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•WANTED KMOWIt. ALL Leading Grocers sell £gK Society Stamped Freeh Ejge. EtnTy egg Is slumped. B LADIES' Costumes, Suits renovated, ready U-U*ji* or i v order Vcrn&rd French 'Jailor nnd Costumier, 402. yueen St. it VVA N K nowu— ISuy aN ew Umftrelia Lothnby's, 10, ijtrund Arcade. U FOB Bye Comfort and dear k'islon, consult 0. K. Nielsen, Sight Specialist. 02, rut Bt., opp. Central Fire Station. Charges moderate. B TJICTURE Framing.—-The cheapest •*• for Wholesale and Retail at the (Jlobe ricture Framing Works. 31. Victoria St. U "rpAX'IWIIA" Soap Is especially prepared X to give speedy ana effective lather. II LSKWIN'U Machine* Kcpalred. Buttonhole* made on premises; open Friday. '.) p.m. Hilford. S. Kiitlaiul St. Phone 2787 A. 145 TU'W-IC Circle. North .St.. Newton. To■l iiißlu nl T.:!<>. Conducted liy Mr BurKW. 121 QEOKG3 n B I U S S L L, SUCCESSFUL AUCTIONEER, 91»3, KARANGAHATE ROAD, OrrOSITE PENNY SECTION, NEWTON. Telephone 3SGO. B T A jriRAMOPHONES. ALL PI7.ES TO SUIT ALL PURCHASERS. j NO MORE DULL EVENINOS, When you enn have nil the LATEST MtSIC AND SONUS lv your own homes. COME AMI HEAIt THE LEADING ARTISTS IN THEIR OWN VOICE. We shall be pleased to demonstrate fur you. T A Q.LORIA QIUMOrHONE pARLOUHB, IS7, KARANGAHAI'E ROAD. I! MONEY MONEY TO LE.Xn TjEXT MONEY <«r iO LENT MONEY *«> 3JO\J\J. LENT MONEY LIvNT MONEY UPON ANY APPROVED LIjNT MONEY SECURITY, FURNI- LENT MONEY TIRE, including LIVE LENT MONEY STOCK. FAKM IMI'LE- LENT MONEY MENTS, ETC. LiENT MOSEY You can always be LENT MONEY certain of honourable LENT MONEY and absolutely Clean, LENT MONEY and Straight Business. LENT MONEY LENT MONEY mHH puTIZENS , T OAN LENT MONSJT J- V- , -L< LENT MONEY AND JVSCOUNT PO., LEST MONEY -L , KJ LENV MONEY LIMITED, LENT MONEY 28, HIGH STREET LENT MONEY (First Floor). LENT MONEY Telephone A3&IS. LENT MONEY Correspondence, Enclese LENT MONEY Stamped Envelope. LENT ' ■ HOUSES AND LAND WANTED. ADVERTISERS.—JoIIy' and Co., estab- *•»■ llshed 20 years, require Houses, -at. Eden. Dominion Rd. £7uu cv £1200 cash.— 49. Mt. Eden ltd. D AD\ ERTISfiR. having no further use for "Briwo" It-sealer <";ir (all latest appnlntinciiu) desires purcliase Good 'House 'Property. £I.IUO to £1,40i>. Would give ALBANY.— OlleiM. wants -'U to s<l Acres, with Cottage.—(Particular? to J. I. 'McPhuil, 21, Phoenix Chambers, opp. 0,P.0. _17 BUNGALOW. 5-roomed. all couv.; terms. Urgent. Mt. Albert V.O. 12 BUNGALOW, 4 or ". rooms, good locality, usual convs. : £8.10 to £930. no higher— Cash. 187. STAR. ITS COTTAGE. Suburban: good order: chenp; immediate possession: £."X) deposit; nn agents; balance terms. —C. 145, STAR. ISI Oil IN fo N RD.— Wunted. urgently] i£ roomed Bungalow, about £1100; close cars. —Raymond Sheath. 7. Shortlnnd St. 10:'. OliN I"INE Buyers waiting for sound oroomed House. Mr. Eden". '.Epsom: fnoo to £1300.—Spalu and Co., 103. Symonds Sr. 37 District.—Wnnt<>d to Buy, 'Modern House, a'oout 6 rooms. Under £2000.—A.W.. 200, STAR. 17 HOUSE, 4 or ." rooms, furnlshml. wanted •for six months.—Zevo. lfts. STAR. i:i TTOI'SK, from 4 to (J rooms; paying off as •"- rent; please state full particulars.— A.E., 214, STAR. «S HOUSE, "> rooms, wanted Buy through .Land 'Board: about £300; no agents.— A.M. P., 200, STAR. 34 TXOUSE, about 6 rooms: take part fur•*J- nlshJngs: Grafton or IHexno Bay; substantial deposit; balance early.—B., 17r>. STAR. 109 TTOrsE, well furnished <:! adultsl. motor *-*■ truiugp, wanted, good locality, for three inontlia.—Particulars to 1.0. Box 150! l. Auckland. ___ __ 2!) LARGE Section wanted. Arondalo preferred, with or without small cottage; Btnte lowest price for cwsb; no agents.— .1.1 , .. 115. STAR. 11 ODERN House, r> rooms, with gooil Section, about £1000. Will pay cash.— Digger. 181. STAR. US MODERN House. 4-5-r.. good locality; handy traiu. tram, ferry: no agents.— Prh-e, etc., Hortus. -117. STAR. 33 QJOUND House wanted, up to £7."0 cash: imi«t hear Uovt. iuepection.—Buyer, <•'n Hunt. Ponsonby. n"2 jpplTi IM3POSIT offered on a Small 3JOKJ iTonse. bn'ani'p nald as rent: urgent.-nppoMt. 111. STAR. 2^ TjOl'SE. FtJR Nt RH X D . 4to c P>oonis. wanted to Rent. Handy to Town. Reliable Tenant. Sr-nd particular!". HARROP AND iMEDLEf, ", 15. Shortland Street. jyjILFORD AND BBVOXI'ORT. "We have Cilentß inquirinj: foT Properties )n 'Marine Sutiurbs. Immprtiote inspection. Quick sales. iPleaise send us particulars. XBLSON AND MARK WICK, 6i, Endean's Buildings, B Queen Street. POTIXB VTANTED. ASH.LEIGH Coaching College. New Zealand Insurance Buildings. Coacbing for Public Examinations, Backward Education. Bookkeeping, Junior and Senior. D TTvRBSSMAKING Classes. — Lessons, all J- , branches, first-class Dressmaking. Hours: 0 a.m. to 0 p.m.—Miss JOeary 11 Tabernacle Bldg?., Newton. B miILOBS can become Cutters, capable of X earning from £5 to £10 weekly.— N.Z. School of Cultlng, 28 WeUealer kt. W; ; B rpo swim is easy. After a few lessons tbe merest novice can swim, float, and have conndenre in. the -water If my Instructions are followed. WonOerfiil benefit from the exercise, espeeliilly to elderly people and Indoor worker* individual private tuition £2 2/ for Tβ Lossons: in class £1 I.'. TVrtte Box 1327 or ring 'Phone 274 C. and I'll arrange. BR* D. B. ANDgRSON. FOR LEASE. gHOPS AND TO LEASE. AppHretlou!i in-rtted from persons desirous of Leasing Shops, with livine aroommodation, to be erected in Dominion Koad. T. H. BROWTfE, Land Agent, Dominion Road. Phone 35H. 157
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
Word Count
860Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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