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•WANTED KNOWN. A ICKI.AND Cuiip. Termlnalini; liuliiiing "*»■ s.,,ieiv. Ap|irii|irlatl<uis. si. .lau}.-s-Hall. Wednesday, .niiie :*> 1 ■»> p.m.; ilu,»»i by liiillol and Kale. 140 1 VAINTV Suede 1.a.-.' Sh.ii-s" iv blnfk, -L , brown, ?rr.. Auiericnn simp.-. Louis >ls. .VI li; |iunlAiii>, «4<l. — Fcni.inde/., S.vnionds St. ]tM "I iFKLIC Uein-til Hoot "SiiTi"\ Kt. J- Stephen's Ay., Parnell. (ioods M>Jl al lees lhau present wholesale prh-es. KS XI'EUIENCICD Auctioneers ana a large, well-patronised Auction Koom. Itest results. UICIIARD AUTHUK, LTD., Elliott SLreeL 1) 7>Tltl.lC Circle. 102, Great Norlh Hd., -L (Jrey Lynn. 'I'uuHday ajid Thursday, al 7. :?'>, and dally, U7, i;ollege Hill.—Mrs. Coghlan. 4'j TTsil RENOWN HAS GONIi, BUT THE RENOWN DININGROOM, l'"> 7. QTKKN STREET. Is In full swin;; fiNi:n 31 a.m. jo 11 p.m. li-, \ P V, 11 1. I C M X E T 1 N G, Conducted liy MRS. COXROT, Will be held in tho ORANOE HALL. OPP. NEWTON P.O . FRIDAY, 25th, at S p.m. Subject: "Slum Work." Mecsases from Flowers. Written yuestions Auswered. All Welcome. o-m IS H X A B 1 I! I! 1. K. Yiddish expression, moaning "I should worryl" .Mr. .Man. if you can't cot your hair to keep well-dressed mi all occasions, go to your chemist or hairdresser, get a 2 6 bottle cf K'iiuo Hair Cream, apply before going uiit fur the evening; aud simply Miy "Ish ka. BlbUle," lor your hair will look its best. \J placing their wiiole stutf. Cleaning ami j RpmodelUug l.'idles' nud Geuts' Huts. l> ■pEPAIRS. — Gramophones, Phonographs ■ L ' , Repaired by the Finest Expert in New Zealand.—Edisuu Dealers, 70, City Chambers. __ D MISS HARRISON, O.*. Uflgluui St., at llouie 1 10 0 dally; private party circles arranged. Circle Wednesday NlgUl. _S AERY kind of Laundry Work dune. Lowest prices, satisfaction guaranteed. iKnng Wing Kllllg, -7, Wyndh.iin St. l."Mf il. UlTvvXit laas Iα mocK \» orld Renowned Medicines for all complaints. Kstd. 1831. Phone 4108.—Strand Arcade, l> IF tfnrnlshlng In Oak, ••Jβ Uobertson. first. p BRA Y'S Vineries, Swanaou.—l'ort Wlue, 'SZ/ti per case; freight paid or delivered; lioat ;rclghtß. 4 j/U case extra. p IF you are Selling out call and talk it over with us. No obligation. EICHARD ARTHUR, LTD., Elliott Street. D OOD LUCK.—You can't go wrong II GEORUK WALKER is Soiling lour Furniture. i> OLICK-SHINE, the old original, again on ►J the market, hett 1-ollsu'f.ur Furniture aud Llnoa. No rubbing, no slipping. D DS. HALL'S FAMOUS CAPSOLS. Price 12/6 package, post Tree. To cneura getting genult,- order direct from Sole Agcuta. Bridge Drug Stores, ChemUU, a, Karangahape Rd, ut Graftoa Bridge), Auckland. O WEWTO N c U P P I* V AGE N C Y. - 1 -' 227. KARANGAHAPE itOAD, For I"honosraph.s. Gramophones- nnd Records. Needles, 3< per box of 200. 'Phone 2104 A. D ROBERTSON, Auctioneer. iSells Ouk at WnolesnJe iPncea. p K. SMITH AND CO. for Weddlns • Presents, lnspectiou Invited.—(Showrooms. 