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WANTED TO SELL. f^. RAZING—For Sale. 4 Acres Turnips. *-" run on* on grass.—E. S. Powell Mangere. o3U RABBITS. -Long-haired white Angoras, ' 3 months 2/. S months 6/ each.—Particulars Wheeler's, Grocers, Greenwood's Corner. 173 iCJHAItISS Auckland Tormina ting »■"> Building Society. 82nd Group, fully paid, fl'J Vif. AS hat offer?— Albany, 12J, "STAK. 57 QOII. iimi ila.v for Sale.—Apply Beaver's ™ (Jnrage. 0. 'E«l<>n Terrace. •'!» TJORT Wine of superior blond; :*)/ i-nse, Wine Co.. 248. S-wnnson St. I) (Long Shuttle). "Drawer DropmnniifactiirerH." Repairs a .specialty.— J. 11. Rogers (Upturned Soldier), successor to R. 11. Wilson. 23 and 3a, Wellesley Street W. Plione .mil. B SINGER DRESSMAKER'S MACHINE, new; Wheeler and Wilson 7-Drnwer Drophead. Machines bought and sold.— J. 11. Rogers, successor to It. B. Wilson. 1 , .'! and 33, Welicslev St. (above Fullers Opera). B BK 6AmVUUD mid Anselus, Enjrland's llnest Player Pianos: gt-miine bargains. Auckland IMnno Agency, ail. Queen St. l.'>-' RAMOPHOXES from £M 10/: Records from SA Needles 1/ per box of 200, posted. Kilison Dealers. 70, City Chnjjibers ; D nAMOPHONES and ItßcordsriTu leading make In stock. —E. anil F. Piano Agency. Ltd. S. Coldlcntt. Mimagcr. T) InGER Oak Drophead. as new: ciieap; 7-draiver Slnper, i 7 10/.—Globe, 154. Queen it. 'Phone 298. D SINGER 5-drawer, round shuttle, droptable. £4 10/ i hand, £2 10/: suaranteed. Globe. 154. Qneca St. (next Porter's*. D SAVE Money—Tl-tree Firewood.—Mamliall and Avllns. Strnnd. Parnell. Price list on application. Phone 3416. D ASY Terms—Furniture: t'JO worth. £S deposit, 6/e weekly. Pianos from 10' dn»Oßit, 5/ weekly.—7o. City Chnmliers. l> fpilK Kamous "Durnore" Sewlnf Machine -L Motors.—O. W. Esrker, Electrical Ecs>peer. 4(M. Vpper Qu>*n St. Phone A2ftt2. D TEA Sots. White and Gold. 21/.— R. K. Sm-.tli and Co., Dirert Importers, City C h a mbers. D 4 T K'WIS TOADY'S JJIAXOS. Tho Latest List Includes: — KO3H—Overstruus. Iron Frame, Ivory Keys Nice condition. £75. ALBERT FAllß—overstrung, rnderdnmper, Itosewood Fiuish, ivory Keys. £77 10, . KIRCIINKIt —Overstrung. T.arse model in walnut case. SplemiiU condition. Iron Frame. iBS. BOIIM Orersirung. Iron Frame, Ivory Keys. Walnut Case. £."'>. KIRKMAX—Overs-trung. Iron Frame, White Keys. £07 10/. cash 'or the easiest of terms. T KWIS TJ p<ADY AND CON, T TD., 10. KAKANGAIIAPE UOAD. (Near Grafton Bridge). B FINANCIAL. Mortgages (2). £T.(K) :iu<l £400. for ■*- Ship; will show S per ceut. for caeh.— Boi 7.TJ. (i.l.d. 70 ■P1 -W^^ri'" °~ 10 Borrow; first-rnte &~.LO\JVJ security; all investigation* invitee!: 10 per cent. Interest aud bonus.— IC. 104. STAR. OS 9 PER CfiXT. INTEREST—Farmer tracts to P.orrow f.Wi ncnlnst. a Secoud , Mort','nsc: eicellent s>?curlty : bij margin. Full particulars apply 'BOX 'J2!i. HAMILTON. 2S ONEV TO LEND a: moderate rate ot interest.—Jackson. Etusrell, Tunka and (Xstler. (Solicitors. Shortland St. D M~' OXEY TO LEND on Mortgage at current rate or interest.—Ewiugton and Baker. Durham yt. Kast. D Al'-'M'-V to Leud ou tlrsl and second inort--1,1 gage. Wake. Anderson, and Snedden. yafe liepoait Buildings, High St.. City. X WAXTEI, al 6 per cent ,ou c»-LV7UV/ Superior New Remuera Home: valued £17-'O.