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AMUSEMENTS. TBE TYRIC To-night HE JL*YRIC and THE T YRIC ■ Every 'HE -•-'YRrC Evening THE T YIRIC This OB -L'-YRIC— Week. Direction: HaywaTd's Pictures, Ltd. BVKBITHING XBWI The Noted English Actor:— ALBERT CHEVALIER. ALBERT <" H E V A L I E R. ALBERTCH B V A L I E R. ALBERTC.H E V A L I E R. A L B D R T CHE V A L I E R. ALBERT C H E V A L I E R. A L B E R T r II E V A L I F. It. ALBERT CHEVALIER. in the Magnificeni London Stage Success, THE ATIDDLtMAN" HE J-'-MDDLEMAN" A Mighty, Heart-gripping Drama. THE "VfIDDLEMAN" HE ■"J-IDDLdJMAN" Written by Sir Henry Arthur Jones. THE \fIDDLEMAN" HE J-U-IDDUBMAN" Every movement distinct with personality. THE "VfIDDLEMAN." HE -s'J-ILiDLEMAN." Is an unusual accomplishment, not only •because of the real group of people it presents, and the scuse o/ tbe surging questions of Labour and Capital, but also for Ms unique incidents aud its triumphant conclusion. "THE MIDDLEMAN" will always be remembered because of its breadth of thought, its truthfulness to woman nature, its living Interest. PRODUCED BY THE LONDON FILM CO. PRODUCED BY THE LONDON FILM CO. In addition to this star attraction, a delightful programme of comedies and topical Alms, these indue: SNOW SCENES IN NORWAY Scenic THREE SUITORS AND A DOG. .Comedy LATEST GAT'MONT GRAPHIC.. .Topical And a Picture that Interests Everyone — \ 'RRIVAL f\r fTUTE AiRKIVAL v/f X.HE '* lI.LOCHRA. IN WELLINGTON LAST WEEK. OUU WOUNDED FROM THE DARDANELLES. The Hospital Ship—Alongside the WharfLauding—the Crowds—The Procession—At tie Town Hall. 4 IRRIVAL fI X WILI/OCHRA. -A.KRIVAL v/f J- HE >' ILbOCHIRA. Prices as Usual. Book by -phone. ALso T-« rEST lV- N ' D fPHEATRE at a' tbe »»)KST M\D -«- PONSONBY, 8 p LORE riCTCHES p LOUTS PICTURES "When we are married we must nave no secret*.. You must tell mc everything." But said the mere man, "Er—really I don't know everything." It Is NO SECRET with our patrons that the GLOBE is ever alert in tiuding and securing the BEST PICTCBES ON Tilt. A Beautiful Star Feature, milE CLAVE /"URL. TOE QLAVE piRL. GLOBE Thi*. Thrilling Drama of slavery GLOBE days recalls Mrs Harriet Boeohcr ODORE Stove's Immortal Story "UNCLEGLOBG TOiM'S CABJN." KEYSTONE. KEYSTONE. " AMBROSE'S FURY." "AAUiROSES FURY." This Screaming Comedy Is full to the brim «t the pure fresh r"[iirit of fun and joy. (An invigorating, tonic to each and all. LOVE WILL OUT. A Pretty Story of studio Life. THE CURING OF MY'RA MAY. A Charming Vita Comedy. THE HAUNTED ATTIC. Will send you into Spas>ms of Rollicking Laughter. PATIIES LATEST WHiR SPECIAL. P A L A C E THEATRE. -»- KARANGAHAPE RD. Id SECTION. Continuous Pictures From - lo 5 p.m.; 7 to 10 p.m. TOTE FLOATING CALL. Reliance star THF. FLOATING CALL. Feature Drama THE .PLOATENG CALL in 2 Parts .THE FLOATING CALL. Replete with Exciting Incidents. PITTING ONE OVER. PUTTING ONE OVER. Fourth Series of "Dolly of the Dailies." IFATTYS JONAH DAY. Screaming KeyFATTY'S JONAH DAY. stoco Comedy" THE LITTLE CAPTAIN THE LITTLE CAPTAIN. A Continuation of tbe Delightful _ Sonny Stories. T-?J74T' AI :U, Rl;r * rET -Latest War New*. MSIT To THE ROYAL POTTERY „ JEgRKS Interest ■NATURE'S CELEBRITIES . .. .Indus-trial Popular Prices. Adults (Id. Children lid. EDUCATIONAL. DEItINGTOX AND RONEO -*" 11 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Old Students and Friends of tbe Remington and Roneo Commercial College are cordially invited to ne proner.' at our PATRIOTIC FUNCTION. in Aid of tile Wounded Soldiers and Hospital Ship, To be held on SATURDAY, tbe 24th Inst. at Remington Chambers. Afternoon, 3 o'clock. Evening, 7 p.m. Admission: Adults, 1. ; Children, 6d. 21 TTnRELESS rpELKGRAPHY JN T .HE W AR. The great part Wireless Telegraplvv is playing in the present war is proof of tlie important part it will play in the world when peace is es"ta!>ushed. To fill all tbe positions, thousands of experts will be required. Are you satisfied with your prospects? Why not spend a little money now put in a few hours of interesting study, and be prepared to jump Into one of the positions? Our Practical Course will make you a- practical expert. Think of the great possibilities, and send for prospectus. "gOWER'S gCHOOL FOR J^NGINEERS Tyrone Buildings, CUSTOMS STREET EAST. AUCKLAND. RepsUired as a Private Technical School by the Government Marine and Education Departments. M JgASTEN'S QOMMERCIAL ipRAJNINO r-VOLLEGE, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS. Opp. Smeeton's ■Phone 2742. RESULTS SPEAK FOR THEMSEIVES OUR STWDEXTS ARE OUR AD VERTISE ME NT THOROUGH INSTRUCTION in Shorthand Typing. Bookkeeping, and Commercial Correspondence. INDIVIDUAL TRAINING In Commercial Isages and Business Methods Each Student Taken Personally and Trained Accordingly. PERSONAL SUPERVISION by Principals \ Inculcating a High Commercial Standard and Honesty of Purpose ENROL NOW AND OBTAIN EMPLOYMENT LN THE NEW YEAR Principals: MISS C. S. V. iBASTEN, A.N.Z A A MISS A. H. G. BASTEN \p i, ,v 2 |' AssLsted by Own Specially Trained' Assistants. r; FLORISTS. FO It I S T ~S WREATHS. CUT FLOWERS At Shortest Notice. Wanted, VIOLETS, any quantity. FRANK WHITEHEAD, opp. G.P.O. SAbTirt-' iMSI'LAY OF CHOICE CUT FLOWERS. WEDDFNX; ROT" QUETS AND FUNERAL WEKATHS "lade Up of the Choicest Cut Flowers and Ferns at Shortest Notice, from 5/ each Ladies'' Sprays. Od and 1': Cents' Buttonholes ;td and fid each; Violets, 3d and Gd bunch: Jonquils, 3d dozen; Paper White Narcissi 4d dozen: Daffodils. 6d dozen. Orders carefully executed MISS CARNEY attends v fereonally. Phone 21' Jo.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
Word Count
900Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.