PROPERTIES FOR SAIE. HOUSE AND 2 SECTIONS THE SNIP WE HAD ON MONDAY WAS SOLD STRAIGHT AWAY. TTERE TS A NOTHBR. •CUVTA BUYS A DOUBLE-FRONTED «*-LU«_HJ VILLA, -J bay windows; very nice outlook. Five rooms and kitchenette, pantry, gas cooker, linen presses, and SIX MINUTES FRO*! TRAM. BUILT OK HEART OF KAURI. TERMS ARRANGED. WE HAVE SEVERAL HOUSES FROM £T25 TO £1000 ON LOW DEPOSITS. HENRY CLAYTON & CO., •ME ETON'S BUILDINGS. V smallTdaTry farm. 125 ACRES AT £45 PER ACRE. Situated within 3 miles of town and railway. Good roads, ("ream cart collection. HOUSR. 5 rooms, 8-bail cowshed, sepnraother stock, and S horses. Arrangements being made to milk about 4ii cows next season, comprises 100 acres excellent Hvot flats. Immune from flood, the balance being terrace land a few feet lilgher, which grows excellent crops of oats nnd maize. The farm, when completely brought in, will carry from 60 to 70 cows, and nt the price asked Is good value. Adjoining properties are selling at double the price asked for tli is. Inspected and highly recommended. PRICE, £43 PER ACRE. £1000 CASH. THE NORTH AUCKLAND FARMERS' CO-OP., LTD., KINGS CHAMBERS, COMMERCE ST , AUCKLAND. (Head Office. WHANGAREI.) U Q A CREs AND RRD. T>UNGALOW. JSMIN. FROM ROYAL OAK CORNER.. OWNER HAS INSTRTKTTED US TO •SELL FOR £2000. WOULD CON?rDER TAKING HOUSES IN CITY IN EXCHANGE. RICHARD ARTHUR, LTD. ELLIOTT STREET. • 57S OLD ENGLISH DESIGNED BUNGALOW MARSEILLES TILE ROOF. CONCRETE WALLS. SEVEN GOOD ROOMS AND EVERY CONVENIENCE Living Rooms En Suite. Hißh-Breasted Brick Mantelpiece Walls in All Rooms of Pliister. WILE LAST A LIFETIME STANDS ON A PROMINENT CORNER Suit a Doctor. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION P BICE - £2500. AND ONLY WANTS SEEING. HARROP AND MEDLEY, 13. SHORTLAND STREET. D HARD TO FIND. This is the reply we have hud to give to numerous clients Inquiring for homes t>p to £800, but Just now we are able to offer, and can recommend— pONSONBY. K-BOOMED HOUSE, 3 fireplaces, wash- •* house, c. and t.. p.w.c, and the price Is only £760, with say £300 cash. ARCH XTILL. *T-nOOMKD HOUSE. 4 fireplaces, bath, *J wafrfbhouse, c. and t., p.w.c. A cheap property at £600, and only £200 casn required. ROBERT HOOD, 20 and 21, WAITEMATA CHAMBERS, CUSTOMS 6TREET WEST. B DEVONPORT. NEAR CALLIOPB RD.—BayA/lfJfJ window Villa, 4 rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, h. and c. water; jras and electric lighting: washbouse. p.w.c, etc.; level section, about -17 x 120 ft. (7CJ r> Q7K— CLOSE VICTORIA ROAD— \3*<Jt*J villa. 5 rooms and convs.; level section, HO x 150 ft. (77) r>ooo CASH—Victoria Road Ci doors off) dJtjXjyJ —Villa, 5 rooms, bay window, ■bathroom, gas. water, washhouse, p.w.c, etc.; level section. Exceptional situation. i>l ITK— STANLEY BAY (one door 3*-LXI*J from Calliope Rd.)— Bay window Villa, 6 rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, gas, water. washhouso; p.w.c. etc. Recently painted and reuovated. Now in the best of condition. Level section, Gβ x lOift, See this. (80) APPLY— , - DEVONPORT MUTUAL STORES, LTD., LAND DEPARTMENT, 27," 29. 31, VICTORIA It'OAD. .'O7 THE HAYMARKET LAND SALE ROOMS. % ;• ALBERT gTREET. A UCKLAXD. * NICE LITTLE OITT INTESTMENT■A- £1500. BEST PAIRT OF GREY STREET. TWO ATTACHED HOUSE«S, good and sound and of mnterlal now unprocurable. Five rooms and conveniences each, plaster dividing wall. This position commands extreme rentals, with large future Increment. (638) mo RETURNED SOLDIERS AND -»■ OTHERS. CAPITALLY BUILT, WELL ORDERED HOUSE, SIX LARGE ROOMS and conveniences, together with the NEW FURNITURE. Situated best part of JERVOIS ESTATE, PONSONBY. Stands very high, with pretty views. The owner Is invalided to England, and must sell the HOUSE AND FURNITURE as it stands. £1200. Returned soldiers can leave £800 on the bargain. SUBURBAN DAIRY FAEM. 18 ACRES, PAPAKURA. All in grass nnd crops. Subdivided 7 paddocks by good fences and hedges. Well watered. BUILDINGS consist of Comfortable Cottage ol 5 rooms and conveniences; Shed, containing 2 rooms and washhouse also, under one roof: Separator Room, Implement nnd cartshed, 4-ball Cowshed. Handy to everything. PRICE, £2000. Easy terms. ALFRED BUCKLAND _ AND SONS, :-4Jk.'-, LIMITED, - 3 .jmZZ?-. AIiBZBI STBJ3ET. ~3T- B
Page 3 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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