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Wanted, WANTED, a donaral Servant.- Apply at the Newton Hotel. WANTED, a RepocVnble Girl tt3 Sor-vant.-Apply Mrs j. Vt eaundel!s, 203, Queea-streeti WANTED, a roapectablo trustworthy rtlrl,—Apply Mra J. Grant. College Road. Po«B__nl___ ,__.-- W~~ ANTBD, Coat Hands', liuttohhoieis, and Improvera in all departments.— Auckland Clothing Co., Conimerco-atroet. WANTED, an experienced General Servant i references required. —Apply Roy. 11. F. Mitcnlcol, North Bhoro, ANTED, a Milliner, must bo also a Good Counter Hand.-Apply, stating cxnerienco and salary required, to H.U.T., Star Oilice. WANTED, good Servants of all classes. -Select Registry. Y.M.O.A. AlbertBtroot. Opi'n Tuesday and Friday Kvcnings from 7 t)S.3O_ WANTED, UnincumborcdCouplo ; husbind good milker; wlfo workiughousukoeper and buttermaker.—llanunford's Auuklaud Itesistry. WANTED, Exporionccd Parlourmaid (Kontlcman's family). — Hunnaford'd Auckland ItoKistry (■.etabiishitd 2i years). WANTED, Employment for a Worthy Kldorly Man, who can milk, garden, &c.; wauoa no object.—Apply at Hamuford's Auckland Registry. WANTED, 2 (Jooi Hotifemaids (Uotel, llrst-claas place), Generala Itown. auburbs, Whangarol, Glsborue), Woman I Cook. 20.i; General, 20s.—Mrs Ekmoro's, juat übovo MuJDni llollaby's. ANTED," arT""Jßlderiy I'ofdon ua a generul sorvant for tho country; uood ror«ri' ; iic.f:i required.—Apply to C. 11. Whito and . Co , 2aO Queen atrmit. WANTKL), by two younf; Men, Board and LpdKing, ten minutes from Poscollloo. No other boarders prefarrcd. — V.1)., Poat-olUco. "TOTANTED, Several Gonorals and Young VV Girls—At Hannaford'a Auckland Registry (eatabllahod 21 years). WANTED, a Btronp onorgetio Youth, ono accustomed to busincsa; Rood references required -Can't 13 Hoat, LQucen et. VSTANTEiSi~an Apprentice Tinsmith ; V T on* who hag served part pf hla appronticeßhlp preferred. — Apply Alox. liaivoy, Albort-atruo.t. ANTED, Tinsmith ; must bo a good general hand.—Apply Alex. Harvey, Albort-Btreot. WANTED, Situation by a strong boy ; can milk and drive—Address, A. A., Btak Office. WANTED, a Young Man able to milk, Apply to W. Nicholls KUerslio. ANTED, two Improvers for the Houso Carpcntbrlna.—Apply on the job, noxt MolrOBQ Cash Btoro. Dovonport, "VtETaNTED, Carpentors to Tonder for VV Additions to Bulldlntr. Pinna and Bpecinc«.Uoni at Wlngate, liurns and Co.'a, Cnstoms-Btroet. WANTED, usaful Young Girl (Mcxint Albrrt);goodhomcolfcred.-Hanoaford'a Auc-Miiiid !to«ißtry ('established__yearß_. ""ANTED," by "a middlo-agcd Indy of expei ionco. a Situation as Housekoeper ; would talco ohurgo of family, town or country.— Adt' ress V. V",, stak Ofllco. ANTED, 1,000 Children, under 12 yoara, to buy our Dolls. Id each, regular rrici-, la ; Hoys' Batß, No. 5, la 3jd. rogulur prlco, Is dd, at tho Salo, D.I.C, Canada Buildings, Queon-Btroet, late Coomboa'B. WANTED. —J. li. Joynt, Stationer, etc.. iv about to Removo furthor alonf; Ponaonby Road, to ntatly opposito Richmond Road^ WANTED ut onco, a 0 or 7 roomed House, with evory convenience, in ono of tho main streets in Ponsoaby.