BIEIIICAL. f . i ESTABLISHED 1874. lil^igloaief I lk colds, m j Public Speakers Singers, and ' all -tfio ' suffer from Throat Weakness.find I it safe and effective. I I SOLD BY RETAIL CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE. STOCKED BY ALL WHOLESALE | DRUG HOUSES in AUSTRALIA. Prepared by W. T. OWBRIDGE, LTD. HULL, ENGLAND. PAI'ENTS. HENRY MUSHES, ltd. REGISTERED PATENT AGENT. ESTABLISHED 1832. TRADE MARKS jL IV <rd $ i%J* Ohtalnei fh CT fl MPW 'n all t'ouuL4\ W 1* tU ulp * throughout the W World. Advice to InBl veiilors free on application. lar* 1 Clients advised aud assisted la disposing ot tlieir inventions. Auckland Of!i<-r>: Exchange I.ane. Queen Mt. E. Br.COKX-SM.ITU. SEanaMr. , SEPARATORS. j MELOTTE SEPARATORS. IMPORTANT NOTICE. I (lo account <f the war. nut only have prices of all kuoiU udvuuceu. l»ut some are 1 entirely unprocurable. We are advised by the makers tin-;.- c-anuot t-uarantea regular supplies. We have now Just landed a shipment, anil we are prepared t.. take orders as far as Ibey will |!« 1..r spring delivery, it you ' want a MBI.DTTK Separator, now is your chance, OLD I'KICE. :A. J. ENTRICAN & CO., LTD., MERCHANTS. AUCKLAND. M 1 __ DENTISTRY. I I AMERICAN DENTAL PABLOBS. WHY SUFFER PAINP . while having your teeth filled when DX. RAVNKH can fill tho moat ; sensitive, without tho slightest pain or inconvenience to you, by using t Dr. Olarl'a woadcrful Appacatna. i which deodess all ncrres bej-ond. tho Benso of feeling. | I Dr. Chirk, of New York, has given Iho last 2i> years of his life entirely to the study of how to drill and till teeth without Unit awful ncrve-raeldnj: pain ■ : which so often nrcifcra cowarda of us | all and causes as to delay our visit to ' \ the Dentist until the tooth is-almo3t i I beyond repair. | f you barvo a tooth that requires fill- j I ing. come an<l try this wonderful . • method, and If Dr. Rayner cannot fill it without pain he charge ; j (or the .filling. AMERICAN DENTAL PARLORS, i corner V/ellesley & Quean Streets. _ '■ Hovtbs: 9 till C daßy,Jcrjfiay-Ttill 9 Sat. 9 tiU L OPEN FRIDAY EVENING. TEA MERCHANTS. Doctor's China Tea \ NON-INJURIOUS TO THE NERVES. A Delicious Blend of finest China, with a small admixtnTO of Choicest | British llrown Tea. which prodnces a I most stimulating beverage, and being I free from excessive Tannin, is not I injurious to tbe Nervous System. j As recommended by -the lafce-> Sir ■ Andrew Clark, Physician to tbe I Queen, also by the leading members ; I of the Medical faculty, to those ■uf»fering from indigestion,or nerves. I j Obtainable in pound and half-pound..; j I .tins of all Grocers, Price, 2/8 per lb. ; I I Wholesale-agents: E. .ELLINQHAM & CO., Ltd. J " ' • DYEKS. | By Special Appointment to His 1 Excellency the Earl of Liverpool, j K.C.M.G.. M.V.O. IF SUIT OR DRESS IS SOILED inn; IT DRY CLEANED AT PORTER'S DYE WORKS. OFFJCK : TAIiKKN.vri.K BUILDINGS, KARANGAHAPE ROAD. rlifiK- 1741. Vans Collect. WORKS: KI'SOM. Phoue 4383.
Page 9 Advertisements Column 3
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 9
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