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PIANOS FOR SALE. ftAGX. IRON FRAME PIANO for £25 W cash; bargain for someone; a perfect plnno.—Applv Richardson Piano Agency. A.M.P. Bldgs.. City. 47 £0-( -I f\/— ENGLISH PIANO; terms, —iA Iw 3/C weetly; splendid bargain for a beginner: like new.—Richardson Piano Agency, A.M.P. Bldgs., City. 47 ECOND-HAND riANOS — 2 Haakes, Spencer (with a stooli. and Waldsteln, j up-to-date models; offered cheap.—Apply Richardson Piano Agency, A.M.P. Bldgs., ; City. 47 T>IANOS TO T?UY. New English Pianos—The "SH-ENSTO-NE." New English Piauos—The •'SH-ENSTONK." New English Pianos—The "SH'F.NSTONF.." New English Pianos—The "S'HENSTONE." New English Pianos—The "SIIE.VSTONE." New English Pianos—The "SHENSTONE." New English Pianos—The "SMI-ENSTONK." New English Piauos—The "SH EN.STONK." New English Pianos—The "SH ENSTONE.'• New English Pianos—The "SHEN.STO.VE." New Englisli Pianos—The "SHKN.STONE." ; New English Pianos—Tlie -SU'EXSTOXK." - New English Pianos—The "SH'KNSTO.VE." New English Pianos—The "SH'EN'iSTON'E." These Pianos are Perfection itself. Absolutely the Best Value In BRITISH PIANOS, ' admitted i.v Musical Experts. i SECOND-HAND PIANOS.—Large Selec tion of the Best. Only those worth selling offered. PRICES FROM US UPWARDS. Call and Inspect for Yourselves. -piCHARDSON -pIANO A GENCY, ; A.M.P. BUILDINGS, QUEEN STREET. Open Friday Eveulnge. C ENGLISH AND FRENCH PIANOS of Highest Quality and Value. .J. Easy Terms.—E. nnd F. Piano Agency, Ltd. !\ Cold leu tt. Manager. D ■ J-KOADWOOD— A Household Name with i> Piano Users for 200 Years.—Sole Agents. E. and F P.A , Ltd. S. Co.dlcutt. Manager. D CULLARD AND COLLAKD PIANOS ' Satisfy Critical Musicians. Estab. London. 1700— E. and F. Piano Agency. j Ltd., Soie Agents. D A EIIsON PIANOS FoT Touch", ] -"-A Durability and Value. Easy Terms. • Sole Agents, K. and F. Piano Agency, Ltd. D : "rTUrE "KASTENOM E. the King o't A Player Pianos. Call and try this marvellous lus'runient. -- Sole Agents, E. ami F.l'. A, Ltd. D ; J.-iREM-ri PIANOS, "by ERAitD ami PLEYEI. Two m X I, Grade Makers. " Sole Agents. F. and F P A.. Ltd. S. C,.:<lirutt. Manager. D ! \\J A. GREEN AND CO.—Low-priced '»• Pianos 01 Greai Merit- Sole Agents, ;K. and F PA. Lid. S. Coldlrutt. Mgr. D 1 HORSES AND CATTLE FOR SALE . / \OWS, J. good. Shorthorn and Fawn .1.-r- --- sev. ill profit, heavy milkers.-Address Keogh. Prin.-.-- Rd . New 1.,, no. i GIG Hor-c isirongi, and Harness f,.r Sale, ii-ry cheap. — Smethiirst, Grocer, King St., Nen market. XtS j IJoNY Turnout, very stylish, for Sale: . -I pony very fast, trap butterfly wings, I ball bearing axles. — Write Horse. -Kill, Star Otlice. SJ TJOXT Turn.un. verj styibii. for Sale; ,i. pony \.-ry fast, trap butterfly wings. '- ball-bearing a\lcs. - Write Ilors-c. -I«i, Star - oilbc. >vJ DOGS FOR SAL 2. : ftoIAAF.. Black md White, jonng, prize, ' \J offered r- 1 * Auckland Show; will take ' b->: offer now Addresw a- star Office. 