—Apply I3ox 110, P.O; WANTED TO KENT, noat detached4roomed CottnßO in good repair, within 20 minutes' walk of l'oat ollico ; wat r laid on. — Apply X..STAnOftt>o. WANTED, Tenants for 4-roomod Ilouees, Alexandra-street, ncor (Jueon-Btreot; 3roonioi Houses, Brown-atroet, i'on.-onby. Ront low.—J. Williams, Tailor, Victoriq-atreot. WANTED, a Good Second-hand I'iuno, for caah ; will bo tried by an export beforo purohaso.—State Jowcut terms und pnrtlciilnrsto A.H.C., Porter and Co., Nowmarket. WANTED, 30,000 pooplo to read the Storlcjs In " N.Z. Tliußtrutcd Tit bits." WANTED KNOWN—American Organs from fl!s.—Hoffmann mid Sona. WANTED, 500 Working Men with ■In llrt ta como for Our Coloured Mole Trousors during tho Snlo of the D.I.C, Canada Hulldli_K___ L^to Coo_bca's. . ■**TANT_I), by ('i. Khode?, CuetomgV ? street, West, that :ill ohould read Brett's Almanac, pane DO. WANTED, Largo Storo in Qaeen-st-,— Apply Jamoa Browne, Furniture Wiirohouie, HobiOn-stroct. WAIsTEU, Tenders for Painting a Church-ltbour or.lj-. Specifications to be Eccn at T. 11. O'ConnoU'a, Xuivton ltoad. WANTED, to Lease a Farm oi 130 ucro», 18 miles from Auckland, partly in L-rasi. toßcthcr with S-rooinod Hunse. OU> huildinp.. ami Orcluird. Thl3 is a Rood opportunity for nuy person rcii"lrinK a lU'slannco n ar tho .Son, nnd wishing to «o in for poultry In inlnK and fruit urowinp. - Vor l iirllior Dirllc.Hurs apply to tho ownur, W. N. Mcditoah. Owen* itOMl. Mt. Kdcn; or to lUskoth and Altkin. VVfANTED, "Enginoora' Apprentices, TV Aiuatuur Knuincorß, nml 1 nrpenters ami Others to know tliat YARIIOROUGII & IX) Durham Btrect West, Aucklaud, have a Well-seloctcrt Stock of Tools for Kilo lit vory moilorntoiirlccß. Aniatourn'Tool Chests, Bench and liana Vicon, Frot bnws, Mllro Hloeke, Corner Cramuß for Piotuics, ice., &c, «:c— YAUHOIIOUHII _ CO., Durliam-alruut VN'eat, Init>orUT3 of ilachlnury and llnr-.lwm-n. WANTED"] Tenders for riuiubinf;, Puli.tinfc-. and Chiuincjß till noon of :Srd February; aliio. two smart ImorovortI.— Apply back_B:.*Mnry'ii Church, farnell. \»TANTED, Jhieinoere, Joinore, CubinotVV makutß Up'uoloterove, l'lumbors, Gabfitters. Slatcru. nnd others to know that YiTUorouyh and Co. IJuiham-Btreot West., Aucklnnd. bavo a v. ell selected stuck of Tools for u:i!o at vory n odcrato inlcea.-Yurborounh nnd Co , Durham Btrcot Wcet, Importers of Muchlnery nnd Hardware. \JK7_NT_D KNOWN—rianoa Kold on VV tlmo payment at tho cheapest houno In town.—Hoffmann and Sons, Qneen-streot. WANT- 1) KNO VV N — First-claßsOreen-gnuo l'luma to bo pold, cheap, for jam making.-Ben. Duwkoii. 51, Quern struct. WAtNT-D" ii.JXUWIN—A new 4-foot hlph Piano, ovoratruni!. Iron framoil, bra^-8 tunliiK plato, chock action, trichord, 7 oa_______ Hoffmann and Hong. Qnnon at. Var~ANTED "K.NOWN-A Tiauo iv V ? Italian Walnut, by Bord, 7 octavoa, £27 (now).