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PUBLIC NOTICES. rpHE UXION BANK OF AUSTRALIA, - 1 - LIMITED. Established :837. Incorporated 1380. Capital Authorised and lesued .. £7,&00,000 iPald-np Capital 2.500.000 Reserve Fiiud U. 570,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors 5,000.000 Together £10,<>70,000 Notice Is hereby given that the TRANSFER BOOKS of the Rank wi'.l he (.CLOSED from Ist JULY. 19-JO, to 7th JULY, 1!CO, both datee Inclusive. Proprietors whose names arc registered in the said Books on the :;i»th June, 1020. will be entitled to the Dividend to be declared at the next ■General Meeting of iProprirtnrs in respect of the number of shares In their names on that date. W. A. KIELY. 351 Acting-Inspector. ■pUBLIC NOTICE.—A Meeting of all those Interested in the Riiakaka Post Office will be held In the Ruakaka HaJl on TUKSrt\\", June 20, at S p.m. Business: To consider ilin disposal of the building now used us a post oHlce. All those Interested are urgently requested to attend.—F. H. SI/)ASE. Convener. isv T~~ IHK BUST XKWS Vm FOIt CAD LEGS. VAIIICOSK I'LCERS, Aud rilndreii Complaint*. " V A R E X. , ' Method nf Treatment never fails when properly applied. No need 10 lay up. Write for particulars to PRXEST -HEALEY, I'hcniist. Koxton. D "XrESSEXGER ; 44. FEItRY BtILDIXGS. F.XTIRKLY N-lvW MANAGEMENT. Thfatre Seatj Booked. Taxis Ordered (no delay I. Carting all classes. Parcels, etc.. called for and delivered anywhere. PurIcliapcs Executed aud Delivered. Mall Trains land Boats Mei. All Orders Promptly Attended To. Phone. Auto g-Tft. n CJOHOOL BAGS.—lnspect our Stock of So Good Leather Bags at from 10/ to 22/6. Also Music Cases, Lunch Boxes, at prices to suit all. X ETDIAiRD AND Tr'INGSFORD. LEATHER GOODS AND SPORTS .SPECIALISTS, 161, Queen Street, and IS4, Karangahnp* Road. B D II 1 X G L E. LARGE STOCKS. CAN UNDERTAKE PROMPT DELIVERY. .«II INGLE FOR CONCRETE. SHINGLE SAND KOK PATHS. MElifni SHINGLE. KOUUH SHINGLE FOR SOADE. ryiNSTONE, T IMITF.D. , * ? 1920. 1920 TTE'MSTITCHING, TJUTTONS, J>UTTONHOLES. *CCORDi:ON T>LEATING, T>INKING. We "are fiii:y*«><inlppe<l'wltfi Midlines anU Stork to exec.ite orders of any size frooi town or country. GET BUSY. W P Q gil vie, 316. QIHiEN STREET. THF VOUIt FURNITURE • J- IS IT FREE FROM WOOD BOBE'R? Are you letting your Furniture crumble away "to dust through the unchecked ravages of the wood borer? J-jst thiuk—soon your piano, tables, cbatrs. etc.. will be mere shells, and absolutely , " .valueless. Stop this deterioration now!- Obtain the aid of the surest, speediest, and moet sensible inettod — the ONLY effective remedy— TJLADE'S pATENT Q.AS This modern process never falls. Penetrates every Tvood-borer hole, everywhere the wood-borer secretes Itself. Works silently and effectively, without harming the furnishings in the least. Dnn't waste time and money, and damage your furnltnre ':>' experimenting with solutions and powders. Write, call, or 'phone for information about this swift, safe, and certain metho<l TO-DAY. "g LADE'S pATENT Q.AS pfIJMIGATIMJ r*O., 27, SBOatTLAXD STREET, AUCKLAND. ■Phone 1173. RB ™r commercial and school X 1 STATIONERY. .Paper Bags, 'Wrapping Papers. Cariion Paper, Greaseproof, Twines, 'Household KruJbware. etc., etc., fry CM AS. L. STEVEXSON, LTD., Wholesale Stationers and General Importers, Eschansc I.anc (opp. Fort St.), Auckland. •Phone lTVtf. Established ISWI. B "rpANlwnA" Soap naa ReroloUonlsta -a. tLe Art of Wathlng. - WALKING ON HARD I>AV£MIiNTS JARS THE NERVES. WOOD-'MJLNE KUBBKR HBELS Make hard roads seem soft! British made, from Para Rubber. Make sure jrou set WOOD-MIIKE'S 1 » 14a IT keeps hot all night—the " UNIQUE " ■HOT WATER (BOTTLE. Heavily vul canised seams, patent Stopper. Cnnnot crack or leak. On eale everywhere and carries tJe hrand on neck of bottle. RB !HY go home wet and cold? We can fit you out with jugt the Overcoat you require at very moderate «oet.—Mcßrlde Cash Tailor and Outfitter, 11-13. Victoria St. HFS "fTVAXIWHA" is the most popular -L Household Soap. b \VTE. are Showing ii very nice line of TT Warm Winter Tweeds nt £0 9/ Der suit to order. Really splendid value. Satisfaction guaranteed.—Mcßride, Cash Tailor and Outfitter, 11-la. Victoria St. HFS COLD feet? A British-made " UNIOIB " HOT WATER BOTTLE will soon restore circulation. A boon these cold iiisrhts and costs a few shillings. Obfnluable everywhere. Look for the brand when buying. m b LADIKS 1 and Gent's Felt anil Velour Hats renovated as new.—Tutt's, Symonds St. "mA'NIWMA" Soap has Revolutionlsld - 1 - the Art of Washtop B A HOT WATER BOTTLE that will not -<-*- leak or crack and win last for years Is worth owjilng. The " UXIQUe," IBritish made, patent stopper and hcav.v fcoa.ins, is obtainable everywhere. Look for the brand when buying. rib TUTT'S Clean and Reblock all descriptions Hats.—Only Address, Top ol Srmonds St mANIWHA.—The purest and Beet Soap -L manufactured. i rTTHE best friend In wiuu-r 5s a -I- "UNIQUr/" MOT WATER BOTTLE. Patent stopper cannot leak, heavy eeams cannot crack. All sizes, obtainable everywhere. Mate sure of brand when buying* R5 "fTVANIWHA" Soap lias revolutionised -•- the Art of Washing. b KKiJP warm and cosy every night with •' UNIQUE" British made HOT ■WATER BOTTLE. Heavy vulcanised Qea.ins, cannot leak or Durst. On eale everywhere. Look for the brand oa neck of bottle. BB QK/-ra are showing a SpJendld line ««-'/ of Cent's Raincoatß at 95/ ee«*. Beet Value in fho Domtnlen.—'Mcßride. Oash Tailor and OntfltUrt. 11-13, Victoria St. HF6 LEATHER DOE3S XOT LAST AS LOXQ AS GOOD RUBBER— Get WOOD-MILXE RUBBER HEELS Fittfed to Your Boot*. 'Tie Cheaper. 119
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
Word Count
881Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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