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TO LET. A LBERT ST.—Brick Store, well lighted, . -ii 2(i x 2fi. ground tloor: 20/ weekly. T. Mason. Blacksmith. Albert St. 44 DYERTISER wishes to Share New House, city, all modern conveniences; no children.—For address apply Star Office. J 113 DEVOM'ORT, 10, High St.—G Rooms aud r couv.; all under oue roof.—Apply Mrs f Mackay. 28. Calliope Rd.. Pevonport. 3 r TVEVONPOKT—3 Houses, 5, 6, and 8 t U rooms, sunny aspect, every convenience; moderate rents.—Bond Bros., Dovonport. HOUSE to Let, 6 rooms, all conveniences, close tram, Maxwell Avenue. Grey . Lynn Terminus; 17/6.—Apply Ntcoll, Old Mill Rd. 170 HOUSE to Let, 5 rooms, Ethel St., Victoria Avenue, Eden Terrace, every ' conveniences; rent 15/. —Key at McKen- '- uey's Store, opposite. 194 OISKS («i! to Let. large allotments. every convenience, water frontages: £ also Factory or Storeroom, Wyndham St.; - rents, houses from 18/«. — Masefleld and Co. is;; HOUSE, (3 rooms, to Irft. at Tram Terminus, Mt. Albert, or oue ."> minutes from Irani aud etatiou; rent 15.—Mrs. - Jones. Gladstone ltd., near School Ml. - Albert. 520 O B SON STKKET—SHOP TO LET~; suit manufacturer, or for workshop; , rent, ouly £1. ~ SANDERS AND BOND, 31. Shortland Street_ M~ T. EDEN. Disraeli to Let, 14/.—Apply P. Lldgard. corner Wal- - rlki Kcl., pa.-t Terminus. 14 AM KAI RD.. Epsom — 11 welli iv Rooms, nltli nil coins., suitable for mc.; rent. 10.—Apply Joves Bros.. Newt, market. Hi MOUNT EDEN—O Rooms, 22 6: 7 Rooms, 21 . Grey Lymi—s Rooms, 15/. Edeu • Terrace—lo Rooms. 30.'. Ouehuuga (overlooking harbour) —G Rooms, large section, 22/6. Green Lauc—U Rooms, £1. Furnished House, (> Rooms, Mt. Eden, nice section; ! rent 27 6.— Wheotley and Co.. 22, Shortlaud_S>, D ."V'EW LYNN —House, 5 rooms aud convs., half-acre; 12/.— T. U.-cher, 2-S, 11.M. Arcade, Queen St. Z>»ivTE —House, 0> roome, .ill eon--»A venieiices, 2tuiu from wharf; rent, 2U . A. G. Frankhaui. 50. Kerry Buildings. 134 VU, '•>. DAY - ST.—Hou*eT6 rooms, all o>u. venloiiees: rent, 16 tS per week. —Apply ■I. S. Gurratl. 31. Welbvlcy St. E. 27 OFFICES. Liv si es t Fart of ~ Auckland", opp. Post Ufflce, Rew's Chambers; , rents. 12.6 up. ROBERT REW. A * 15, yurcn Street. j TJONSONBY RD.—7-roouied Villa! large JC roouis. all roues.; reut. 22.6 per week. J. J. Oralg. 100. Quecu St. KBIMERS AYE., KTngslnnd.— 5-rooiueo. House, furnished, con\s.; rent low to good tenant.—Apply Thos. Lees and Sons. : U, Commerce St., City. Us s DOOMS t„ Lot. suitable for sample or -LI work rooms; clean, good light: from i.'_ per week—Apply 43. Victoria St. W. 53 K(H'M. large suitable up-to-date learooiu, restaurant, tish and oyster saloon; opp. G.P.O. — Whitehead, under Grand Theatre. j DOOMS. I>. large, front, over shop, centre ■" Newmarket, suitable business pur- , pose.s; opportunity tlrst-class dressmaker. 5 .love- Bros.. Newmarket. 16 CHOI', Modern, to Let. 11l the West End •►J Theatre Bldg-... Ponsonby ltd.: auj suitable trade except eoofwtlonery; easy . rental—Creamer and Paykcl. -H. Queen St. ou QECTIO.N to Let, suitable for market gar- • IO dell. with or witbout bouse, t" 1.0 • va--ated shortly. 153, Grey St. —Particulars, Mrs Walsh. Taniakl Bridge, Otahuhu. 17 (STANLEY BAY—House, .