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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. PONSONBY. FURNISHED HOME. WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ■P1 OAA—VILLA Ot SIX GOOD cJ-iwUU ROOMS, bathroom, etc.; Bound and in good order; verandah and bays; built-in dresser, press, etc.; sewer drainage: p.w.r.: wastabouee, c. and tubs. Freehold section, 40 x 130 ft. Fine sunny position. Price, Including furniture, flL'Oo: or would sell without furniture for £1100. (^SC) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and TUKEKOHE. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT-β GOOD." NEAR PART OF EPSOM. 4>-l QAA—VILLA OF SIX ROOMS. cwXOW kitchennete. 6cnllery, etc. Sleeping out verandah. All in (rood order. Three bnilt-in wardrobes, ample cupboards: Orion range and gas stove. Sewer drainage and p.w.c: washhouse, c. nnd tabs. Level freehold section,, 50 x 150 ft, in irarden, lawn, frnlt trees, fowlmn, etc. Very convenient situation, within easy wiilk of care at junction and of Newmarket. Price, £1300. Terms, £500 cash. (302) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. S3, QUE/BN STRE-ET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. "NOTHINO ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." EPSOM HOME. PINE CORNER LOT. ■PIT^ift—BUNGALOW. 6 room's, bathroom, entrance hall, etc.: built about S years and in splendid order: verandah front and back: oiled rlinu finish; diningroom 20 x Iβ: pore, hath and basin, gas stove, linen press; sewer drainage and p.w.r.: wmhhouse and laundry. Toolahed. fernery, etc. CORNER SECTION. 75 x lTOft: room for TENNIS COURT. Pbone connected. Very pleasant situation In good neighbourhood. Prtce, £1750. Terms: £750 cash. CMG) SAMUEL VAILETa SONS, LTD. J S3, QUEEN STIREET, Branches at HAMILTON and PUIKEKOHE. "XOTHnVG AOVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD. REMUERA WATERSIDE. GENTLEMAN'S SUPERIOR HOME. WITH HALF ACRE. nqAAA-SEMI-BUNQALOW of eight roomSi bathroom and scullery; built seven years ago for owner's occupation, and all in good order: finished In oiled rimu; folding doors h#t»«en living room and another room; pore, bath and basin, callfont, gas cooker, well-appointed scullery; sewer drainage and p.w.iv: attached waehbonse. HALF-ACRE SECTION, gently sloping, paths tarred ami sanded: garden, lawn, and fruit trees. Very handy tc cars. Good surrounding* and nice water view. Price, £1000. Terns given. (327) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. S3. QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." URGENT SALE, i NEW LYNN. < RESIDENCE AND 5% ACRES. 4? "I TTt/V—BRICK HOUSE OF EIGHT owXlt*/ ROOMS,.and attached washhouse: cavltv walls, rough cast finish; verandah three sides; 3 bay window*; built five years; bath, o. and tubs; brick dairy, workshop, cowshed, fowlhouse and run; R} ACRES, gectly sloping land, all In grass; few frnlt trees, shrubs, etc. Price reduced to £1750 for quick sale. (117) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 83. QUEEN STRKET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." ONE-TREE HILL. VERT ATTRACTIVE HOME. PIPiFCA— RESIDENCE OF 5 ROOMS, cwxutn/ kitchenette and bathroom 2 bays; verandah front and back: recently re-papered and pafnted, and In perfect order; porcelain bath, califont, range and house, gae, copper, and tubs;' motor garage. Level section. 99 t>y 163 ft. Hedges all round. Garden, lawn, and assorted frnlt trees. Fine views of eurrounding districts. Within easy reach of cars Price, £1550. . (110-One) SAMUEL VAILE~& SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE "NOTHING . ADVHRTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." PAPATOETOE. SUBURBAN HOME. • WITH 8H ACRES. X?OOKA-8J ACRES OF GENTLT d-'AAOIJ SLOPING LAND, well fenced, and subdivided Into four paddocks and ali in grass. CORNER OF TWO ROAD.S. Would subdivide to advantage. Watered by bore, also tanks. New Cottage, 4 rooms Large shed. Price, £2250. (215/0. C.T.) SAMUEL VAILT& SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOIIE "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." CHARMING LITTLE HOME AT MT. EDEN. ■Plfifrfr _Bl;N ' GALCVW of c 'arge cvi-UVAF rooms bathroom, pantry ecuilery; beams ceiling in diningroom;' well-, appointed wltJi all modern cony., Hncn press, wardrobes, bins, cupboards, etc." pore, bath and 'baeln, h. and c. water! septic tank, p.w.c. Section 35 i 179 ft well laid out. concrete paths. This Is a particularly attractive type of home and te In perfect order. Possession could be arranged at short notice. Price, £1600 (455) SAMUEL VAILE & SONS, LTD. 83. QUEEN STREET. Branches at (HAMILTON and PCKEKOHE. " NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD." GREY LYNN. HOUSE ON £100 DEPOSIT. i>l QAft-IRESIDEXCE of six rooms, 3ilOvv bathroom, etc.; built mostly of brick- two bay windows, verandah front and back; gas cooker; sewer drainage and p.w.c. Freehold section. Only a few yards from trams and within easy reach 2d section. Price, £1300. Terms: £100 cash, bal. as arranged. (244) SAMUEL VAILE~& SONS, LTD. 83, QUBBN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE. "NOTHING ADVERTISED UNLESS IT'S GOOD. , ' DEVONPORT. .£?&■?■ OHIY £200 DEPOSIT. O QAjA— HOUSE of six ro<rms, bath3j)j\jyj room, pantry and scnllery; hay an d verandah; built best kauri timber; eas range, sewer drainage and p.w.c; detached washhouee (c. and t.). Level iectlon, 50 x 100 ft. Within easy teach of Cheltenham Beach. Price, £900. Terme: £200 cash, tielaJice in 3 or 5 years at 6 per cent. (189) SAMUEL VAIIT& SONS, LTD. 83, QUEEN STREET. Branches at HAMILTON and PUKEKOHE "SOTHISG ADVERTISED UITC.BSS rr« g00d. ,.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
Word Count
827Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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