21. City 'Cbani'bers. 1)4. riIHOUSANDS of Men are Reducing the -1- Cost of Living by having their hata Cleaned at Cox's Hac Factory, Karangahape Rd. D BLOUSES, Trousseaux, and all Ladies' Sewing at most reasonable rates, at 78, Khrber l J as3, next Snedden's. D Wα ntis d jiMSTftiyjfi CRCICKSHANK. MltLEtt AND CO: are (Selling at Lowest Prices Household , Hardware, Cutlery, Silverware and Bollden' Ironmongery. Regular shipments. D "Don't argue, man," said he to my face, Kx>r Komo Hair Cream Is the best we've ever seen For keeping your hair in its place." -VfURSK CLAYTON Cures Cases Chronic -*-' Nerve and Muscle Troubles. Medical Diagnosis, 12 to 1 p.m.—36, Vincent St. 178 "7TWNLWHA" Soap has Revolutionist J -i- the Art of Wash ing. 8 WANTED KNOWN.—Xes! We wUI Repair or Cover any Umbrella. Sena yours along to Lettaabj's, Iβ, Strand Arcade. o -mANIWHA " Soap has ltevoluUouiued - 1 - the Art of Waahlng. B EGG'S. —Eggs.—Your grocer sells tuem. but do tbey bear our stamp of freahlicgg?—Auckland Co-op. Egg Society. H ,TSKLL'S N-10-T Auction Rooms, opp. Town JJ Hall, Buys, iSeilSj Stores and Values 1 Furniture.—Ring 2510. B BKKBR'S soap is as good as ever, ft takes away all labour by soaking, the clothes 20 minutes. All Grocers. Try It. B •TfUNIWHA" is mc most " iK>pui»r JL Houiehold Soap. B WJE know toe Auctioneering btulneu from If*. Ato Z. See ua U you wiih to sell. KICHARD ARTHUR. LTD., Elliott Street. i> j-XJIJRSB NABH, Oertiflcatea Midlife, has X> Vacancy for patient, in v comfortable borne, pleasant locality and surroundings, Individual attention, with or . without doctor. —Call or write 23," Bayneld Rorid. Heme Bay. v ADAMS BYLANb, .'hrenologMt and Character Heading from Handwriting; ■end 2/6; 30 yean , experience.—iao, Queen fit. J^ ANTED KNOWN.—Our Uuibreilne are world-renowned. Try one, ut Letlmby'a, Iβ, Strand Arcade. II OUSEWIFE, purchase only Auckland Co-op. Egg Society's Eggs. Erery egg bears our stamp. _ ji (RHEUMATISM, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago, are kindred ailments with a common - cause—excess uric acid In the blood. Liuiments and external treatment are useless, for there can be no cure unless the'acid is removed—and although rubbing and massage may give relief they cannot eradicate the excess add. There is one proven remedy for Rheumatic compluiuts—Rbeumo. It is a scientifically compounded specific, with one object—to deal with Rheumatic troubles only and not every ill of the flesh. 1 housTinds lm ye proved the merits of Rheumo In Kew Zealand; a well-known Christehnr.'h resident (name on request) writes: "For Rheumatism, 1 was strongly advised to try Rheumo—l did so, and 1 am glad to say, with the greatest satisfaction.'' Even if yonr case Is a long-standing one and if all the so-called "cures" have failed', try the one great remedy—Rheumo It •eldom fails. 2/ti and 4/6 bottle. 8! Barraclough's Magic Nervine stops Toothache quickly, a/6 everywhere. ProganSra cures Coras quickly. I, G. yOBR JJOTJSE JpCBNISHED ON J_,ASY rpjßiMfl. £sWo°th. £15 0 Beposlti C/weekly £10 ~ £2 10 0 Deposit, 5/ * £13 .. LS 15 0 Deposit 6/ £20 .. £5 0 0 Deposit c c " £25 „ £6 5 0 DenTeit 8/ "■ £30 .. £7 ID 0 De?o"it !/e " C4O „ £10 0 0 Depoilt 12/ " £.",0 ~ £12 10 0 15/ , epecUl Arrangemente Made for Luitt Amouau. f A. G BOSSMAS AND C°- L lO,, Ul-115. KARAXGAHAPE &OAD ABCKtAND. ' o
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
Word Count
1,017Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 2
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.