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FOR EXCHANGE. EXCHANGE FOR FAKM—IO Acres, , north, suburban, level land, in grass, good house, etc. Equity £1000. —Great Northern Agency, 5. H.M. Arcade. A EXCHANGE for Few Acres. Mangere— 100 Acres, mostly in grass and crop. Price £1000. Equity £050.— Great Northern Agency, 0, H.M. Arcade. A XCHANG E FOR HOUSE—3i Acres, Mangerc, in grass, garden, etc. Superior house. Equity £<joo.—Great Northern Agency, 5. H.M. Arcade. j^ EXCHANGE for few Acres SuburbanGood Corner Business Section, Main Street; equity, £675. —Great Northern Agency, 5, H.M. Arcade. A ,' ATODBRN HOUSE, s rooms. 2 bathrooms, , i-'A hot water service, and evory ronrenl- , ence, for Exchange for Sections; equity. £.'l5O. Price. £SOO. —H. D. ABBOTT AND ', CO., Exchange I/ane, Queen St. (F154) C yBCTION or Sections. unencumbered. 0 wanted. R'muera. Epsom, Mt. Kden. 'in exchange for Unencumbered House Itnodern), with 'arge section, Dominion ' Rd., £650. — RUTLICR BROS., 12, City Chanrbers. A OUR Client will sell 200 Acres In llnuiikl; -X) acres fenced ami grassed, all . iplougbahlo. Prbc. £50 the lot; nn mistake it is cheap. WOOD ANIi CO., C !'5. Oneou Street. OUR Client. v.itb -J Unencumbered Sections, price £175, and House £700, WANTS MOTOR. WOOD AND CO.. C _ i>s, Queen Street. OITO Client, with Launch _>-,ri. 7ft beam, 4J-h.p. Zealand la, in lirH-cluss order, . price xviZi. wants ... ill. CoTTAtIE; will pay difference In cash. WOOD AND CO. C Dr.. g,ieen Street. f QWNEHS \Y"- r - gXCIIANGE. ir;n ACRES. Good Land. Good Buildings. > -L«Jv/ Price. £1!) per acre. Equity, J £1,900. Wauls House and any reasonable town property. . EQUITY in :; Brick Shops and ) *•«""' tine Dwelling; very small mortgage. Wains few Acres: must be close i to Hue. • C- iKA— EQUITY in good Rent-producing • 3«*wU Property. Will (rive s-ame as ' deposit on small boldlns In suburban area on Soutli line ' jC "1 "J SfW—TOTAL PRICE for 11 Acres. [ orAA'JU Mil,urban. Will accept small i Farm or House property. We still want more properties for ' Exchange, If you have anything whatso- • ever, let us have details. We can offer yon what you want. ' THE SURE SALESMAN." JAMES CHRISTEE, 7. SMEETOVS BUILDINGS. C '\ I j j EXCHANGE FOR FARM. -CITY RENT-PRODUCING BLOCK AT j I GOVERNMENT VALUATION. . j "V 1 EARLY -U ACRES. I:.ivln s two fron- . 1 tages. one of itOOft a'ld one of 115 ft. , , six Houses on the property, all well let. , and liifiured for over £6.000. In select . loealiiy. One minute from trains. For r family reasons Hie owner wants to go on . I the laud, and will take Farm. llghUv or 5 unencumbered; would prefer partially-lin-I proved sheep country, handy to school, etc ' , Price. iIi.JOO. Equity. ' £6.500. Send ' particulars of your Farm to the Sole , ; Agents, "I "\rOWBRAY AND pOIIRIE, '• 22. SHORTLAND STREET. AUCKLAND EXCHANGE. " -pEXT PRODUCING pROPERTY i ! YVANTKD, -I 0 I We have .1 client who is retirli-.g rroni , tiiisln<>s« and who will take in payment ~ REAL ESTATE for his uptn-dnte oll'K'KltY sjtori:. Store Is situated in one of Auckland's . most up-to-date suburbs, with long lease -at low rental. Business has t.een estab ltsbed for >cars. and shows an vxiclb-ut 1 lneotee. • STOCK AND Pl-ANT. ETC. IS ABOUT £I.XX). H you have not :be amount if eqult> , In your b"U"0 whl'-b Is required, you will j I still be able lo deil as we ran finance -1 you for the balance. '" Now, this In a splendid chance to land F you on 1" (he road of wealth, so please :; come along. , I It menus selling your house for cash. Sole Agents, 1 HORNE AND HARRISON f REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENTS. Ii j Phone AJ>6O. 4, VULCAN LANE. 0 . 