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PROPERTIES FOB SALE. Q.RE.AT GIFT-Nw North Kd.. M See-' civ> o - !* 0 " ,1 Knurl Hoi"*. 8 rooms; ■gS-iO.—j*pnin. 103. 'Syinonds St. 41 O££ AtMIES. unimproved, ring fpn<-ed; cood ■-*-* <ti-trpe; fsoo «r near offer -<M St 1-uhp-s Hi.. Mt. Albert. «"«—«- AfoiMJU.N Kungalow. .Nii. Kden. f> rooms. *■«- nil ronvs., porcelain .hatU; easy terms. Jolly_nn<l__Co.. Mt. Eden Kd. 524 £1 1 0~ £1 ° ,nsh t- Choice Section r~ ( « w a .?, dy K(lpn ' lal(> school: absolute bacriflce.—Millar. King's Chambers. 6.1, i-80()~ £ ' flo <-usli-O-roomed House. 2 Mm V-- - AeTr * lnnd - near C "- T : bargain. eri, Qneen St. 58 AWimiBNT Horn*. freehoTil " vqnm OO<i ° r(W; I,< ">s°nby: life Income! ±3000; terms.-Xo. 11. Kew's Bldgs., Queen "_1 US VyATERSIDE Snlp-5-rooined Honse cony.. perfect order: large verandahs; magnificent views; beach frontaje £900----tfrnn.-f. .]. Bidgs. 327 £150 nBp OBIT, FHceTlßeo-Sew. Pp. ft. ,O(U,C "-'•"omed Bungalow, heart of kauri v..and <-.. pore. bath, etc.: full JAgg" ff : ff& n igsfcr*™* r0 ""g 1 7(V a<::rk Farm. Rood buildings, for £23j A rash: Kc°«lne mrlflce; snip, energetic man.— Wblrtaker, 'Phoenli Chamlx-m, 5 TXOUSE. r> rooms, for Sate: Immediate -•-J- possession; £52.->; cash, £21)0.—0-16, Fonsonby IRd. j TTNION ST.. OtTy— 7-roomed Bungalow; section. 68 x 2SO. Bergedn. £1200; deposit. fCKO.—Thode 3ros., Phoenli Chambers, opp -G.-P.o, piOXSOXBT. 2mln. cars-7 Rooms and - 1 - conr. Inimedlnte possession. fISSO- depoult. £250.—Thode Bros. Phoenix Cliem■bers. opp. G..P.0. r>ol mHE raiVK, Epsom—6-roamed Bnngalow. ■*- all <-onv.: handy cere. *HDO, -terme.— Tbode Bro.s, Phoenix Chambers, opp. G.P.O. an TYfT. EDBX, .handy cars—Modern Bnnsfa- ■"-«- low. all cony. Bargain. £U7tT.—Tbode Bros., Pnoeclx Chambers, opp. 1i.T.0. 501 "VfT. ALBERT, imln. 5 -"-*■ Jarj;e rooms, all eonv.; stands high: large section. £1100 — Thode Bros.. Phoenix Chambers, opp <i.P.<">. HOI •POT! DEPOSIT—o Jtoome and eonv.; txa-Ddy school. Eden Terrace. Sal., £440.—Thode Bros.. IPboenlx Chambers, opp. 0.p.0. r>ol -|^"EWTON.— fMO.—Nice position, handy -"-'ear., 0 rooms, water, gas, p.w.c. Terms arranged. ■LLOYD ANJ> HEDT>ITCH. 1, Short's Bldgs., '104, Queen 'Street B ITY —f900.—0 -Good .Rooms,' bath, copper. tubs. gas throughout; handy P.O. ■Good proposition. •LLOYD AND nEDiDITCH, 1, Short's Bldgs.. IM. Qne«n SLreet. B KEEN LANE — SECTION. — £285.— (Lovely position, all fenced; ready to build. ■LLOYD AND HEDDITCII. 1. Short's Bldgs.. 154, Queen Street. B NiJULN^A.—Ltooi). — Handy airs! Sice little Collage, v rooms, necessary conveniences. Terms arranged. ■LLOYD AND HEDiTHTCH, 1, Short's Bldgs.. l'A. Queen Street. B TJCN SOX BY —X iff BUXGAWW, o *- rooms, modern conve. Price £1230. Terms.—Beaumont and Co., 11, Endean's Bldgs. 106 O'TpTA OX 2d Section; 5 rooms; all conl""i veniences; terms arranged.— Beaumgnt and Co.. 11, Endean's Bldgs. HV3 TpPSOM.—BEST PART—<2mln from tram) BUNGALOW, right up-to-date. telephone, tennis court: motor garage. Blcvated; splendid outlook. Volcanic soil. Leaving Auckland reason for selling. rnitlE, £l«0. Terms or Cash. NO AqEXTS, 173, Star Office. 57S gHEEP AND OAIRI- .pAR-MS And 4s# Q.OIXG QOXCERXS Jr£) '*?