—Hoffman- and Sons. WANTiSD KNOWN-China Ton Sots, 12j Dd 10 piocos ; Dinner Sots, 2m ; ar.d othnr useful Gooas aro still beinft sold at Goodsun's London Arcade marvellously choap. WANTED KNOWN—In hot weather tha luxury in applyitip; Kau do Colo K ne and Toilet Vinoßur, prico Is tho largo bottlo ; Cut GlnsH Hcent and SniellinK Bottles with Nickol'Sllvor Tops, lo each, at Goodaon'a _on£ou Arcado. being half Ihotr usual price. i AW TED KNUVVW—Cheap Moai— Knduond Prices-Koef, from Ud por 1b; Mutton, from ljd per lb ; Veal, from 2d per lb ; lifunh, from 2b por auarter. Tho beet quality O nly._'i'. a. Mead, City Market. WANTED KNOWN] Dr. Do Jongi.'s coiouratcd Cod Livor Oil, is Dl tho boUlo ; Nc-nve'ii l roJd for Infanta, la tho uackoc; Huhbir Piiila for lnfmita, fid ; Camphor Pillo, la die bottlo; KoatbiK's Insoct Powdor 8d tho tin —At Damoier'B Only Shop, late Daniplei'o Boot Shop. Victoria-Btrnut. Wanted known-a gmnd msoS mont of BterllnK Sllvor JowoUcry at Gundßon'H Jx)ndou Arcndo. Prioea rWiculously low. Kvery articlo warranted. ANTED KNOWN—For Birthday, Weddinu, or ony day Prcßonta. ttio pUieo to obtain them cheap and good 1b Goodson'n Ijontton Arcado. _____ ANTED KNOWN—To reduce stock of Watchos at Goodaon'a l^ondon Arcado, tho pricos havo boon reduced. English Lovora, £3; good Siivor Watches, iC2, all TT%7 nANTKD KNOWN— ElectroVV plated Forks and Spoons from 0a tho dozen ; Wluto Metal <Mirou«hout) from 2s the do/.bn : Blc.ok Table Knives anil Forks, Os tho dozen pairs; Whito Table Knives from 7s Gd tho dosion (pro rata for smaller quantities). Pocket anft other Cutlery very cheap at Goodson's London Aroado. . WANTED KNOWN—Hudson's colebrutedßalloon Brand Baking Powder, Od tho tin; Glass Tumblers, 3d oach; Pint do., ■id ; Masric Toasting ForKB, Si ; Carving Knives imdFotks 9d tho pair; Steels, (id each ; Grand Tea Trftjs. Is ; Garden Seeds, lid Iho packet; bareo Feather Dustn-s, 8a ; ffiau do Co.'ottno, Oil; Hat Bruihes, 3<l; Hand Mirrors 3d and Gtl; Pdjnt Brushes. 3d each ; Fly Traps, lid ; Flavouring Kssencrs, Id ; Lots of Cheap liooln. etc.—At Dampier'a Only fchop, lato D«mi)icr'a Boot Shop, Victoria-s_t___t ___ W"~ITnT_D KNOWN ~ Berlin Wool ( R ood colour.o. la the 1 lh; Stay Busks, Id and Id tho pair; btny.i. In: Printß, 10 yard.-: for as 6tl: Ladies' Drefses. 3a Ri ; Hollautl Skins. 1b H'l ■ Whito Do., Is Dd ; Linen Collar!) mill riifra(rjQ,dioa'l,6a trie Bet; Linen Colliua (GfintVl, Sd- Infants' Sud llato. M ; lrtdios1 Sill; Tli a. Ed : Hiberdaehnry t'abineta Bd.—At "amiiior's Only hhop lato L'ampier'n Boot Shop. Victoria-street, ANTfiiT KNo\VN^\ra!eDtiiioß (eontimcntal). Id to id: \oiin« Ln.dir.a Journal nnd 13 iw Bells firl the monlhly pai'lV ' Loudon Journals, "Family llerald" and "Famili' Roadt-r," Id ; Shakapjrc's Works, Id rach A B.C. Booko, Hfor 3d; A.3! C. Bocks, 3d tin. box; Lot of other Fresh Bookn oheap; Penholders and Lead Pencils, lid pur doz. ; Whitr Knvelnpes, 50 for 3-1; hotter Clipn. (id ; Coloured Ink, 3d tho box of I colours.—AtDauipier's Onb Shop, late Dampier's _oo_t Shop. Victoria-street. YKT A T B D INBP-OZIO-w iitUKaO AHO MILhIQA'tVU _ W H I B H. "%ftr A fc" T- O X- NOW KSS*' PRINTS, nHKSS_!:. MILUKBRT, k-O3l_ltY, to. BOW BHOWIWa, 5"t;■:» latr v nsrtal. %;ja£U 4*34 gjCNjtO BAI3, traa S&,

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3


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