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PIANOS FOR SALE. BKOADWOOD l'iano con(lition~aT7iew"BROAD WOOD and Aiigelus. England-, finest Player Pianos: genuine bargain, Auckland Piano Agency, g>l, Queen St. 15,3 PIANO, English, nice tone; good orderno borer; cheap lor caeh; no ageoti — Address STAR. ' 2 C" tHICK.ERI.NG, overstrung, underaimpir ' as new, cheap; nice Rosewood Plan,.'Globe, IT)4. Queen St. 'Phone 285. rj rvVEKSTEUNO Piano, Weber, sacrifice"---,-f - £63; guaranteed sound; others from £30.—Clobe, l'> 4. Queen St. 'Phone 295. D PIANO, beautiful Upright Urand; cheao for cash.—2o. Grove Rd., off Balmoral Rd., iDomlnion Rd. Terminus. jjj i? Kfk— 'LOVELY English IPiano, excelw cS/Ovf tone and condition; Spencer and Shenstones stocked. —Klchardson, Ltd., mo Queen St. yj LLISON —The Great English P!an£Call and see new models.—Sole Agenti E. aad F. iPiauo Agency, Ltd. s. Colau catt, Manager. j^ rpHULSAXDS ofsatisded customen X testify to the excellent piano serrlce— E. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. s. Coldlcntt Manager. J G~ 61/LAKD and Collaru, world-renownea Pianos; great value; easy terms.—Bol, Agents, E. and F. Piano Agencj, Ltd s Coldlcutt, Manager. ' lANOS on Easy Terms.—Escbangei made; large stock for selection.—E and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt Manager. J LLISON Pianos — Shipment arrivta Thousands sold in Auckland.—E ana F. Piano Agency, Ltd. s. Coldlcutt, Manager. J STEY Organa—The Worlds Best HeM Organs. Send for catalogues.—E. M fl F. Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldicutt Manager. y AVESTAFF iPianos sold in New ZealiM for 50 yeara.—Sole Agents, E. aiflT*' Piano Agency, Ltd. 3. Coldlcutt, Manager. U £*STEY Pianos—World-famed for quilin * Easy terms. —Sole Agents, E. and t Piano Agency, Ltd. S. Coldlcutt. Manager, ii PROPERTIES FOR SALE. SECTIONS (2). volcanic, CO x 125 each; 3mln Dominion Rd. Tram Terminus' £120 and £150.—Bargain. Z!A. STAR. ftj CITY Bargain—Two 4-roonwd Houses ana ' Iron Factory; corner section: rentj 88' weekly. £1100. Terms, SJOO.-Tyloen Agent, Hallenstein"s Bldgs. $ ■C' 1 *? : vrt — D-EVONTPOK.T (Water Ejont)— o»» J-wi/Vf House, 7 rooms, convenience!. Bargain. £300 cash.—Quick and Co. Palmerston Bldgs. <fj fl l Aft" TAKA'PtTXA <=wJ_H7U Kauri 'Hoiisc. 7 rooms and conveniences. Terms.—Quick and Co., Palmemton Bldgs. (ft 4_« OfU\ DEPOSIT.—iII , . owwW posiUon; 5 rooms; bal. £700. ROBc-ON. Pierre Buildings, 301 N-p-ar G.:P.0.. Symonus St. 4?QSU"I DEPOSIT.—Good, sound 'Houw, =swOt>V 7 rooms, panu-y. scuilery, bathroom, etc., in perfect order ami condition. Bsi. mo.— ROBSO-V, (Pierce Bldgs., near ■P. 0.. Symonda St. Xl 4?7KA— GKEY LYXN.—Kauri House. 8 d* • *>V rooms, aU convs.— Helford. 3ft, KaTanenhape Rd.. opp. Melvprn's Stores. 7S 4?Q«7X— W-BLbLIAM/SOX AV._6~"Room's, c ""« 7 ~*-' all con vs.; pood vaiue.—Halfaid, 3«, Earangahape Rd., opp. Melvern's Stores. 7g "DARNELL—£IOO DepoTit—Charming s- ■*- roomed Cott.ige. p.w.'-.. washbonse: ■prk*e. £750.—Whittaker's, Phoenix Chambers. SS PAUNELL-β Room?, fine section, tvalcony back and front. p."W.0. ; price, £700; terms. —Whittaker's, Phoenix Cliamliers. SS TJEMUERA Terminus—<i Booms, all corn-.; -"• garnse: larKe jnrdpn. £1650. Terms. Beaumont and Co.. 11. Btidpan's Bidzs. loa Q?TA APRES Limestone Land: 100 swamp. O*-»U fito ploujrtialilp.r eon - - "00 sheep; honso: tPitlJ ppr aore:—Mct»ann,--17, T,"nloi> Buildings. Auckland. 88 HEART OF MT. EDEN — Built for 'Supreme Court Judse uuder architect supervision—Elevated li-roomed 3eaUtiful Residence, 3 tninutw from train, with picturesque outlook: thoroughly built of only the bei-t materials, all in perfect order. I 'Price includes all modern furnKurp except personal effects. An px-eptio-nally cheap i hense ready to stop into ;ir £2000. Terms. li'A/m.