MOTOR CARS FOB SAIX. ■piSGLISH HDMBE3B MOTOR LORRY. Bosch Magneto. p «TLIS©EB. A BARGAIN. Urgent Sale. X A. PERKINS AND CO., 1 528 " New City Marketa. qJaklaxd, for s.\X£. Electric Light and Starter. As Good as New. HARRISON AND GASH, ! Motor Importers, NEWMARKET. Phone 1057. B THE ATXEXTION OF INTENDING CAR OWNERS Iβ directed to IENCrI.AND'S LATBST M«HT TAR, THK 'irrJO 'MORRIS-OXiFORD. Embodies «!J the IjaCest Improvements. 1 Models ut Our Showrooms. HARRISO> : AND GASH, Motor Specialists. B Ring 1057. Newmarket. ' (STANDARDISED" MOTOR BODIES. Put a "G.J.W." body in your Chasste. Our system of standardisation means prompt service nnd reasonable price. Let us show you some of our work. GILMOCR, JOLL, AND WILLIAMS, CoacU Builders and Motor Body Specialists, Newton Rd. (off Sytnonds St.. Id Sec). R SCRIPPP ■ BOOTH THREE - SEATEIS, Electric Light, Self-starter. Splendid order. New appearance. Any trial. Cheap. QCEEX STREET GARAGE. E. A. MAraiLL, Manager. Phonp 2367 A. B -yELIB gIX. VELIE MODEL 38 (Sweater), in flrst-claas ' order in every detail. £500. : VELIE. CbasoU thoronghly overhauled, electric erarter and Uehts, wlmlecreeu, ' mudguards, running boards, etc. £300. We have TWO of The LATEST (Model 48) PIVE-SEATBR CARS in Stock for 1 immediate delivery. Inepection Invited. TX'ALKE'R AND B STANLEY STREET. MOTOR CABS WANTED. MOTOR Car, 5-seater, wanted; perfect order; cash buyer waiting.—Moe and Co., Moon Garage, Wclleeley St_ i4l MOTOR GARAGES. BENZINE, 20/ a Case, ilace possible to Ford Car and Truck users tiy fitting a Kord Siromberg Carburettor. This wonderful Carburettor will reduce your Benzine Bill one third. Your car eurts easier and : pulls better, and rune like a eii-cylliwler 'Kie price Is only £8 10/ fitted, and yon fave it In 3 months. Try one at our expense.—Auckland Agents, THE CITY AND SUBURBAN MOTUK CO., Newmarket and Remuera. Phones aBj6A, IWO (3 rlnge) U QOOB BI C H rpYRES. nOODRICH m I B E 8. ! SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. ■sIfEL SIZES COVERS ! IN STOCK. I, We Carrr Large .Stocks LINERS, TUBES. AND SOLUTION. jp 0R D E AND f*o., jrpuE Q.OODRICH pEOPLE, ' "HERALD- BUILDINGS. ■ QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND. B CAK PAINTnfG. FIRST-CLASS WORK AT LOWEST ! RATES. j We are Specialists .'n I EENOVATIXG AND REPAIRING | VEHICLES AND MOTOK CARS. D.S.C. AND (7° USINS * QOUSINS, ! LIMITED, KITCHENER STREET. B jyr agn kto s. Just Arrived, Full Consignment " TrBERTY '• -DOSCH TyTAGNETOS, DU 1, DU 2. DU 4, DU 0, BA 1. etc., etc. Sole Agents and Service Station— GmREVITHICK, Electrical Engineers, • - 1 - Grey Bulldingi, HIGH STREET. AUCKLAND. JIH MOTOR CYCM3B FOR BAJ.tI Tf H. 4-cyl. Motor-cycle, Just been orer- *- • hauled; BoacU aiagneto.—Address at STAK. 131 TNTDIAN, 1919, and iSidc Car, in first -class - 1 - ordor: £140. Trial given.—Apply Brown. Devonport P.O. . loe ■\«"OTOR Cycle, 4 "h7p7 English; good ■L'J- puller. Bargain. £i'o. Also other ' Motor-cycle Bargains.—lrvin, 19, Wikefield. I vs> j NEW IMPERIAL MOTOIt CYCLES, England's Premier Motor Cycle; 8 h.n. J.A.P. engine, long wheel baee. 28 1 3 tyres, 6in road clearance. Unequalled for Sidecar work. Call and inspect, or write for particulars of these superb fcnglish Motor Cycle*. J. S. IRVIX. Agent, I B Iβ. Waiefield Street. BICYCLES FOR •SALE. -OICYCLES, genTs~fo; Sale, - In good I *-* order.—Apply 88, Poneonby Rd. 500 I BiCXCLt;, good order, practically new j tyres, lamp. etc.; £s.—Apply between 5.30 and 6.00 p.m., 1, Buchanan" St., Glen- 1 more - 49 Gents, free wheel, back *f pedalling brake; in perfect order. Price £10, or near offer—22, Wattemata Ohambers Customs St. West. * i\ rj.eNT'S Bicycle, 8.5.A., free wheel, back I pedallins brake: good condition; price i £7. or offer.—M, Statipn Terrace, off '■ bern Rd.. Renniera. S4 BICYCLES XffAHTED. \ BICYCLE, good order pref., though not essential—Price and partlculnr» NewChum, 106, STAR. I FRTTTr FOR SALE. | ApiPLES, 4i!lb Cases. Entlnj? or Ctwkine ' test keepers, frelg-ht paid by us. 8/ ' eafle.F. Stewart, On-baidlst, Kaukapakapa ! 07 DOGS FOR SALE. i RUSSIAN Collie Dog. well trained to cattle. £■%.—:t, Costley St.. Ponsonby. 573 SITBEP Dog, heading strain. Tα months old: any trial. iPrice i'T.-'F. S. Gordon aillsoorough, Auckland. 6M POGS WAWTEP. I "D 0 ? S - Bi I"h« and Popple.. Best prW , v given.- Box 6, Ponsonby P.O. 370
Page 2 Advertisements Column 7
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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