--Bnllder. 1!M. STAR. 1W X? QfiAfi AXTJ £42.-io~ required on First -—•-*""" Mortgage. Freehold Fnrms. Kxcellent securities. —Box 1.T73, Auckland. I'J-j SHARKS wanted in Kvenin; Star G.M. Co.—Spnd price and number to Shares. ISO. STAK. 177 £200 TO £1000 w:i >™' ox iiorsEs. AND £.">(« TO X 4.000 On First-class Farm Securities. 0 por cent. First Mortgage. ■ MA'IIONY. SON. AND SCOTT. Solicitors. I 110 :is. simrtland F-irect. CJOUND MORTGAGE IXVBSTMEXT. OTKR 81 PER CENT IXTEREST. We have a client with 'Fimt Mortgage of £13S0. bearlni! Interest at « per cent, two years and 10 months to run* Sound financial party on mortgage. Having to lind cash In reference to the purchase of a farming block, our client offers a Discount, of fIOO off the Mortgage, which will conso(liienrly return between 8J and 0 per cent ;o the purchaser. MILBTTIN AND CO., Empire P.uildlnss. Swanson Street. R FIXAXCIAI,A S S I S T A X C X (Temporary). CIVIL SERVANTS OVLY May obtain above, under easy conditions. Iv Small Sums. Strictly confidential. BOX 12S0, POST OFFICE. ws -jy£ONE*. jyjONET. ■jyJOXEI. ME EMPIRE LOAN AND FINANCK CO. will Lend You Any Amount, from £5 upwards, ut. lowejt rates of interest iv town, and without any removal security whatever. You can pay back by easy instalments to suit yourself, and all buainess is strictly confidential. Civility »nd fair treatment guarantied. We Advance Money on FURNITURE, PIANOS, SEWINO MACHINES, or any other security. SEB IS AT AXCE. AND WE WILL FIX YOU W. fpHE -pMPIRE J OAK AND ■piNAXCE /^IO.. WYNDHAM CHAMBERS (Second Floor), WYNDHAM STREET, CITY. Phone 2061. Opp. Gas Office, l> LIVE STOCK MHO VEHICLES FOH SALE. 1 FRENCH <iig for Sale, stylish, silver- ■ mounted, skirt wings, as new.—Address at STAR. 141 H~~ :OKSE.< useful farm, medium draught. Riiarauteed nil Jiarncs, Syrs; £I<> —W. A. Hobson. Albany. TTO JEH SKY Cows. 2 pets; due August aud S<»r>tember; third calf; quiet; gtiaranteed soun-d. — Hoffmann. New Lynn. ltsi AXE (fait), 13 hande; Harness and Trap; together or separate.—Apply l>etween 9 and 4, 73, Hepburn St. K6 rpAX Cart, good; also Light Gig, suitable •*- for road jogger.—Kelsey, 410, Manukau IR<I.. Epsom. 6e HlOlllJlt. 1 Hull, and o Steers; offer wanted.—Address Mrs. Rogers, Qowick. 143 WJJIGOS. 3-TON, full lock, oil ailee. suit- ' » able for two or three horses abreast, in good order. iPrice, ±'45. Also, fiin TYRED B-TiLLQCK, HORSE AND TRACTION LOG WAGONS, <jirop S und t r ood. Apply WIXSTOXE. LTD., Customs Street 'West. OS LIVE STOCK AND VEHICLES WAWTED. Ify LIGHT Spring Cart Horses wanted, about 14 to 13 hands. —Price and parti- [ culars, Horses, 24, STAR. D 4 I. BOATS FOR SALE. CKTJISETR ■Barpairm—Two 33ft br Bft, full headroom, complete equipreieiit. jra'.lev. sink, w.c; 10 h.p. and 25 h.p.—Colliugs and Bell. Fonsonby. Phone 2243. 540 CJTOCK Punt. 30ft x 10ft 1 afr. to cftrry 100 sheep nr 10 cattle.—Applj J. Kennedy, Purtki, Waiheke. .. Mtf
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
Word Count
966Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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