—RIOHARDPOX AND CASH. 424 (•Jch Floor), N.Z. Insurance ißldgs.. Queen SL "\TALLEY RD.. Mt. Eden^£6oo—s-roonied ' Villa and cony.; ncn-'.y painted. This is a cheap property, in an ideal position. ! Terms. (A/4).—RICHARDSON AND CASH, J424 (4;h 'Floor), X.Z. Insurance Building. j Queen St. 91 ; YJrrOODHIDE HOAD, Mt. Ed"en—fl2Jo-e- ---• » roomed Villa, wirh all possible cony.; 60 x lSri. This Is abpolntely the picked street of Mt. Eden, Be quick. jA/2>. I RITHARSON AND CASH. 07 I jp-f (\f){\ SI'YS «-roomed Modern fiuni o»lV)UU paion-. pon-. bath and basin, h. and c. water, shower, p.w.c.: every possible ronv.; Bhrll path?. Section. 00 1 130. This fc; superlative value, very easy terms. (N/110).' IRICHAR'SON AND CASH. 424 (4th Floor). X.Z. Insurance 'Buildlnx-s. Queen St. 07 4?1 M DEiPOSIT—ImIu. to oar—3-roomeJ .Bungalow, pore, bath and baaln, h. end c. water, califont, p.w.c. gas stove, ranee; wpll elevated; lawns and garriem: section, SO 1 ISO. Bo!.. £14(X1. IL/3S).RICHA3SDSOX ANI> CASH. 424 Clth Floor). S.Z. Inrannce Bnildings, Queen St. 97 ■VrAXCKAU BD., Epsom—B-roomed Ban- •"•*• gn-low. replete frith every modern conr.: built for a derctor; J-acre of land. This Is great value at £1900. terms. fC/22).—RICHARDSON" AN!D CASH: 424 (4th Floor), X.Z. Insurance Buiidingis. Queeu St. 9T TTAXDY TDPSOM.—ROUGH-CAST TILE ■*-*- 'ROOF BITNGALOTV. 6 Rooms. Quaint, ATttetic. and Very Modern. Electric Light, etc. Glasgow Lease. PRfCE, £1600. HARROP AND 'MEDLEY. 74 15. ShorHand Street._ nSAJIOX DISTBICI ! SPTjEXTHD 6-ROOMED RESIDEWE. ! built 6 years. 'The conveniences are all 0" the latest type. The position Is co convenient to the city that tram rides wlll be n" - necPssary. Possession can be Riven eirtj. ■Positively no agents. Price, £1450. BTtTDGj:. 220. STAR. ** •fiPECIAI, AND EARLY POSSE3SIOX \*~> £1050. £1050. £0050. ! MOrXT AI/BERT. 3 ROOSTS AND KITCEENETTB. Usual Conveniences. A'oleanlc Soil. No Stone. Section lias 7.*irt frootage. Do Xot Delay. y? Apply HARROP AKD T&EDTjET. 173 13. Shor-Jand Street^ It> o x -so y- b T - -17 LARGE r.OOIiS and all modern convl! handy to car. PRICE, £10RO: IXEPOSrT, CSO. A Bargain. R. H. FORBES, I 1H Phoenix Chambers (app. G.P.O.];^ I\rODERN~Tu:"XGALOW of 5 rooms «4 ■*■*• all convs. pore. b. and b., -washhoiu* ■«■. and t.), all under one roof; large dining- ! room 26 1 22, extra wide verandah; everything in first-class order. Section 1 acre. In garden and full-bearing orchard, be* l trees. Situated 15mln from Waiknmete .Station. Price, £900. Terms arranged. I NOTE.—This is a bountiful home, I elevated, level, aud outlook good. j H. ii. WHITE. . 1-.' Wuitemata Chambers. Customs St. H' !Xf to Trams. 3d Sec.' -*- v WeU-built BunzaJow of 0 rooms, bi®: room, pantry, scullery. Tvashhoose. nOt i service, chs. pa'teut city diaiMP , i 'Prion. £1.250; £(i<X) cash. , ■ r>OMSOXBY WATEAFKONT—Heart 0I x Kauri «ouse of « rooms and «»*•• poro. toath and 'basln. aas stove. 2 pa"*"; verandah front aud side, law worK ?"; under hooise: 2 Fectinus. room fur anfftn« house. Price. £I.4f*>: only £3£O ca»n. WORKMEN'S IIIOM.BS. Parnell Id WJ-" :** Villa. 5 rooms. £700: ra&h £'240. IB rooms and KiR-hen. £7<»i; cash *£? I Vtlia, 4 large rooms. £«7T.: casa '-^ Villa. 5 rooms £675: cash £'ZTo. A All with l>othro<ims. wasJinonses. patent* and built of knuyi. In p'evafst positJo- ns- ' T>Rn.F.,
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
Word Count
1,050Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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