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SITUATIONS VACANT. "jToocl, wnntf*(i, for Odnptcry ■*- used to plastering. —Apply, statin* wages, to Short's Monumental Works, New Plymouth. riS "pOREMAN MECHANIC.-A firm-class -*- Worklug Foremnn for Up-to-date Garage. A[rplv with references, and state wages. House found. KOJUOMAN. 14. PTAR. GOT rj.I!OC Man, "wTtiT town VJ experience, wanted ns branch mauaier Wheeler's Stores. Ltd.. r,L\ Kingston St. 174 TOrN BHW wanted; - ~t7.p wiwpr ei'veii.- - 'J Kuiirl Timber Co.. Fanehiiwu St. IV Tl'MOii C L E R X W A N T E D. Good Prospects. Apply by letter, JOURNAL. 2, STAR. 1)4 JUNIOR DISPATCH CLERK WANTED For Wholesale Merchants Office. Apply rtOX VJ2, 107 Genera! Post Office. LAHULKEK wauted. — Apply on job, IMI, Mauukiiu Kd., I'arnell. lay I ad wnntiil, to a-ssist uo's 1J Am-ly Kpsoiu BaUery, JLuuukau ltd.. 070 LADS smart, wanted, for confectionery factory. — Heard, Ruskln St.. Parnell. 004 T JJTTERI'RESS Machinist, also" - Fee Jer for letterpress machine. —Apply Manager, Job Printing Dept.. STAR. D 4 MAN wanted, tor motor" iorry.-Trving Clarke. Gil. Fort St. f>« A 'J- in garden.—Apply 0.:S0 a.m., Medical Superintendent. <'outley Home. TM AN, for Vcrubbliig. cJeunlng. and 10 do general work.—Apply Manager Auckland Meat Co.. Ltd.. Wiikftfleld St. :<:-»! MARKER and Checker, competent, wanted, good irai'fs; also '.Mauglf Ilunds. — Apply Manager, Auckland Laundry Co., Upper Queen St. ">i)3 MBSSA'GE Boy waived. Apply Mauagi-r. ■lob Printing IVpt.. STAR. 1)4 ILLIN ER V. —Capable «lid experienced iMllliner and Dcsi'-'ncr reiiuireil for city workroom. —Mlllluer. ITI2. STAJt. <W JJAIX'PERS <2i. good brush bands, wanted. Apply on job. co-. Market lid. and Wapiti Ay., Epsom. Ring 'phone 30t>4 I-, rlngs). •'•la i>ANTRYMAN. —Apply 0.30 a.m.. Medical Superintendent. Costley Home. 544 IJLinUUiK wanted; wages, li.ti per hour. .7. W. Courtney, Deveron St., WnnnjrareL ~*' J ■ IJLUMHKK. lcudlng band, wanted : good i wages to suitable man.—Apply K. i Allen. Park Ay. Phone 2~X4. lOti j SAI.FJSMAN for wholesale sort goods firm as Country Traveller: single man preferred; good salary. —P. aud 11.. 110, STAR. :u VXTIIIiELW RIGHT. tirst-class; good *» wagee; permanent job to EUltablo man. - -Uep. Potter ar.d Falthfull. T>6.S \V : o6'jr"Turner waauedT"or Man or Youth ■» ' willlnz 10 'learn, fov Dunedin. —A.B . 144. STAR. l«0 IV'oTtKTNTJ Jeweller. competent. "or Improver wanted; chiefly manufacturing; good conditions and terms. —Jewel. 13<i, STAR. 102 VOUTII sTrong. for cart.—Apply Si". -*- Great North Rd. T.CS YOUTH wanted to drive aud assist; refs. F. J. Manseil. Grocer. Mornlngsldc. YOUTH wanted" for office.—Apply. ilrsTt lnetanre, to Bninfonl and llrown, I Solicitors. New Zealand Insurance Bidits. rq YOUTH, strong. Intelligent:' constant eninl.iyment.—N.Z. Horseshoe Co.. Ltd., Mauufacturors, Beaumont St.. iFreeman's P.ay. 30 /~1 RAMOPHONE SALES7HAN. WANTED—A SMART MAN. Capable of laking charge of a l;ir?e Retail Gramophone Department. Apply In first instance, stating age. qualifications, and salary required to GRAMOPHONE. ii.M rto\ ,-iS4. Auckland. jorvBRS on cabinetmakers " WANTED. Goon TTase*. Plenty Overtime. Apply GEORGE SUTHERLAND, 9!), Federal Street. 7X', CO-OP. DAI It V CO., LTD. MAXAifrER WANTED. -Applications will l?c rpce* en by tbe underfdgned irp to KRIiDAY.- Irtth ' July. l<l2o. •for the POSITION of WORKING MANAGKR to fhe above Factory. Oirtpnt 210 Tons, all Home >Se/paratlon. Salary. ;C2S."» per nniiuni. 'House an<l Usunl Allowances. Duties to commence Ist August. References required. L. A. M<INTOiSn. Secrct.iTy, r.ns ■. Knitaia. OF V 1 C E H O Y. WANTED. p>l α-rt respk-.'tarle n<iy For Our Oilice. (iood Wnges. Apply by let.ter to THE MANAGER KBMTTHORM!. PRWKER AND CO. -, !* N.Z. DUVG CO., LTD.. 52 Albert Srrect. y> R O D f C E SALESMAN. Must be Man with Good Rusiuess Capacity And Able to Deal with Farmers and Hamlic Tiieir Tiroducc. (Jond Salary to Man with F.xecutive Ability. Apply. stating ngc. experience, et.-.. together with copies ot lestlinoniaU*, to COUNTRY STORE, 13), STAR. 316 rpOIiOUGIN.Y EXPERIENCED AI.L- ■*- ROUND MAN WANTED AS BAKER FOR GRAND HOTEL. First-class Ueferenoee required. Good Wnges to right man. Apply MANAGER: GRAND HOTEL. oOS rpOWN TRAVELLER WANTED. Willi Good Connection. FOR CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY DEPARTMENTS. Apply WHOLESALER, 230, STAR. 133 riTWO LETTEH PRE S S FEEDERS WANTED. Apply, WORKS MANAGER. WIHTCOMBE AND TOMBS, LTD., High Street. , lfil (TAVO), TIPTOP. WANTED FOR WEST WORK. . Apply, FOREMAN. FACTORY. TONSON C-ARWCK CO., LTD. .104 TO HIKE. HORSE for CulvorVity Procesrion. Thursday. July IS. from 11 em. to 2 p.m.—Apply MaEon, University College. ,V»
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
Word Count
700Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 1
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.