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WANTED TO BUY. /VV'BIN Trunk, in good cnnditk>ii. suitable for long Journey, wanted by -.nive'.l-r. — X.Y.Z., aoa, star. ' s> /XHAIUS (41, Hull CurtUins, 2 Slip Mats, yuaotitv Oft Wlr.- Netting.—Full pnrtlculars 10 Hall, am. WTAK. 47 "thuil Coat, «ri-oiMlliAud. wnmo.i t.i Buy, •T medium size,—Coat, - Jl7. STAR. T7 Nice, of ,•? or 4 rooms, wanted urgently cash dtfwn. —Write Knrmtur_e. Newton P.O. l«e (lAS Stove wanted: lv good condition or T otherwise —Phone 210BA. 24jl GENTLEMAN would like to purchase good inodtrn s|)itable for seaside residential flats, anytime before end of July.—Write Milford, Newton Pout OftVe. 53 «">f «eoondhaufl Iron ana Tlui'ber suitable for fowlhouses.- — r'oa-ls S'A. STAR. lo!» \K I to 4 tons.—A. Siultb, Haddlrr. 81. Albert St. 80 SET of Sails wanted for 20tt boat. — Apply V.0.. Swniison. 64 and lMiilngroom Kunilturc wanted: 11N0 Grauiupbone: casli.— Wrltp 'Cash. Newton P.O. 160 n>o Bla.-ksmltha"--Wanted, giMjd rumlltlon, -L Second-hand I*orge, Champion Blower, niedliini Anvil inhoiit Xrirtli Sledge Hnßimer laboui KUbi.- Anvil, ims. STAR. 0 HiTacLE and Syrup Tlns. with l'.dsTgood I'finilltinn: 2.' per ilnxpn.—Frlwo aud Dominion Export Co.. (.'w>k St.. Auckland. Vi ,"r/k SKWINfi MACHINKS, of an' k!ad or "'-' style; good prices given: go anywhere. AUKLAIUE. 123, ST*R. U A Pi'AKEI.. —Mrs. Botterill gives Highest **■ Prices All Klurts of Left-off Clothim.. Hoots. ..t.-.—4r.. KUlott St. Phono :V4BS. l-^i nice, fur .Iroomed flat, re- ■ quired this week; strictly private cash purrlinyp.—Manager. Hot H33. Aiicklanii. D I^LRNIT IJRK —As I have Juyt lmushc aT- . roomed liunsnlon- In Kemuera. and because I have neither furniture or piano, ) I sjiould like to hear of someone leaving P T.-R CITA? XR. Box 14Sft. rit.v. D C~ LEAN. Plain Kurnlluro for 4 rooms wanted to buy. Can pay cash down. — Simpson. P.O. Hox 1442. l> (J "Ken Mil IA N D I , I" UNIT I" n E WANT EI >. Wt> have un abnormal dcmiind just now, and ar» prepared Io give vory high prices. WH'KINS AND Sl'Ti'lilPPE, The Newton Auctioneers. Phono .141 A. 81 FALSE Teeth on" Platinum. Gold, or Vulcanite; increased prices by return. Pearllne Co.. IUB. Queen St; _D ■piCRNITL'RE OF r> ROOMS waited by family j;ist arrived from England.— BRADFORD. S:i. STAR. Si: DON'T UK SATISFIED till UEORtJEI WALKER makes 11 Cash Offer for your Furniture. It's Money to You. l> BAKKY AND CO., Auctioneers. Three ljimps. will buy your Furniture or I'lano for spot cash—Telephone J'.tDOA. l> v o~ T; XT k I \f. Always ring Phone 2674 when Selling your Left off Clothing. Me. Best price In town tfven lor superior articles.—llfc Victoria St. U BOUT 4 or 5 Rooms of Clean acd Useful Furniture wanted.—Write• Caeb, *«. STAR. p A RING TO MRS. KELLY —She Buys LadifS. Gents, Chl!dren"s Clothing, Evening Dresses, Boots, etc. 'Phone -UOii. 392. Queeu St. D GEORGE WALKER will give you a Square Deal. HE AIMS AT BUSINESS MORALITY. D BRING along your, old Gold, S'llver, False Teeth, etc. Highest prices given.—Mrs. Cohen, 124. Victoria St. W. D GEORGE WAI.KKR Is the beet Auctioneer for a SALE AT YOUR MOUSE. D GRAMOI'HONKS and Records wamod t o Buy. alfo Pianos. Highest price pair. Phono 41HIU.