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v PUBLIC NOTICES. SUIT SATISFACTION AND : WHOLESALE PRICES. That's a spleniliil ronihinulion. you hear of one <IU the other as a rule, lint not lioth. £ Vet Tin; Crown Oothiii.K Company ailils ntlll another good feature to the list. They ui.-i-ke spJeniliU suils promptly, they charge WHOLESALE pi-ices, ami GUARANTEE the suits to be satisfactory. If the _ customer is not phmseil in every respect, £ his money will be retnrm-d in full. Just glance over that naragrapli again. , Note what is st«-ite<l iv plain. cuipJiatir. I 'a not-anle-to-be-mlsuuderstooil terms,, and | you will say "It Is going to pay mc to s«; 1 a The Crown Clothing Company about, my next ii suit." and ask for further details. To gel a perfectly '-ut suit of good material and 1 M tHtlng like a glove al the substantial j * saving on'erod, is an opportunity no nianj caji eiffonl to pass by hi any time. Just £ now it is folly to miss the chance of ■ cutting down tilic cost of living. •The frown Clothing Company Is able to| give such value in war time oeeause Iv peace time Its IbUßlness was solidly founded I 011 the right principles. The management £ saw that there existed an uusaUslletl ileinaml for a good business suit j ■ at a imodcrute price. The average rutin £ c-oiiild not afford to pay Co 5/ for a suit. but he did so because no one hail offered ■ li 1111 suit satisfaction al a lower price. '■ The problem "as nut In lue material there was no need lout thill down In .■ quality, ftut several unnecessary expense* ■ which adili-d a big pen-enuge t.i each suit would have t.i go L,.f„r.. the « would J come down. Oue was high' rein* in .-n;i- ---■ IKisedly favoured quarters, the seron<l was purchase of small quantities of niateriiil S in a liandto-mouili fashion, and (lie Hiiro " great Item was tlie unnecessary handling a suit underwent before It*was ti..l up In J a parcel and sent home- supposed!v perfect. :The Crown f'lothlng Cinpanv was f.iundcl in Aurklaud. Wrtllnxttin. and Chrlsir-liiir.-h with the defects of the past a overcome once and for all. They had good ■ roomy warehouses in the warehouse soettun. as befitted a wholesale bouse. This ■ saved a big amount Iv rent. They con- ■ trai-tcl fVir hugo supplies of materials direct from the mills, and they paid for il . spot cash. They <-aJh-,l science t.> rJielrl ■ aid. and by ruean<s of m.«li-ls buill on Ihe lines of the perfect human ligur.-. rln-r ■ huilt suits from which nuy average niaii 0 could nbiain a perfect fit. If it deviated In any il was vrv easily and economically adju.sle.l If n-.inlrcd. Ih.-y " made tho suit m measure, bin rli.-ir perfect system ..f meaituremeni onxlilnl them 10 P do Uiis with no exirn liiiiidling nt .1 very ■ few shillings extra cost. - They decided to s«Il for cash, and so ,■ >iv,. any loss through bad del,is. will, ii ■ :011st be added to the customer who pay-. The-j recogirised that a small pro lit on a ■ large ami rapidly hx-reiming business wa« ■ '.letter than a larger percentage on a sural! turnover with tlie greater risks attendant ," on the credit evils, and tbey dcided to ■ n-ork on a narrow margin ■>( CERTAIN' PROFIT 1 through buying f-ir cash and ,■ seJllng for cash). ■ The success of the Company appeared r>henomen:il to those who ganged every- £ thing by the old standard, but to the ■ founders of the business h was merety the logical result of n plan well thought on: ," In advance. ■ Men who would never It.ive bought a •'Cheap" suit go to The frown Clothing ," Company for a suli at a CH-RAP I'ltli'K. but Uiev get a suit as perfect as any they have ever worn. No one .-an toil one of The ." Crown Clothing Company's Suits from the .-relit tailor made. A man is invited lo bring bin wife, mother, nr sister to examine th* materials, to puss judgment on tue g. lit and stvvlo of the snii. and If they are 9 at all dissatisfied th e suit will he » or any money paid win be returned ia full. Tnder this plain, broad guarantee of "S.-itisfnetion or your money hack." The B frown dothlng Company iirvltes YOf to caH upon thorn, and see their work, inquire , iulo their metbeds, and ask their prices. _ II CROWN CLOTHING CO. (Opposite Strand Arcade), ELLIOTT STREET, AUCKLAND. X MEDICAL. A TJtTHT TT)OE s fTIAKH I TORALINE t» F OK AC OLDT 1 ARCHITECTS. EDWARD MAHONEY AND SON, £. ARCHITECTS, i BANK BUILDINGS, ST. I PHOTOGRAPHY. I THE VEST POCKET KODAK! '; I REDUCED PRICE i r I T HE s P ecial ,ittle Camera, fitted j !j B with that most excellent lens, s h| H the F8 Jena Glass Anastigmat, j D we now sell at a reduced price. 1 j n Usual Price —83/5/- J : 1 PRESENT PMCE- £2/15/' \ IB Do notconfuse theabovewith the regular J i M model. We have large stocks of the pop- j :I ■ ular Vest Pocket Kodak, which sell sat 32 6 S p OUR TEMPORARY ADDRESS— jj § SUCKLINGS I The Camera Specialists % !\ Corner of Shortland St. j & Victoria Arcade, Auckland j {3 1 I He alll toon be back «( our eld pnltion in Qufn St.. •
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 9
Word Count
874Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 9
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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