*>' From ISc?! ' ' 100 'TO-3000' AOKES. vSJKBi Sena for particulars. J. W, THOMPSON. Whttford. & J. GRIMSHAW, Rep. jCQnA-GREY LTXX—House, 8 rooms •cw«/w aD< j a ii conrrs.: } mln. to car s-top, within 2d section. £100 cash. f7SO—POXSOX BY—House, 6 roome; p.w.c, washtiotwe, c. and t. £300 cash. £790—PONeONiBT—5 Rooms and conve; newly painted end papered; empty; immediate possession. Terms. W. J. PRrBST. TH 17, Vulcan Lane. Trrx'O rx>u.xTßy. /~i razing T?u>*. QtiO ipra - iS ' 9at t0 undniating. nearly nil *7»Jv jilougbahle, 750 acres improved, well fenced. 30 paddocke, good «heep-proof fences; 'Modern Bungalow. » rooms; Cottage, ntaenrlur nlicrd, etc. WAered Iry small river and springs. Price, £13 10/ per acre. Only £2,000 deposit. Situate In good district, on a main road. High prospective value If liut in good order. TT r* XjIOSTEK AXD /^O., TE AWAMUTU. B . ■-! . "DARNELL. lmin. to Id cars. lOmln. easy walk to city. SOUND KAURI VILLA, of 5 large roome; everything In good order; bathroom; range; p.w.c; washhouse,; c. and t.; sunny position. Price £700. Easy terms. Cheap. Freehold. BEN BOLLARD. Darby's Buildings, Queen Stret. B -r»UTTK'R<FAT Q/ Oft ACHES, AUCKLAND StSBTTRBAN; V DU Rooms and cowshed; all first-class drained twimp In grass, carrying 30 cows and other stock. City milk supplj area, 1/2 per gallon. Only £70 per acre; £950 cub. A. E. D"™ 8, 17. PXIOy BPILDIKCS. CTTSTOMS BT. B I* SOM—Choice Position—s Rooms and kitchenette, standing on fine level section, 70ft frontage; fruit, etc. Price, £1350. RBMUETRA-β Rooms. rough-cast on brick foundation; every convenience; close to tram; water views. A charming home. £2030. W. 8. RALPH, W. S. RALPH, Shortlaad Street. B C} -1 CDS-REBTUERA-Dellffhitriil enert SJImXdO semi-bungalow of 6 large living rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, etc.; eqnlpped with every modern convenience; Just p»loted and papered throughout with best material In latest style. 'Return verandah and large sunny t>ack balcony; fine elevated position; good section; very handy to train and This Is food v*lue. Owner must seal. £680 S. WILSON AND SONS, _ Phone 2W5. Greenlane. 5.0 -NELSON STREET, CITY-7 3JD II> Rooms, bath, washiouse (c. and t). etc. Terms arranged. n-icu\ DEPOSIT to Reservoir—2 djIXJU Oood Souses, 6 and 5 rooms, In *7^- r cHbICE of 2 New β-roomed A'IS'MJ Houses, with all conr.; handy £1100----3JAO\J o«od β-poomed House and large "petion- 2mln. from tram. , 'House, 10 rooms, suitable KJ for apartment house; splendid harbour 3jl\J\J HAIPE IROAD—S Rooms, level NEWTOn'aNDKALMAN, 8 SHOKTTS BUIEDISGS, Queen Street. B ""TAKAPUNA BEACH. THE HOUSE ON jg-OUSB OF 5 JJOOMS. And all conveniences. Stone Wall. £1500. HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS. ««P tlo " a " T *'" built, beautifully finished Inside, three bedrooms, with »ullt-ln enpbeards; bathroom, porcelain bath and basin, n and c., p we!: -ectton oyer i-acre, nkely '»««"»• Grand views. Good value. Price, £1400. W. ESDAILE AND CO.,
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
Word Count
914Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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