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SITUATIONS VACANT. DAG Maker, good, wute u ; take chaTge A - r bag making department; must be good tradesman and full knowledge trade- best wages.—Apply prompt. Saddle Factory, I'aj-niera' Union Trading Co. 511 T>AKER, good, small goods, wanted.— Apply T. Nairn. L.m. Queen St. 177 ■DAKER. ftrst-class, wuntelT; iwad, ■*-* smalls; able take charge; top wages good man.—Knowlfs, .Baker. Whangarel 521 ROOT Trade. —Boys for lasting nnd fln- ■*-* lshlng rooms.— 124 X>OOT^vanted"; -"-* -i-'oustant Jβ!).— 1., ? , Upper Symonds St. (12 BOOT Trade. — First class All round Repairer; constant job to right man — A. Ilazleinau. Quay St. 117 BOY wanted for large mercantile 'oliiee. — P.O. Bo.\ !«•. 3:5 BOY. smart, wantcil. - Apply ,A. Kolin. Jeweller. 178, Queen St. 140 TSUY nauted, for messages. -Apply J. H. ■*-* Doltoii and Co., Quwn ,Sr. 803 D»V wanted, to nsclst on bread cart.— - 1 -* Apply T. King. Baker. Remuern. 538 "OOY, Hlrong, for horse"" shoeing. —Young ■•""' Skinner. ■)'.). Durham St.. City. 571 BOY, uniart. for clerical work, Apply »ond mid Bond. Cnmmerce St. 87 T>OY fur messages and warehouse.— J). S. ■*-* I >yer and Co., Hannah's lUldgs., AP>ert St. ' 100 TJOV wanted for light duties nnd ■*-* message-.—Chemicals, Ltd.. (™, Fort St. _______ _ r,ftl OOV. smart, wanted".—A. J. Harding, -•-• Bookseller and Stationer. 220. Queen St. GO T)OV. to assist shop nn.l run errands.-- ---■*-* Arthur Yates anil Co., Ltd., Seedsmen. lower Albert St. 7_ T>OV. smart, mechanically Inclined, wiuit- *-*■ «il. -Royal Typewriter Ageavy. <"olwij '('■hambers. Sway.sun 'St. l< " X»I»V wanted for photograph i"c «t"ore":' just J -* left school preferred.—Apply Waßerworths. Ltd.. -IS. Queen St. 145 DUW (_i, Inielllgent, t.i learn hanlw-ure -*■* trade: fro* , !! from school vreferred. Wlnnnte nnrl Co.. Ltd.. Qn<>.Mi_Sr. 7^l BOYS wanted for heel and toe plnte factory; easy lob for boys Just left school: good wages. —W. Wilson, Ltd., Blacksmith. Keileral St. D 4 BRICKLAYERS wanted: no lost time.--Apply ou Job, ].-_, Grafton ltd. (,'! doors from Khyber Pass). .IS" BKICKLAYKU wiintid; usnd to Jobbing work: top wages to good man." G. Roue. 138. Balmoral ltd., IK. Eden. Pliollfl r>s2 |2 rltig>t). 5£S Ul'lLbEe wnoled. erect couage. T__ii■f puna; Inbour only; materials on siteApply P.O. Box 1087- Aurklan-1. 10S CA HETAKEII wanted for P'rwhylertan Church. Onehunsa. — For pur; Iculnra apply nt Manse, next diwr Church. 7 I'rARPKNTERS (Si wanted --Apply No. V ] ?^ St - Georges Bay Rd.. Paniell. 13 C~>A_-PE , NTERS und Labourers, 2 or" 3, -* -wanted.C. F. Ilamon and ■Sons, Cook St. Job. W ;/UIII'KNT_nS .md I_iDourers; best wacos \^- J to good men. —Craig liros., Foot Wellwley .St. W. SI CARPENTERS wanted: inside workApply on Job. 132, Grafton Rd. (.". doors from Khyber Pass.) SSS /""LIKPENTKiRS wf.ntod to extoud rooms to house. —Chanrberlln and Chamborlln, 17. (\>i_merclnl 'Uank Buildlngn. U rXARPENTERS~«'_nted. Apply Union Office for good Jobs Ht top wages, town and countrj.— Thomas Rloodworth, Sec. 178 /UKI'EXTKBS <G) wantedT Mt. Eden jobs.— 7, Omahu ltd,, or Phone A2a7.'i.—Clyde BlomCeld. Builder. 157 /SARPfSNTKIiS wanted, Mangerc! 2/n \*~J hour and overthnn.—Apply motor leoving, 7..10. r "" 1 m °ls4 /CARPENTERS wanted; West Held: good wages, travelling time, fares paid.— Apply f_flcr G p.m., Aston, 6, John St., Poneonby. l<!7 wanted, constant emplny-ment.—-Apply job, Gardiner 'Rd.. third road hevond Ham. Oimeron. Builder. Plione 443.1. 43 (BOOK'S Assistant wanted for Northern -'" Wairoa. —Apply I<X>, Vlcloria Arcade. ENGINE Driver, second ticket, for country eawmill: slab firing; bach close to mill. —Bo_ 1200. G.P.O. 'M T>OJtOUGH OF MOUNT ALBERT. STEAM ROAD ROP.LER DRIVER. Applications are invited for tbe above position, and will be received by the undersigned up till noon on Sattirdav. 20th inst. Applicants to Ft.nte qualification, and enclose copies of reference**. H. tTTING, Town Clerk* .Tnne 22. W2O. ni!) gOT, S II A It T. W ANTE D, For Messages and to 'Learn the Business. Apply HARRINGTONS. LTD., iPhotojraphic and Cinematograph .Merchants. 144. Queen Street. SJS gOr, STRO NG, WANT ED, FOR WORK IN STORE. Apply MANAGER. HUTCHINSON BROS., KHYBER PASS. sfi3 T>OY. SMART, FOR OUR OFFKVE. Sp-leudid opportunity for advancement. Apply at once, in person, to 'MACLOGN MATTBIOSe FACTORY. LTD..' Lome Street. City. 307 T> U S H F E L L I N G. v WANTED— MEN. TO FALL IN ONK (IK TWO MT? 200 ACRES BUSH AT OTOROHANGA. Fur furtlier particulars apply to HERBERT OSMOND, Land Agent, !>4e Otorohanga. (PA'RETAKEK WANTED. — Auckland !*-' Poultry Keepers' Assorlntion Egg-laylng Competition, Mt. Albert.— Good wages for good man. £1 10/ per week, with livlug accommodation, for single man, nbro gas aud fuel free. Must have a knowledge ot the feeding and care of pouKry. Applicatlous must be in the hands of Secretary by THURSDAY. July 1. 1!I2O.— S. 11. SCOTT, 1 General "Secn-tary, WlHow Avenue, Avondale S.nfh, Auckland. 511 /CARPENTERS (li) WANTI-_D, For P.EiMDERA AND IjT'SOM. Constant Work. Apply EVANS, Builder. Junction Epsom. ■'FTioiie 1065 (2 rings). 44 ri ENERAL BRICKWORK HANDS WANTED FOR REPAIR WORK AND FOR BRICKMAKING. Applj MANAGER. AT BRICK WORKS. AVOXDALE. 549
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
Word Count
798Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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