-. rooms, to Let; *J all convenience*; rent reasonable to good tenant. —Apply to \V. I'arker, care of L. H. Narhnn. Ltd.. Ilisb Si. 71 iTf/JR— I'urn. Cuti&gc. 2 rooms, xillfnrd, " A"/ U pear ear, every com., p.w.c, In B: 4 Rooms. 13/. —Spcdrtlni.-. linuiuera. • Phone 3887 13 rings,. or Sheriff's, Mllfor.t. iC HERNT. RAY—Good House 0 rooms, convs.. recently renovated; r»,,t 17 «eek. B IRK EX HE AD, 2min WharfHouse 1 rooms, washhouse. convs.. Ul/6 week. BIRKENHEAD- House 4 rooms. ,-vnvs., 2 acres good land, 12,' C week. rpOM TTADFIF.LD AND <iO.\S. I. IMPERIAL BUILDINGS. MWFS QUEEN STRET. i! 1, i. rpAKAPUNA T? E A. C H TO LET FOR 0 TO 12 MONTHS, 10-ROOMED RESIDENCE. FURNISHED, And 3J ACRES OF BEAUTIFUL LAND. Fronting the Beach. For rent and other particulars apply PRATER BROS., 113, Queen Street, opp. Shortland Street D 3 Is AFFICES T 0 LET. c LARGE GROUND FLOOR OFFICE - (subdivided)- Opposite Chamber of Commerce- Two windows facing stroot. with I, Counter and Linoleum. Moderate rental. Apply to J. J. MACKY, Land Agent, Swanson Street. A E TT O U S E S TO LET. RKMUERA—O Rooms, close tram, 3d section. Rent 2.1/. GREY STREET—7 Rooms, 13,; 5 Rooms, 10/; 1 Ihionis, ST.. SHOP, Plate-glass Windows, 5 good living Rooms. 13 . J. M. L ENNOX ' • Opp. Herald Office, 128. QUEEN STREET. MORNING-SIDE- — 3 Rooms. X DOMINION ROAD—,") Rooms, 17/6. GREENI.-ANE —6 Rooms, IS/; 6 Rooms, 21/ GREY LYNN—I Roome, 13,. , PON-SONI'.Y—B Room*. 18/. EPSOM—'"> Rooms, 22/6. PARNELI 9 Rooms, 30,. . FURNISHED — KoHI.MA.RAi.MA, 4 Rooms 4 18/: ST. lIELIER'S BAY, 4 Rooms, 15/ _ PONSOSBY. 6 Rooms. 37/6. G. F. MKLLARS AND CO.. N 5)0, Queen Street, Govt. Ins. Bldgs. <- FOB LEASE. * t-yWELLIVHIOISE-SHOP, good lestabxJ lislicd (rroeery business), to Lease or .Sell; In popular suburban district.—Apply A.8.. 417, Star Office, 5J rri 0 LEAS "*"E QUEEN STREET, CENTRAL POSITION FIRST KLOOK—2Ift x 52ft— FOUR WINDOWS TO QUE-EIN ST. Suitable for Dental Rooms or Solicitors Otflces. J. THORNES, S3, Queen Street, City. < 11. - FOB SALE. IT * PPLF.S. 421b cases, Docherty, splendh A. keepers, good eating, all sound j- freight paid: 7'o case.—F. Stewart 0; Orchardist. Kaukapnkapa. Uj OMBINATION Billlanl and Dinln;; Table for Sale, slate bed. all acees C s-nrles, good order.-Robertson, Mt. Edet - ltd., near Poftt Office. 53*. v: T?S,TKY ORGANS — None better made "■ 11* over aUO.OOO sold since 1546.— Sol Agents, E. and F. Piano -Agency. Ltd. 1 NX P.erksTiire Bonr and Four Breedini Sows for Sale.—Apply E. Skinner, Ml S ' Albert Rd., Three Kings. _J£ PO-yVER - "Hammer for Sale! —Write r>x 45tt, M* 18 \\-ATCH. "lSc Lnglis-h ix-ver «Jent. - si >» cost £22. and 2uz IV Curb. Chain; tin "" lot £12 10- ; bargain, urgent.—s6. City Cliam , 7 f} OQ-ii.l'. Silent KnTgl.t Daimler, pei'lcog ._>C order. —For full particulars apply Bo: ls 47G. G.P.0.. Auckland. 2t "., -1 fU\ (WIA FRUIT TREES, Ornamental _LIA/,vWLr Shelter, Hedge Plants, etc. free to rail, steamer, city, suburbs.—Franl T, A. Green, Lily Dale Nurseries, Green Lane aL i'
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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998Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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