AMUSEMENTS. fTVO-DAY — pkUEEuN'S — rpO-NIGHT. •-•-0-DAY — V*r;E,E-N"S — -Lo-NJGHT. A .PROGRAMME TO CONJURE WITH. A GIGANTIC HEAD-LINER. QHAS. QHAPLIN. CtUAS. QHAS. riHAPLIN. /--IHAS.-^«IAPLIN A NU H IS D OG - A ND H , S D OG. CHARLIE AS A BOXER. CHARLIE AS A BOXER. '"One Hour and a Half of Laughing Exhaustion." ROMANCE OP A NIGHT. A Drama that ROMANCE OF A NIGHT, has all tbe ROMANCE OF A NIGHT, element of 3tn.MA.NCK OF A NIGHT. Hue,an I„ te rROMANCE OF A NIGHT, est that appeals ROMANCE OF A NIGHT, to young and ROMANCE OF A NIGHT, old alike. TRAINING HORSES.. Eclair Industrial. , WARWICK PICTORIAL LETTER. MOSCOW IN WINTER A Refreshing Scenic ~A Delightful Cines Drama of Rare Merit, entitled, J E N N Y. J E N N T. And the UNIVERSAL GAZETTE, including Tbe Latest I.oral Happenings. DUNEDIN CARNIVAL, in Aid of Wounded Soldiers. N.Z. HOSPITAL SHIP •'MAHENO," In full Sailing Trim. Tbe Crowds arriving at Port Chalmers. WAIWFRA HOUSE, AUCKLAND, offered as Hospital for the Wouuded. FRIDAYS GREAT DEMONSTRATION TO AUCKLAND'S RETURNED HEROES. WOUNDED AT TUB HISTORIC LANDING IN TIIR DARDANELLES etc etc MANAGERIAL NOTE — Ladies nnd Children urged to attend Matinee when possible to avoid tbe crush at night NO ADVANCE IN PRICES. EVERYWHERE (Id and 3d EVERYWHERE p R I N C E S S rp II E A T R E. A XI N C X S .- X H E A T RE _ TO-DAY AND TO NIGHT. CONTINUOUS. FROM I!.!.", TILL 10.1.-.. A STARTLING PROGRAMMME. Headed by the Kln~ of Merrymakers I.', I ,'. ■:! II s "CHARLIE ' IAI LIN as THE C HAP.IS „. CHAMPION." c'hapl.n ;:: ■ i^ iK CHAPLIN „, CHAMPION." E\c!uslve to the pRI.NCESS ANT> QCEEN'S. \] t }\ cr ", M: '- v eho* the old Chaplin. ' W I. ALONE CAN SHOW THE NEW. MONEY LOUD MONEY MONEY LYTTON'S MONEY MONEY RENOWNED MONEY MONEY COMEDY. MONEY ENGLISH TOPICAL PICTORIAL LETTER. THE BOMBARDMENT OF SEVASTOPOI BY Till: GKUMA.N CRUTSERS GOKBEN AND BBESLAI W nn:s G OIU I s D ROSS " A Sweetly Pretij Barker Drama •RACHKL." "IIAI'IIEL" "RACHEI " Another Kalem Dramatic Achievement ' "ON THE GARDEN OK .THE CZAR " An Kx<,ulsite Scenic. And Ihe UNIVERSAL GAZETTE IAICKLANDI And the UNIVERSAL GAZETTE Including The Latest Local Happenings Dl NKDIN CARNIVAL, In Aid ot Wounded Soldiers. N.Z. HOSPITAL SHIP "MAHENO." In full Sailing Trim. The Crowds arriving at Port Chalmers. WAIWEKA HOISE. AUCKLAND, offered as Hospital for th.- Wounded. I'IiIDAVS GREAT DEMONSTRATION To AUCKLAND'S RETURNED HEROES WOUNDED AT Till-: HISTORH' LANDING IN THE DARDANELLES, vtc. etc MANAGERIAL NOTE. - Ladies and Children urged to attend Matinee when possible to avoid the .-rush at night NO AHVAM-1: IN PRIO|.;s EVERYWHERE Gd and 3d EVERYWHERE pRIN< i: S S AN D QI"EE N■ S. TODAY AND TO-NIGHT AND THENCEFORWARD. AT "DTII THEATBF.S. The Third Instalment of the OHAKI.ES /MIAPLIN VIUPUN >OERll^ By the Famous Essanoy Co. CIIAS. CHAPLIN (HAS. CHAPLIN CIIAS. CHAPLIN CIIAS. CHAPLIN AS '/CHARLIE, rp-JIK /AIIAMPK.N" V-HARLIE. -L HE UhaMI'IUA. THE FUNNIEST COMEDU.N IN THE FILM FIRMJLMENT. In the Blgg.-a Comedy S;icces« ever obronlcled. Cyclones 0/ laughter, furious and funny situations •from beg+nning to end. THE BIGGEST FUN ever oircrcd Uie Auckland Public. CHARLIE CHAPLIN CHARLIE CHAPLIN AND HIS DOG. AND HIS DOG. CHARLIE AS A BOXER Win CHARLIE AS A BOXER Convulse CHARLIE AS A BOXER Auckland. The Dog is Funnier than ••Charlie.-" "One Half-hour of Laughing Exhaustion." OTHERS .nay .how the OLD CHAPLIN'S WE ALONE can SHOW tbe NEW. The absolute rights controlled by the Dominion Piotnre Theatres Co. .1. F. MoeMAHON. Manager. -V-ATIONAL Reserve AtiduTlinee ~s"e7- ----•-> lion's Con.ert. Wednesday .Inly :is Tickets, :' (reserved.) and 1 ."'obtainable :H Tutt's, Symonds Si.. Mlxs Gerti Campion's, etc., aTid all members. DENTISTRY. Gentleness and Extreme care JZJOWEY YT'ALEER, Dentist. City Chambers. Gentleness nod Extreme Care. pERFECT rnEETH Let nowey Walker put your teeth in perfect order. Gentleness and extreme care. Lovely Gold fillings. Fair fees. ; Howey Walker, dentist. City Chambers. T tDIES AND GENTLEMEN, — During Li the duration of the War I have decided to charge Half-price for all work one on the Premises. Inquire for quotations. AH work guaranteed. I alnlera Extractions. J. MARTIN, DENTIST, Over National Bank. Karangahap; Road.
Page 12 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
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