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AMUSEMENTS. Come, follow the Crowd, and Join the merry throng who have quit seeking for tbe best line of Pictures, because they have found, them at rpiHß THING'S. rnn-B THING'S. rpUE "pr UNO'S. FULLER'S PTCTCRiES. TO-NIGHT, AT S, TO-NIGHT, AT 8, We Present SYD. /-.IIAPLIN, YD. VHAPUX, The Clean, and Prince of Comedians. A KKKK XXX XXX X X X X X X X X X X X SCREAM. 2.000 feet of tickles pI'SSLI) TJIVALS JONAH. -"I-VALS O ONAH. Here is a complete and colossal Laughing Boom in Comedy style, a scintillating succession of screeching spectacles, a series of scrumptuous. side-splitting scenes, surpassing anything SYD. CHAPLIN has ever done before. COME AND RE TICKLED TO DEATH. High Explosive Jokes, The Wonderful Water Picnic. GUZZLE AND HIS WIFE. A Milbon I-iughs a Minute. Also. THE ARRIVAL OF THE TyH.LOCHRA -ARRIVAL OF THE »» ILLOCHKA IN WELLINGTON Our Wounded from tbe Dardanelles. The Hospital Mhip— Alongside the Wharf - Ihe Cheering Crowds— Tne Procession—AC tlie Reception Tho Added Features consist of WINNING BACK. BOX CAR TRAP. Broncho Drama. K.ilem Drama. THE ROYAL ENGINEERS AT WOBK. A Very Interesting Series MIXED FLATS. I'ATIIE GAZETTE, Luliiu Comedy. Topical. And the KINGS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA In Their Latest Snectwses. PRICES: im-.. i : s ,„, ls , ,-„, n „ BPrvM 1'"".,. , ' la n, r " Frf, 'l r eal»- Queen St. till fi. After. Phone Theatre 3TIS4. A X C A 111 A. . TO-DAY. TO-NIGHT. One of the Greatest Mystery Photo-Plays ever produced, in Two Parts rpilE CKVKNTII T>RELCDE. A Hf: Seventh -L relude. Jn.-k Gordo,,. „ Private Detective, becomes Interested lv a Mysterious Murder Case rpilE gtrVIiNTII pBELIDE. Each nlghl al the very hour of her father! death she hears the "Seventh Preludebeing played, and declares it to be ber lather calling her. JAPANESK ARMY ToDlcal PETROGRAD " Travel WHEN THE COUNT PROPOSED Comedy FABLE OF THE PEOPLES CHOICE ' Usual Prices. Comedy D RITA NX IA rpHEATRE Britannia J-iii;atre .Three Limps. Ponsonbyi THE HOME i if ENTBRTAIN>iEN-rS. I'd NIGHT. TO-N.GiIT. Tbe Second Screening ..r the well known Play, -IN DEFIANCE OK THE LAW" "IN DBFIANCK OF THE I.AWV A Phot,, Play of Great .Merit. Two Nlghilv. Commencing at 7 c,-,i0.-k p.m. I'sual Prices to all Parts. ROAD BOARD NOTICES. TTOWICK TOWNSHIP ROAD DISTRICT The Ho wick T.-vvirsblp Road Board hereby a 'ves notice of their intention, at (heir Meeting. ..j, TIWIiAV. August :tr,i. l;»ir,. to be held In the Board Boom, Hovvlck, at 7 p.m., to Strike a General Itate of Three Farthings (jdj in tin- I" on all ratable property In the District. In accordance wirh Seoilon tos of the Itoa.i Boards- Act 190 S. Tbe rate In for one year, from A|ml Ist. IMS, to March 31st. 191(1. payable in one sum on September 1, IPC. to A. Gerrlng, Uuwlck. A. GERIiING. Clerk Hovvlck Township Road Board. Howiek. July milt, 1915. 505 DRAPERY, CLOTHING, ETC. pASTE rrrrns tn yovr. TT AT : r* I GANTIC ryTNTER QALE. rpilE gUCCESS OF THE /"I REAT OALE T>ERIOD. NEVER BEFORE SUCH CP.OWDS N'BVEIR BEFORE SUCH ENTHL&IASM: "VEY-ER TJE'I-X)RE gl'ai T>RICE (^ILi.SHING: Still they come, anJ keep on coming In their teeming tluxisanas to tbe MAaUSLhOISI.i SLCOIiSSI"LJ> SALE, W"UICH ILVS SWEPT ALL BEFORi; IT AT Tilbi \ LX. Aj-OORIi rtLUTHIXG pO., .\; I; DIDE "LTARANGAHAPi: "DOAD. WHY NOT BE IN THE SWIM? THE PHENOMENAL POPULARITY AND UN-MLSTAKAiIi.U SULVESS OF OUR G/iUANTIC WINTER SALE IS PROOF POSITIVE OF THE MAGNETIC BsVRGAINS W"!T"HLN. rpHUMPI.NG gJG T>EO>UCTIONS. "ADEN'S AND gOYS' QVERCOATS. PRICES ONLY A SHADOW OF THEIR former seh lis. OUT THEY GO. LOCK, STOCK AND BAiißiiu 6/11-ot-L a ;coA^ v^Mo/G I'>/K - J " IJVS i'rti.ui-1 X /a -I—/ O UVEIitVJIS, we re -LO/ 0 \Ti/li -BOXS' TWEha>—>| / SO/ \J OVERCOATS, were "I I'/Tl —ROYS' MA.CKIN—.»/i» J-U/JLL INJSIIEM. were SZI/O '>.1 / - 801-S' HYDIto-— .->-/(' TITE OUA'JDB. were -IX/ — IiOYS- HYfitU- -Q.l //• riTE COl'/HS, were *><-/ v> in/11- MEN'S —-t >> //. ■ xx ' / - 1 - 1 - CO.V.TIS, formerly ±0/ 0 . IK/11 - CHEN'S OILSKIN —.>1 / -L"/ - 1 -- 1 - CCt-XTs;, formerly -S-L/. »>1 / — -MEN'S OiLLSkIN —»>,-/ - i '- L/ C-O.VPS. formerly -irtV, 1 Q/1 1 —(Men s Tweed Over— >}— /(' -LO/ -I—L eoa.ts, mkd down from i/ \) ' H i/(\ -" iten ' a Tw eed Ov*r—on//. *•**' v coatß. m'kddrrrn from *JO/ U 'iTi/ —Mens 1-weed Over— A-/ *-"-" : coons, in"kd down from *w AX/ -Men's Tweed Over—C? / J*->' . coaitw, in'kd down from %F*J/ prr/ — Men's Tweed Over—7A/ 00/ coats, m'kd down from 'W. '?U / i\ —Men' 611 YUiROTIIh. -•>(» //• iuO/ U COATO, usuallr Ou/ U , QK/ — Mens HYDROCPITE— < - / »>J/ COATS, usually w/ A~/ — Mens HYDROTITE— - "T / ■asJV COATS, usually 00/ tr~/ - .Men's- UYHROTITE— 70 / w/ COATS, nsuaJly »W '"X)/ft —MKNS MACKIN—OQ/« w.J/ U TOSHICS, usuaUv Oi)/ 0 39/G -^I^^-49/6 IN FACT, EVERY IMAGINABLE KIND OF"OVERCOATS FOR MEN OR BOYS AT DBSPEdtATE CUTTING PRICES. THE A LF. jVTOORE pLOTHI.NG pO., p-IGANTIC TO, INTER S^ALE. \\;rong oide T'-ARA.NGAHAPE TJOAD,
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
Word Count
789Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
Using This Item
Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.