MOTOR CAM FOR SALE-_ T7»ORD 5-seater for Sale; good order; A, cheap.—l 27, Newton Rd. 00 O-SEATER Car. flfjoTwauted to Buy: headlights end generator in good order. - iPrice and make to 'Lamps. 197. STAK. 10 TP you want a Ford Car next summer place ■*• order now with John W. Andrew and Son, Kden Terrace. Orders supplied In rotation. H J~OHN~W. AXDREWTthe well-known Ford Motor Car Dealer. Eden Terrace. Auckland, will in future be known as John W. Andrew and Son. H JOHN W. ANDEe"w~AXD SON have just «' spent fiOOO oo their Ford repair workshop and machinery, at Eden Terrace, to render service for Ford Cars they sell. H T N DECEASED ESTATE. 7-SEATF.R CHANDLER CAR. In Absolutely New Condition. Tale Lock on Gear Box. Tittef-proof. Tyres Hardly Marked. Any Trial or Expert Inspection. Apply C. KSI'LANADE ROAD, Mount Kden. D< A TTAYDOX FOB TfIOUO SO, Uonson Street. CABS. Q. JL JAVDOX FOR -pORD Large .Tune Shipment of Ford Cars tans arrived. 1-TON TRUCK'S. p A TTAYDOX FOR TpOEU Pbone 2523. ACCESSORIES. Ford Distributor. Auckland District. IJ CADILLAC, ."-grater, electric lights and starter; £'J3O. ■piORO, Sseater. in first-class order; £160. \ C, U-seater; £ICO. P. FAITHFULL, Late Wakefield Street. We arc Amalgamating with Gee and Potter, LORNE AND RUTLAND STREETS. pEE, -pOTTEB, AND pAITHFCLL. FORD. 1!>18. as new, Khaki Hood and i Seat ('fivers- tyres good; ready for the road. £220. OVEE.LAXD TOURING CAR, now Tyres and Spare electric lights and starter. Mechanically right. Going at £300. MOTOR DELIVERY CAR. 4 cylinders, | magneto Ignition, perfect order. Xo clear at £190. BRITON. An English Car, worth inspecting. Only i."-T>. rpHE piITY AND CUB.-RBAX ■»|OTOR 'Phone 2556 A. NEWMARKET. B TXSCRAXCE COMPANIES, WAREHOUSEMEN, LAND AGENTS, Do not lose sight of the fact that the Efficiency of yonr Onttide Man Ir Increased Tenfold with • — "pOH D." Inquire Direct fro;n UNIVERSAL MOTOR CO-, LTD., - For 4 . T/ealers, „,..„,„ JT CHANCERY STREET. B QAXADIAX TirOTOR Q O -. JJ 10 ' LITTLE QUEEN ST. 'Phone A 2297. j CALTOTT, Knglish Light Tar. in .good order; economical to run. Price, £2T5. DAIMLER, 23 n.p.. sevpn-seater. In good running order; suitable for taxi. £000. DATMLER. 5-seater, mechanically correct; new tyree, hood, and paint. £430. OVERLAND, 30 ti.p.. 5-eeater; in eonna running order; electric light and selfstarter. Price, £250 for quick sale. FORD DELIVERY TRUCK. 15e*-t. flretclass running order. 'Price, iltW. Owner Riving up business. FORD, 30T6; f175. B r>ARS FOR SALE AT AIJI. PRICES, *"" FROM £275 UPWARDS. We carry a Txirge Stock of Dunlop Railroad Tyres. UNION KXGIXBERrNG CO., "Union Gerage," Lome Street. B rpUXGSTEX SPARKING PLUGS. Always on the Job. A Ping to Suit Every Car or Trock. Don't experiment. Use Tnngeton Sparking Plugs and be rare. A model for ever; car. Stocked by THE CITY AXD SUBURBAN MOTOR CO., Broadway, Newmarket. H •pULLAX, A RMITAGE & p<o., T TD. JJOYAL jy£OTOR TX^RKS, AUCKLAND. TTAVE ■γ-on CEEN rpHE TfAMOUS "JJEXOWV Q.UN ]\£ A SCOT ? THE BEST MASCOT OX THE MARKET TO-DAY. £2/7/6, rOST FREE - MAKE APPLICATION AT OXCE BEFORE ALL. SOLD. ED MILLER'S nARAOE. ILLER'S VTaRAGE. TOP OF KHTBER PASS. ALWAYS OPEN. PHONE 3257 Telegraphic Address: "Mlllerace," Auckland. /pHESE r«TII,L TNTEREST ATOU!! BUICK-SIX. 5-seater, IDIS model: sound throughout and road-ready; requires no extra*. £400. OAKLAND-SIX, 5-seater, all good tyres' exceptional value. £350. DODGE, sweater, electric light and condition. £349. DIXIE-FLYER, 5-eeater. 1919 model, handsome appearance; stream-lined body; oneman hood; elevtrie light and starter. £SJS AKROL-JOHNSTON, 20 h.p., 5-seater; car has had little private use; tyres new £425 CADILLAC, recently overhauled; distinguished in appearance; electric light, all new tyrea; would make good matl-aervice ear. £460. Or owner would accept Unencumbered Section as part pajTnent DELAGE, 2-seater. £175. CALCOTT. S-seater: latest model imported; electric light. £350. THE CHANDLER T-SEATEH. THE CHANDLER DESPATCH, AND TUX CHANDLER ROADSTER, From £725 to £785. Tfceee are onr New Cars, and yf can -It* IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM STOCK THE AUTOCAR TRUCK, latest pneumaticTyred model on band. THE NAPIEH. War Office model. 21-ton track, and THE STERLIXG. 4-Ton Lorry. T h. strongest Heavr-duty .Jobs on the Road" PHONE 3257. And arrange for a Trial Ran ia any Lis*.><i Macbiu*.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 6
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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