is a| d-J.ow chMp homr , and possWilon I X? - ! QOO ratl be tfwn immediately. dJXOVV Terms, £400 Cash. P 1 QOA— FEW MI N'TTTES , W.\ LX °" J - OU, -' QUKKN STREET TWOX?1O00 ST( > KEY KD RESIDENTE OF : 10 ROOMS, with all modern ! £1300 "rilicTn; I £IQOO B ' rt, °n- A ° undoubted "bar- ' c:W - 1 -'" M -' v/ gnln. House could not be i -PIQOO bullt for £1 8">0. For Quick ilow Sale, only £1300. £ 1 fifiA— ELLERSLIE—CEXTT.BMAN'S C *"- Ll -' V ' , -' RESIDENCE R I-ar E (. Rooms 4?lfvf?o drawing-room 30 1 18, dinlngcwxuu " room 20 x Iβ. others in pro£l fifiO P° rt,OQ : ever >- modern conveC * -J - V " JV nlence. porcelain bath, basin :PlfifiO h - aDd c - w»ter. etc. This ~ IUW Modern Home stands on f-acre .pififiO Soction, nnd a bargain to the ■~^" W one who Rets lt possession O "I (i( JO Immediately. 4> QOAft— DARNELL WATERFRONT— cVOVV/i/ GENTLEMAN'S MOD FR \ T fOOOft "OME OF 8 ROOMS, largo and 3J&\j\nj i oftT wlth nlI the ]atcst papers P "-lOdiCl Bnd Wr «' and every convenl-d-«JVW mrp . Bp i,, n< | ld harbour view • mot ° r garage; Venetian blinds. F.verythlng in flrst<lass order £3000 N ° mortgase - Terms arranged. WENZL SCHOLLUM, AUCTIONEER, LAND AND ESTATE AfiENT. 109, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. 48 MOORE-JONES BROS. REMUERA—£I6SO. COSY BUNGALOW, 0 rooms and kitchenette, especially well built, vrlth every or tram. We can recommend. (7585-) MT. EDEN..— £1500 — FAITHFULLYBCILT BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, all large, reception or drawing room, very kitchenette; wardrobes, brick fires. Stands on hill rldg*. This is great value. We can recommend. (6760) THIS WEEK'S SNIP. 1?-I-100~ COSY HOUSE, 4 rooms and °^ J ~ LV, -' kitchenette, with first-class furniture: range; all especially well built, beet of timbers, reg. tiled A-ates. Level Allot.. in neatest of garden, grass, and well laid paths. Stands high, handy 2d section, school. FURNITURE AND HOME, ONLY £1100. Need we recommend? (7657) GREY LYNN, 2d SECTION.—£IO3O— Neatly Designed Bungalow, 5 rooms nicely finished, tiled Rt-ates ; large reception hall, dome plaster ceiling; attached laundry. Level Allot., In garden. Splendid value : £400 cash, or thereabouts. We can recommend. (7644) T> EMU ERA — £1750 — PRETTY BCXGA- -*-* LOW, C rooms, especially well built, white rough cast. A very artistic home, with every modern appointment: well tires, sliding door from living to breakfast rooms buffet to kitchenette, which Is especially well furnished. Extensive outlook. Large Allotment. Terms arranged. We can recom- " MOORE-JONES BROS. S 6, SHORTLAND STREET. Also HAMILTON. D P. W. Douglas.] fPuone S9SA. DOUGLAS AND CO., LAND AND ESTATE AGE-NTS. ■* ? fi S IO~' HASLETT STREET.—6 R.KUns, &mi\j<J\J sorllery, bathroom, washhouse. c. and >t., patent, gas aud convs. Easy terms arranged. (70) jp p t?kO~" PONSOX;t ' I ROAD (off)—s <3mi%MJ\J Rooms, Kas. patent; level section, close to tram. Terms arranged. (7li 4? QTw— ALBANY .ROAD.—S Rooms, "■"'I" scullery, pantry, bathroom, washhouse, c. and t., gas; lawn and vegetable garden. £375 cash. ' (61) 4?1 XXft— WINDMILL ROAD, MOUNT &-LOOU EDEN.—About 7 rooms, porcelain bath, basin, h. and c. water; wab'h'house, c. and t., patemt. Furniture can +>c bought. Terms arranged. (49) DOUGLAS AND CO., "ALL THE TIME," 14. VICTORIA STSREET EAST. B APARTMENT OR BOARDINGHOUSE. o|o iHOOMS, all cony.. 2 .bathrooms with **U pore, bathe, h. and c. water, 2 p.w.c.'s, range, gas, washhouse (c. and t.) Good section. 0-RICE ONLY £ 1 75Q > ABOUT HAW CASH, BAL. EASY TERMS, NOTE.—This fine bouse is situated in Id sec. and only few minute*' walk to the city. A real money-making concern. J. & G. LOVEGROVE & CO. £tfEETON*S BLTJGS.. QUEEN ST. B
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
Word Count
1,003Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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