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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. i » rARTMEXT HOUSE, 12mlns. G.V.0., A- Main Ud.; Ri>od mortsase accepted — Centrnl. 712. STAR. D IjOXf'XBY —fi roomed Kauri Houso, plovated <-oru<*r Bpi-Ilon: tram stops at donr: creftt prospective value. This is a raro sulp. co Inspect early. Price CP.7.Y Knpv lerm>. Harry and Co., Auctioneers ■ 'jhi'w Lamps. I , hone L'!)9OA. jj ; XT OX ROAU.-ea i 132 feet, level volt I ranic. neit >-orner of Pine St; £3 foot OwniT. 4D, Ml F.ilpn ltd. D , T~ RANMKKK ltd.\TPlT~Beantiful LcTel ' Sei-tlcn. :.'l x 150 Teet; only JCIOG; bar-I s »liUoil.v._4n L Ml. Ktieu n<l. f,j)7 HEMNK BAY] Modern"Trocimed Bungalow, up io date in every detail, conrretP PHtlif. lovely section : best localltv \ must desirable home. Price £1350. Terms nrrnnceil. Harry and Co.. Auctioneers Ihrff l-amim. _l'hone 2SOOA. L) B-WHIMKU Housed all convs.. newly reno- " vatod. [Kirrv bath and celifonr £800 — Address at STAR. ' lni 7 rooms, cony.; no renovatinc good aeoUon. fli'Oii. Terms. Xo tfeots Ownrr. U«. STAR. 180 In fruit, returning £*X) per J-U year. Price rC-JOO; foOO cash — Write I'd. Box IT2I. 159 I'ASH—O A _ cres, 0 in fruit; o-rd o-UUU Bonpalow; lot of outbulldlugK; £ 1800.— Post Boi nai. 161 ifOi)— KS>i>S TJSaUACK.—S Kooms, all c—O" cony».; balance Q weekly; bargnin— A'lctor Stewart, Sβ. Qneen St. 113 rOCOO — ORAFTON ~— Gentleman's °-"^ 01/U nesldence. 0 rooms. latest architecture; freehold. - Newton and Kalnian. Sole Agonts Short'ii IJnlldlngs. 142 Xl/ ACRES, with Residence, beautiful W/4: Mt. Albert; sreat prospective valne£3..Vlo.—Victor iStwwapt. 58. (jueen St. 114 AIP A RTM EXT House, corner section, ■"■*• lovely position. cheap. £1S.">O: offer wanted. — Lionel Taylor, Palmereton Bldra.. (opp. GjP.O.J. 147 GOL/F 'RD.. lEpsora.—C Rooms; iarge eectlon; really good 'home; £1500. terms — Lionnl Taylor. cPalmvxeton Bides (opp t!. P. 0.1. 147 V PJOK— 2d SEC... Klngsla nd—6-roomed c^. villa: heart katui: built 12 ypare. Easy terms. —Apply 7, Rare St., Eden Terrace. .1,t9 ZjA OR 70 ACRES FOR SALE ; 5-roomed "" Honse and concrete cowshed: all level ; D road frontages ; school on property ; £7.i per acre, easy terms. Situated Horotlu. Would Exchange for Auckland Property and soini . Cash. Ellerslle preferred. BOX lea. Hamilton. SAXDSOAP MAKERS AND OTHERS.— Wanted to Sell—Few Acres Fine Sand suitable for above: a splendid seam, close to rail ; would join In partnership , : principals only. PUMICE. BjJ 131, STAR. IX'QAA — BBiiEReLIH — 5-roomed Home. o~U\jyj ,-ci, built, heart of kauri, modern and In beautiful order throughout; large porcelain bub, good caltfont. p.w.c; Ellerslle Tovm Boerd drainage; wanhhouse, copper and tubs, etc.: corner section, goo<l position; 3 mlns. to train. f4OO cash. CH.VS. WILSON - AND SON, Phone 2045. Greenlane. 6WJ 4'l QXA— REMIERA—Loveb - Up-to-date t&AOJ\J Bungalow, 5 rooms. 2 sleeping porches; on beautiful corner section; every up-to-date cony., telephone, etc. Very nttractive. Terms. -PRBD. BALL, Rew's i'hambfrs, 10. Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.). J'hone 2e54A. i' J.nO _DOMINION »OAD (2d Section)----j «±W V ery Xeat Cottage. 'J rooms and kitchenette, gas and gas stove, washicuse (c. and t.l.j concrete paths; ee»"tlon, 50 x D.iO. £250 cash.—■FßED. BALL, Rew's Chambers. 15, Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.;. tPhone •-'654 A. -P 1 ~ El ' so - M — Semi-Bungalow. 5 «=**-*-■*'-'" rooms and kitchenette; h. and r. {rater, p.b. and b.. p.w.c, washhouee (c. nnd t.), under one roof. In tip-top order. [Easy terms.—FßlED. BALL. Rew's Chaiuriers. 15, Queen St. (opp. G.P.0.). Phone 2654 A. 4? OOAA-MT - EDEN— A Real Home. S C * J """ rooms, and hilliard-room, with every modern cony.; p.b. and b., p.w.c, etc.: lovely tennis court. Furniture can be bought at valuation. ..Terms.