—Central Agency, 70, city Chambers. f> OLD FA LsTf TeETiI Hough I. sound or brokeu. on gold, silver, or vulcanite. Post them to .1. Dnngtone. Hox 141N, Auckland. Highest cash pricus sent by return mall. Est. 2S years. I) -| X SINGEit DropheaQß. good spot casA ■LO price given.—Vpla. 115. ST.VII. D YUC'LL GET" MOKE MOXEY fnr that Furniture if you lting up <iKOlltiK WALKER. Auctlonw'r. I'hone iSr)7. D 1) I' '!' I. E S A N l> SACK », Fill! Tf)P IMUCES. Apply ZKALANDIA TRADING CO., *_ii, Stanley Street. lii.uio 2_tl. l> THAT iFkliHG'iT" WALKh.lti J- Pays tho RBST PRICES in Town for I'swl Household Furniture. D Y\rHi BUY FURNITURK. I'IANOS ETC.. ' v AND GIVE HKiHEST PRICES. WHOLE- HOUSES BOUGHT OUT. Motor Car kept for Prompt Service. Phone SC-J. Auction Dept. f> TONSON OARI.WK CO.. LTD. T>EAD X- H 1 S. If you have Furniture or Household Utensils of any description to Sell. Including Carpenter's ToOle. (Jarden Took, etc., don't waete your money advertlsinj; them, but Ring TWO-SEfVEN-ONE-XIXE AUTO., Or Drop a Due to 27, VICTORIA STRE*7T WEST, And Man and Money will be There Prompt. PONT FORGET. B T GENEROUS PRICE for Your Kelong- ' lntr!..—Consult UKOUGE WALIiEl't. »'honp 28.17. l> KOUBRTSON, Auctioneer, gives lieu 1 prices for good Secondhand Furniture. D B T KST -7 PKTc"Es'~oi>taVna_-iT" r7>7 _ se:T Furniture Kiven by GIC.itGE WALKBR, ::S. Queen Street 10pp. SmeeionVi. D — PHONE Number— Newjnark'-i •±l\f*J Trading Co. want Bottles. Metals, Hacks. Cive u« n ring. We will ojilhj) TVQ FARME'KS AND RABBIT TRAPPERS. FRESH TRAPPED RABBITS / BOUGHT IN ANY QUANTITY. 1 -9 Pair. We Pay Freight. APPLY 1 UOKLAND TJABBIT 'OKJN /-<O.. STANLEY STREET. AUCKLAND. D MACHINERY WANTED. };v\t;iNE wanted. 2 or 4-cylinder, -i or 'Motor Cvclc Enplnp, 4 to S-h.p.: condition immaterial.—Cycle Car, 109, STAR. _ 21 STONE CRUSHER WANTED TO PURCHASE. Details, etc., to PATBUeON AND 'ROBERTSON. f>lo Customs Street East. Auckland. 4-r, 4IK C-H.P. 4-Cyc-lc Marine Motor; ;Tn\condition.—>f.. ITci. STAR. ::i> AT A C H I N E R V WANTED. SHAPING MACHINE, 121n or about 14in or l.">in. traverse S speed; in good 1 order and condition. -TVRY CLAY GRINDING PAN, with fine •*-' perforated grids, flft open baee pattern preferred; state maker. Must be in good order and stand thorough inspection. GOOD PLASTIC BRICKMAKING MACHINE, with larse diam., crushing rollers and open trough doubje-shafted lulxer. State maker's name and where name may be inspected, together with lull particulars, to BOX 1049, G.P.0., AUCKLAND. D 33 POULTRY FOR BALE. BLACK Orpingtons—A few Cockerels, laying strain. 220 egg average.—.il. Uell Rd.. off Arney Rd., Kemuera. 115 Leghorn Hensi young ?>O): also. »» Bla<-k Orpington Booster.— Pα, Surrey St.. Grey Lynn. si> HOT Water. 'Brooder for. Sale: pipes, rxrfler. fittings complete; i»0 chicks.----42. Victoria At., Deronport. S»3 BOATS WANTED. CTOCK Punt. 30ft x 10ft 1 2ft. to carry 100 ghfep or 10 cattle.—Apply J. Kennedy, Putiki, Waiheke. M.H.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
Word Count
990Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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