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SITUATIONS VACANT. [Prepaid Advertisements not exceeding sixteen words, One Shilling: three consecutive insertions. Two Shillings tad Sixpence.] Page's -Store, Klngsland." ' :,TA Ct)AT Finishers wanted.—Apply A. Cochrane, Renown Clothing Co., 28, Swanson St. 135 DRESSMAKER'S AsslstnnTwanted; must he thoroughly capable.—Malson Karine. Watsons Bldgs.. Wellesley St. Kast. 161 experienced; also »eve- - , - 1 ral Improveir: good wagre: no Saturday work.—Apply Head F*reesran ker; at Mrs. E. Palmer's, ladles' Oirrfltter, 214. Queen St. 32 GI XL, youns, Just left school, to aswlefat Soda fountain. -Apply The Imperial, ITS. Queen St. >):> /"I HUM, smart, for boxing and ornament department.—Northern Boot Co.. J»td., eO-73, Federal St. (X) Grhr.. youns. wanted for cash desk; also Youiik Oirl to learn waiting; no Sundfly work.—.Belgium Ix.untre. Sii". J!.' N1 01! Asslstaut wa7i7«i for shop. — McKwiwti and Sons, Bak<-rs. (jueen St. JV!2 T ADY Model for iTTe classes: (-Tiod -*-* remuneration.—Aipplv Friday nfternoou or evenlnn. School oft-Ari. Rutland St. im T ADY Partner wanted for Double Sonff •*-• and Dance Act. — Macs Dancing Academy. Beresford and Pitt S'ts.. Newton. LAi:NfDRY Workers-Sorters. Ironers a"nd , .Manslc (Hands wanted: top wages to skilled hands: al«o. Learners every encnurugerueiu. — Auckland Laundry Co.. 'Belgium St. ?>■"> LIVELY Denim M»Miliilsl wanted": not frightened work: »jw» no oblert.— Abbott, S2, Hobson St., Almond's Passaec. 334 MARKER and Checker, competent: good wage.— Manager. Auckland Laundry On., fpper Queen St. K!f> ."ViEEDI.KWO'MAN wanted, to assist mtilc- ■" ln« tanty <lresses for 3 weeks. —Apply at once. 4J.\! Khyber Pass. ■>* V-I'KSK I'robaUoiMT wanted for uinter- - L,t nity -hoeiiMjil. dtv: with or without. experience.—Address Hospital. 110. STAU. QaTTeSWOMEN Smart"! want", d P5 Immediately: previous sales experience in boots nnd «bws Absolutely Msential. - AppIy'MAXAOEK. Penrsnn's Boot Stores. Kara_u?a hnne Rood. Newtnn. fTTj) S" HOP Assistant experienced, wanted : sood wanes.— Apply .T.-Stnrmont nnd Sons. Pastrycook, (treat North Rd. fiiri T~ A~I I.ORERSraS - F.xreripneed Cm t^Maehllllst wanted, men's work, weekly nr tilecework: constant: no Saturday. —M. Morris. 17. Lome St. W T~"YpIST.E and General r'lerk (lady[ reniiired: Rborthnnd nreferred. but pot eiwntlal : wajes. 33/ to start.—T.C.. IJI. STAR. - vw TTT'OMAN wanted to wash flannels: wa?e«. VV {■: \n' n week— F.. If>S. STAR. f>** AiTICHD. CLARfc AND SONS. LTD., for their Clothing Factory: COAT FINISHERS. COAT .MACHINISTS. TROrSER MACHINISTS. BRBECKES MACHINISTS. nighest Wagee Paid to Competent Hands. Five-day Week. Apply MANAGER. CLOTHING FACTORY, GRAFTON ROAD. Manager will be at the factory «ach evening till 8.30 p.m., to interview applicants. 13 MACKY, LOGAN. .CALDfWKLL. LTD., BROWN STREET. PONSONBY. "Wanted ait once— GOOD XKEDLEWOMEN, For 'Finishinß Blouses. Dainty Work. Good Wa pes. For npply t* THE MANAGER. 26 l\r I L L I N E R Y. IMPROVIE.RS AND APPRENTICES Wanted for our Millinery Workroom. •Five-day Week. Excellent Salaries 'to Competent Girls. Apply MILLINERY DOPT., ARCHD. CLARK AND SONS, LTD., Elliott Strew. V 2 GiARGOOD, SON AND EWEN, LTD., 154, HOBSON STREET. WANTED, EXPEiRIETCCED MAN. CXDERCLOTIHING AND SPOTTE--BTITCH MACHINISTS. Also, A PPR ENT I CBS. ,V) 2 gWAN MANTFA'CTITRLNO COMPANY. WANTED. S/TTIRT .MACHINIiSTS. I'YJAiMA MAIHirN'ISTS, And FINISJIERS. Also, STOCK CUTTKR FOR 'SHIR.TS. Highest Wages and Bonus. 5-Day Week. Morning Tea. Apply during business hours and Saturday .Morning, to * MANAGER. 2 and 4. Chapman Street. Newton Road. Newton. 75 rpAURANGA HO&PIT'AL BOARD. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, For above Hospital. A FULLS QUALIFED NURSE, Salary. £100 per annum. For further particulars apply MISS BAGLEY. District Health Office. iV)O Fort ftrppt. rpYPISTJ2 W A N T X D Reliable (it Shorthand, good writer, with some experience general clerical work. Salary. 50/ to start. State age and experience to QUALIFIED. ISS, STAR. Xlo YOUNO LADY . WANTED TO PRESS SHIRTS WITH ELECTRIC IRON. Also, TWO COMPETENT VEST AND SHIRT MACHINISTS. Five Days' Work. Full particulars will be given by 'phoning 2CU2, or call at . GREERS FACTORY, 2S, Douglas Street, Ponsouby. r>o4 milE NORTH CANTERBtTRY HOSPITAL X AND CHARITABLE AID BOARD. Applications, addressed to the Secretary, and accompanied by copies of Teeolmoulal's. will be received at the Board's Office, Kiccarton Road, C'hrlstchurch. up to Noon oC July 5, for the Honorary Positions of OPHTHALMIC SLKGKOX, and AUKAL SURGEON On the Staff of the Ohristchureli Hospital tor five years. The Hoard guarantees that the earnings in private practice of accepted to .fill the above positions *>liall not be less than iIiJOO per S'Douoi for a period of two years, ami iv the event of nny dvflc-iency in this Tespoot. undertakes to make good such deficiency, provided that those appointed! endeavour to aiijuire private practice, and are not at any time during sucli period of two years afflicted by any physical or mental disability thnt prevents then following their profession. W. S. WHAfTON. 60S Secretary.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
Word Count
755Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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