—FßED. BALL, (Rew'e Clmmbere, 15, Queen St. (opp. r;.P.0.). Phone 0604 A. 4?fJXA— PONBOMBY— 4 Rooms and klTaj\JtJ\J chenette, bathroom, gae stove, fwashhouse and email room detached; tarred ipathe; fine sunny position. £400 cash.— IFIRED. BALL, Rew's Chambers, 15, Queen gt. (opp. G.P.0.). Phone 2654 A. D TN DECEASED ESTATE. SIXjROOMED HOUSE, Solid Heart of Kauri. Two. mlns. from Svmonds St. Id Section. f625. For further partlculare, apply | ';., C, ESPLANADE ROAD, ' V; Mount Eden. D 4 £?O?CA—BARGAIN—0 Acres good work3JOiJ\J able land, half in orchard good export apples, balance In grass; comfortable Cottage. 3 rooms, etc.—GREAT XORTHER.V lAOBNCT, 11, H.M. Arcade. B l-C'PiAA DEPOSIT—I3O Acres. Price, £22 w"W 10/ per acre; 9 paddocks; 80 seres ploughed in good English grasves; easily run 25 cows; good range of bulld- . tngs; cream cart passes.—Great Northern Agency. 11. H.M. Arcade. B rpiVER FLATS—£2OO deposit; 100 acres; -", Manngatawhlrl Valley; fl3 acre: adjolniag land £60. —Dayles, H.M. Arcade. B '■Pll 7^— MT - EDEN (Immediate Posees""i- 1 - , - •«-» sion — 4-rootned Californlan Bungalow, beautifully finished, art wallpapers. Inspection invited. A Bargain. Terms. Folio (Iβ). —COWARD. BALL AND HARRISON. 85. Queen St. Phone 2944 A. KA — DOMINION ROAD — Semi- °"-'" t - , - 1 Bnngalow of 5 nice rooms, p.b. and b., beautiful art wallpapers. A Snug Little Home. Let us take" you to fnepect. Folio (60). Terms arranged.— TOWARD, BALL AND HARRISON, 95. Queen St. 'Phone 2944 A. B 4?11 AA — DOMINION BOAD — Bun-rwJ.-LWF galow 6 rooms, p.b. and b., b. End c, casement windows. In splendid condition. Bandy to cars. With offer fo put In electric light? Terms arranged. A Bargain. Folio (G2). — COWARD, BALL AND HARRISON, 93, Queen St. 'Phone g!H4A. ; . B 1-t'ifiAA — GREY LINN — β-roomed OWJ.UUV Modern Bungalow, p.b. and b.. patent drainage, corner *ectlon, gas, callfont, etovc, w., h.c a%d tubs, workshop, gar■ge. brick and iron frames, concrete path* : newly renovated ; built-in wardrobes. This kome Is worth £1900. Owner is leaving. Knd must sell. Terms arranged. Handy to tars. Call early for tnie. Folio (17.).— COWARD, BALL AND HARBISON, • 95. Rueen St. 'Phone 2944 A. B 9R7?\~ SEMI-BUNGALOW of 4 rooms *O I " and pantry, bathroom, wasbhouee, copper and tubs. Recently painted; papers In good, condition. Level volcanic Section, 4min from terminus, Dominion Rd.—QUANE AND LACDER, 15, Queen St., opp. G.P.O. B γ-i f>~ a—remuera.— bungalow of o*-*-**J\J 5 rooms, pantry and scullery, pore, bath and basin, waehhonse, c. and t., p.w.c. Requlles painting and papering. but the price allows for thle. Only £360 cash wanted.—QUAKE AND LAUDER, 13. fineen St., opp. G.P.O. B BOARDINGHOUSE OK FLATS, 2mln Id section, Bymonds St.; 10 rooms on brick fonndation. £000. Section worth the money. Bee us to-day.—QUANE AND LAUDER, 15, ftueen St., opp. G.P.O. B f;P SAA — KEMUERA — Unencumbered fMJVU House, 4 rooms; gas stove, •ewer drainage, etc. Section about 50ft x SSOft, garden etc. £200 cash required.— CEO. C. OREAGII, 112, Victoria Arcade. KECTION, 80ft x 125 ft, sltnttcd In Mount r 3 KoßtUl District (off Dominion Road). Mortgage £100. Price. £160.—GEO. C. CREAGH, 112, Victoria Arcade. !£"! KAA—HOTAX. OAK —Modern Home "■•"W 7 roomi; porcelain bath and Basin, callfont, gas stove, range, etc. Section over an acre. Price reduced to £1500. G'EO. C. CREAQg, 112, Victoria Arcade. ff)QMINION ROAD (near Valley Rond Section) — Semi-Bungalow, 7 large looms and all modern conveniences, Mort--B«ge f7OO. Insnranee £730. Large corner •ectlon. Tolcanic soil. Price £1760.—GE0. C. 112, Victoria Arcade. — EPSOM — House, 6 rooms; «*r-LUUU M-x-m drainage, outbulldinps. etc. Freehold volcanic section. 50 i 150. Ptoperty lg unencumbered. — GEO. C. jKBBAGH. VS. Victoria Arcade. B .
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
Word Count
1,154Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 3
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