AMUSEMENTS. ryRAND rniIEATRE. *-*ItAND -LITEATUE. mVNIOHT, -Tl-NGLAND'S MENACE •*- O-exIGHT. MEN AC X Tlie »fc«r TrvNOLAND'S '.MIvNACH oJ -CJI.NGLAND'S '.MENACE the Hoar. TTx.NGL.ANiD'S AI KNACK Glorious -British MENACE Patriotic Drama MENACE (London iPtlm - L MENACE Cry's 'Elertrify- TTtiNGLANTPS "MENACE ing TrUmpb. •L'NOLAND'S MENACE It concerns the T7»N<II,ASD'S MENACE Individual and JC^NGLAND'S -MENACE the Nation. p-NGL-YND'S MENACE FnllVs iFnlthfnl Fldn Fatty's .Faithful Fldo Tr7~F.YSTONT: iea,ttvs .Faitbhil 1-ldo XVEYSTONE Fattys Faithful Fldo GREAT rrsOPICAT. "rvt-IiGET. •BEAT J-OPICAb -L>UJ>GET. [INDISCRETION 'Lnbln Drama CAVE DWELLERS. Ta-ke M. Ticket. Includes Best ricrnres IT<4rramme in the -city. Comfortable seat and Dainty Tea. THE POPULAR p JAFTOS rp H E A T R E. s-TAjrn.ING NEW TOPTLAR I PROGRAMME. Headed by TUB BEAUTIFUL STAR DRAMA THE rTTo -vrESTnEIRJiAY. UK AVry J-o -1 r iSn>BRJ>AY. a"VHE T^ XV T*' A"'EKfPBRDAY. -in-; JA-i:y J-o 1 h>iT">iißi>AY. A, Powerful and vet Pathetic lVrama In 4 Parts, featnrlns i ".A.IM.VI.i: BLACK WELL. THE LATEST WAR TOPICAL. And ALL ABOARD. A 1.1. AROARD. Tlie Greatest Screamer Out. Also MUSIC BY AUCKLAND'S FINEST ORCHESTRA. yv'FD.YESPAY .vya>nxEsr*AY "yiGIIT AHGIIT TLI.USTBATED T ECTURE, R EV W. G. m on,kt,iv MA - On "THE WAR OF THE DARDANELLES " "Till: WAR up THE D-UtDANELLES." EXTRA To PICTURES. PART PROCEEDS TO A PATRIOTIC FIND. I'RICKS AS CSCAL. BTJIXDING. rpEE CTEEI. pi)., LIMITED (Sueoesfiors to Mas-sey Bros., Ltd.). STRCCTT-RAI. STKKL AND BIUDGL WORKS OF ALL KINDS. ENGINE AND GENERAL FORG-INGS BOLTS, ETC. SALE STREET. FREEMAN'S BAY Telephone 1217. DR A I N I N G To By-laws. SEPTIC TANK SPECIALISTS. GF.O. RHODES AND SONS, Builders. Phone 1001. Patteson Street. Cllj. C THE ONEHUNGA SAWMILLING CO., LIMITED. PRINCES STREET, ONEHUNGA. KAURI. RIMU. TOTAKA. MATAI. JOINERY AND MOULDINGS. Telephone No. 30. rrnn t\nr> felt of seasoned UUU.UUU Quotations ou application. ALffiVS ASIv FOR ••IDBEL" No 1 BATH, on Zinc Feet. Txte Only liatli Made with Sides ami Bottom In One Piece. "IDEEI." TANKS, up to (100 Kalioiw Standard Size, Bottoms In One Piece -IDEEL' VENTILATORS. Ihe Best aud Cheapest. JAMES HARGRKAVES, Sheet Metal Worker aud Ventilating Enjrlneer. St. Paul Street, Auckland. 'Phone 233& r; OWES, JJIISEB, L T D ELLIOTT STREET, Kor GEYSEItS. WATER BATHS LAVATORY BASLNS, Sl\-K>. G«VS ' FrTXI.NGS AND FANCY GLASifv. .MIL. M rrri lso n • s ■ -stajc • 1 tiLfcx T> i"oii-F >V LAND CEMENT AND UYDRAI>I.-IG LIME. —First in the field In Austnitesfci. First In QUAIJTY cv<r since, otllce, L'ti, Sbortiaud Street. PUBLIC NOTICES. mRENTHA M i' A M P. COMMISSION OF INQUIRY. NOTICE. Tii rt '"oiirmisskiner; invite a.', persons able to grve relevant information to f«>rward their names and addr«^si. s as directed below. Those wishing tc give evidence in sup port of any complaints should communicate neither verJ*Ki4y or ln vvritingi with C. P. Skerrett. Esq.. X.C.. at his Offices, Brandon IStreet. Weltiirg-ton, or with Air I". T. Ciertat sueii Otllces. Those wfcibing to give evidence on hehalf of anyone involved in any ormrplalnts sbonld cuiirmuuicate (either verliany ~r in writing! with A. Gray. Esq., X.C.. at his Offices, ill, G-'ey Street. WoiUng-tou, or with any member of Meimrs Gray and Jackson's Staff tbero. Information is dt-nirrsl to enable the Commissioners 10 ascertain:— 1. What defects ,if any) have oxlsrWl ln ■the camp site or its iidm-inistration as affecting the health of the men. 2. Tbe causes of tbe recent sickness and deaths there. 3. W-hwt persons (if any) are responsible for such defects and causes. Tbe Commission is more detailed in its terms, but the foregoing represents its general scope. The Secretary's address Is Supreme Court. Wellington. The Sittings are held in the Top Floor of the Accountants' BulldtuTts, Johnston Street, Wellington (adjoining Klrkcaldie ami Stains). By Order of the Commissioners. X,. H. DENNISTON. rjjfj Secretary. Howey Walker saves your teeth, [or eke makes you Better ones] ]\J A N U R E W A. nAYXNG CLOSED OUR CITY OFFICE, ABOVE IS NOW THE ONLY ADDRESS. ENO S. g_ pEGL El{ LICENSED LAND AND COMMISSION ' AGENT. U,> A
Page 12 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 12
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