1 ■ ■ 0 FINANCIAL. MONEY to Lend in any sums, on all sc nritles. . A L. Denuiston. Solicitor, r. j King's (•iiaicbem. Fort St. D s; l \roNEY to Lend on Security of First or ,>. 1U Second Mortgages.—Wake aud Ander-'t-'son. Solicitors, Wyndlmui St. A le £1 ()(}{) ~ZZ*>- AND" OTHER SUMS. \' J - 1 ' '''' to l.cml at current rates, on - I freehold security.—G. M. Newton. Solicitor. X I -Ilerabr- llnlldlngs. A I. i \IONKY~to LEND to Farmers Builders*, yI AA nnd others, op to £3.(>00. .-it current -- j rales. Bui:,Hug Society Shares Purchased. I- I Apply HARRY SACHS, 1 I IK._11. M. Arcade, Auckland. li IT V V " L W\NT MONEY?—Wc have [■*-' Large and Suia'il Sums to Lend on Mortgage at very low rate of interest. 1 Ewingtou and Baker. Estate Agents, Corner C j Queen St. and Durham Si. East. "" AraNEY TO LEND AT A MODERATE v -"A KATE OF INTEREST. ™ Apply JACKSON. RUSSELL. TUNKS, ' and OSTLER. j. D Solicitors. Shortland Street. ONE X TO " LEND" ON MORTGAGE Of jr I FIItST-CLASS FREEHOLD SECURITIES. "■ WILLIAM COLEMAN. id Solicitor and Notary Public, -1J and 44, C Queen Street. Auckland. _ \\ O N E V T O 1. E N D. I>A IDEAL LOAN AND FINANCE CO., r, 5, Law Court Buildings, HIGH STREET. A. EMANUEL. Manager. If yon sre seeking financial assistance, the chief consideration Is MODERATE 3! INTEREST, EASY REPAYMENT, AND r3 FAIR TREATMENT. 16 Our Motto: "To assist and not to crush " c- THE PUBLIC ARE REQCH-iSTI-JD TO |v NOTE THAT WE DO NOT MAKE VNY ,; CHAItGE FOR INSPECTION. *NO BUSINESS, NO CHARGE. (j We advance money on furniture, piauos, sewing machines (without removal), deeds, — or any other security. All negotiations Strictly confidential. Office hours: 10 to 'T 4.:'.u; Saturday, 10 t" 1. Phone A 777. MONEY TO L E N D. EMPIRE LOAN AND FINANCE CO., 2nd Floor, Wyudham Chambers, Wyndham Street, opp. Gas Company, City J. C. BENNETT. Manager. LOW INTEREST. EASY REPAYMENTS, AND HONUST TREATMENT OUR E' SPECIALITY. No Charges for Inspection. No Business, 'No Charge. ~ Money Advanced on Furniture, Pianos, Sewing Machines (without removal), or on any other Security. — All .Business Strictly Confidential. v- Otilce Hours: 10 a.m. lo 5 p.m.; Saturday, ry 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Phone 20t!l. v O — '" MOTOR CARS FOR SALE. '.) TAAIMLER CAR for Sale or Exchange for II U House. 20 h.p.. lirsl-class order, elec--i trie llEht. etc., cost £70<i; any trial. Price m, reasonable. -Apply 50. Vermont sc '--_ ~~ YS7E UnviTfor immediate delivery one 2-ton VV 30-h.p Motor Lorry, best British make. _ Harrison ami Hash. Carriage and Motor ~, Works. Newiunrkel : - rpiLE WAR COMPELS ECONOMY. 2 1 BUY TIIK KKARVS CAH, ««• - For Honest Work .1 Moderate I hnrges IO — THE CENTRAL UABAOE. WAKEFIELD STKLKI- _ We are Engineers, and n«k rcpail anything besides Motor t % ar-. SS TTAYDOCK AND gPRAGO. '-' J>to»ne 4136. U
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
Word Count
1,068Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Auckland Libraries.