li All Good Hotels and Clubs j i j Buchanan's | i w«F Ha B B& H [ \l V w if 1 | 3 «/ 1 !| vast dif- 1 £ i i ferenee between or- 1 §f' ". M I dinary whisky and pure, fi i| ; age-mellowed "Red Seal." 1 | The most critical palate fj 1 "7; I | always appreciates the ll.'. ~ | ' -wholesome fragrance of IHJ ::;-~:z 1| j Buchanan's "Red Seal" |h\ | : < 1 Whisky, and among dis- IB Ii criminating men, "Red ifi - - I Seal" is recognised as 18 .""■" | the whisky. I I I' Il The Campbell & Ehrenfried Co. Ltd. ffjl. 1 eAgents, (Auckland. IB I Buchanan's |J Whisky "". r M 1 1 All Good Hotels and Clwbsl Cj| SEWING MACHINES. HOUSE rtTRNISEINGS. - ..»■■'■"■ SI FURNITURE, LATEST DESIGNS I BEDROOM OIL RIMU 3-PIECE SUITES COMPRISING Wardrobe, Combination, Wash Stands 8/-/-, 9/-/-, 10/-/-, 11/-/-. 12/10/-Suite. | BEDSTEADS. , . .....-..,,.. I <T7 « "iK/- 40SINGER SEWSNG MACHINES. 27/6 ' * ' Every genuine Singer Sewing DINING ROOM SUITES Machine bears an identification _ number. The public are cautioned Rexine Suites " " ™ 4/10/" from purchasing Sewing Machines .. ■ Ki+e'/ which are offered to theru as Singers, Oil RimU Suites " " O/10/----but which do not bear the Smger «3-iridlft Rack Suites - • "JO/-/-identification number, or which have oaaoiw »» / an identification number which has ___ been tampered with. Tlie Singer Tp* § IRjifi F™ identification should' be carefully ■■ W 1 * H l * D itf! jP* looked for in every ease where the ■ ■ ■ WB■W ■■■ ■ purchaser requires a genuine Singer SsrTho"^°A.w«i^gitd 0 125, 127 KARANGAHAPt ROAD. :,>.:,.- ---to give you full information. „^_ —^^_ .^" • ::_ —^.--jf
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 9
Word Count
Page 9 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 9
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