148 14(1 . \\"AToriTTpTrS, l-,-s-t In th- world, are ,>> lionrhotinds; prize bitch, £70, puppies . cheap. —I >r. Miicoonald. ( nabob,l. 51!' MOTOR CYCLES FOR SALE. INDIAN Mnt-or Bike nn.i Sl'le-ear, order; no reasonable offer refused. Appl> Theatre Royal. King-lind. Mo 3aVK Money by buying jour Motor Cycle 0 through the Direct Importing Agents. Large discount. Full particulars and catslogties from JAMES AND GILUMAN, Motors Ltd . Wangan . D 1 (ii - DO I GI.AS. Two Speed,'t starter, latest pattern sample " machine; 7.f guinea*. —W. M. SERVICE. I>ougins Agent. 36, Ivara'igaliape Rd. 515 BICYCLES FOR SALE. I-MCYCLE gnit's. strong. for Sale; > c.a«t.-r. freewheel; prb-e £.'t. -Care of Ratjeu. Ltd.. Manuknu Rd.. Parnell. 'Phone 1 ■",.-■-. 26 _ MACHINERY FOR SALE. PORTABLE F-ngine, 8 h.p.. also Stone Crasher, l'.ln by Bin, with S'reens. complete. Can he seen working; also 1 '.OyH Air Receiver, cheap —Brookes Bros . Mt. AlherL DS - OA " '' Darraeq Engine. 12-h.p. Hercules a —VJ s-b.p, Leader. t2S: 0-h.p. Alpha. 4-h.y :. iStandard; 3-h.p. Day. fll; Ferro Out boards. Al! Prices Reduced: Altoratio: Sale— Peter A. Smith. Ponsonby. Pbou, 20.12 lo rlngsi. / A QKCONP-UA.ND (HI. ENGINES FOR SALE. —2-h.p. Waterman Outboard, - new AIM l" ■'. complete; PHi.p. Oro.-slov Ha* Engine, s-h.p. Tungye Gas Engine, h.p. Gardner Gas Engine and Suction Ga, Plant. l'J-li-p. Blnke Marine, 10-|,. p . r : ,ioi,, ; ' 5-h.p. Challenger. 3-h.p Zealand la. 2-h.p Clifton. 7-h.p. Regal, to-h.p. Trice, 4-h.p >. i-|er f e, »i h.p. SCealaudla, and others. s W. J. MAI.LETT AND CO., Next Power Douse. Hobson Street. ( '; ArACIIINERY FOR PALE.-2 Seif-fcet t 1M Drag Benches. Contractor's Stcan Winch, also Friction Winches, log-wlnct ■ and Boiler Ipraetleally new,. Vertical am Horizontal Steam Engines from 2-h.p., up Oil Engines, Stationary and Marine, al sizes. 2 to 12-h.p., and one 7-h.p.; Portabh Boilers of all descriptions; Quantity o Second-hand Rails; Beil-drlven Air Com pressors.—C. R. MASSEY', Engineer nn, s - Machinery Exchange, Customs St. West. ( C AUCKLAND \TACHINERY ATARI' ~ I'bone 4426. VICTORIA QUADRANT. ELECTRIC RADIATORS! ELECTRIC HEATERS ~~ We are Selling more Electric Radiator '" than any Urm in New Zealand, because th, ,r design is good and the price right. Three lamp, ready for use. 43.', Four-lamp, read; ■8 for use. 5'J 0. Come and have a look at them. 7 NEVILLE. PICHARDSON AND CO. i. Telephone 442b\ t \, . 1 ■ TVELT - DRIVEN Q.OODS' ~XJV> •s' FOR -SALE. ' ONE TON CAPACITY. CAN BE SEEN AT STAR OFFICI id ___________ ——__ i; — ,1; BOATS FOR SALE. !K "\~UXILIARY Scow Kalaia.—Full partier s ' A. lars from M. W. S. Lane, 50, Ferr j!l Buildings. « ~: p-kWNTBK going lo I lie Front, wishw I ','• \J Sell we'd known Fishing Laiinrti 'Hr '.'J -,-ruia": pract.icaily new boai. X! x Bft: ren _ snip; cash offer wanted.—Apply sifter ig p.m., No. 4, Hargreaves St., College Hill - 1 ■ ' "" rOULTRY FOR SALE. '• IE I.R. DUCKS, heavy layers, for Sab " rxtl would make good breeding stock; als '.'.", 1 Dowihwaiie Drake. Will sell cheap.----1" ; 11. Durham. Birkdale. £" CANARIES FOR SALE. CANARIES for Sale, Norwich. rdngln; cocks and breeding hens; cheap. Se< c. Show reports — F King, 27, \Yoodslde Rd. V Mt. Eden.
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
Word Count
939Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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