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WANTEDj for Waitara;Workßj a firstclnss Man who understands beef and pork curlner; only an oxperiprced hand need apnlr.—Nuw Zea'and Frozen Meat and Storage Company. Limited, Railway Wharf, Auckland. WANTED, a Good Hand for the Grocery must be Used lo store work, and willing to make himself useful in any way t'c((Uired.— Apply, will) rciVirnrca and staling salary expected. Box 61, Post Office, Auckland. VST ANTED KITOWN, that T. H. Vv Glover has Remoyed to tho promises iatelr occupied by Harbutt's Brush Ifaotory, Cuatums Street Went. Good accommodation for storage; __^ , ANTED KNOWN—That Hot and j Cold Baths may be had at Is each, at tho Auckland Turkish Buth Company (Limited), Victoria - street East. — The Mw Premises, Lornestreet, ara now open dally for Ladloa and Gentlemen, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.: on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Prices:— Single Butba, 3a; in seta of eight tickets, 203; on Thursdays and Sftturdois (alter 'i p.m ). 2s ; Hut, Cold, and Plunge Hat;., Is. These Baths aro Ysry olfcotuul in curing Cc.ds, Couths, Itheuiuatlsm, Lumbaso. and many other complalnls. Experienced attondants in charge. ■yn- A KTBD_KNOWM. george"gregory, PHCJTOGRAPH-BK, QOIOi'B Btj&cinaG (Kiy.r Tbies Lampe}. ' PONSOBB-J iW).iS:C, In cow feroduolnK FJrii-clfeSa M&WKraphs »t.the toll-owing reaiio"n»bl9 raSjs'i-Cnrt-o d» Vlolto, 163 mi per don.; O-Jbtaot* «' * P1"1 dot Vr . ojn; drcri'a at brtoo price. High (jiasj ilnantullinff at a mederafa advancn iM abotß prlcoi. TramcKta Bass tho door regularly. VST ANTED KNOWN AUCKLAND CIOTHING COMPANY (G. McBUIDK). COMMKRCIS bTKKKT. "Vkni, Vidi, Vici." We have juot opened out the LATiomeT shipment ov tweeds, COATINGBj AND FANCY WORSTKD EVER DKLIVEUED IN AUCKLAND. NO ADVANCE IN PRICE. All-wool Snc9uit, 455; Trousers. loa6d; our Bos'; Tweed X&6 Suit, £.1 17a 6S ; our Usßt J'.idine or Wnlklns Trousois,2D» (id ; liulios' Riding Hablis, from SOj. Tha Lart e&t Tailoring Concern in sfon-Zoalund. AUCKLAND CLOTHING COMI'ANY (G. Mcßride), COMM URCE-STrtICHiT. AifTED, LANDLOPjDS end Others To Know that WILLIAM CRICK *tUemeuts a soecial feature. Offloe: 25. Coombks's Aboade, HlKh-Btreot, Auckland. Ty ANTED KNOWN. GREAT SALE OF REMNANTS PlUm S, STUFFS, LACKS, RIBBON 3, EMBROIDERIES, &c. D. M o p"ii""E RSO N, Fim'ins: himself ovcr3t«ckod wi'h tha above, la cnvr .;: at such a Sticriflco as to ell'uot a Speedy A luw quotations of linos he Is now Bhowirg ',— Printß, 2s lid the dozen yards; Nun's Veilltica, etc.. 4s Ud the dozen yards BoeeS Gd spray ; Ribbon.-, 6yds for Cd Lmlies' ardCbildron's Straw Hats, Is each; a*&O#*fis&*Xu» ; M«n's ditto, is 6d And other Lines equally Cheap. kabangahTpb road. ~A~V"b'UNCr&lan, who thoroughly underJ\ Blandahoisea, ia desirous of a Piluutton asDriT.r or otherwise; cxcelleßt references.— Apply STAitOfllce. SECURITIES for £7rA £500, and £250; must bo fl:8t-=las3.-8. Jackoon, rSTO"i;eaci7e7s of Dancing.—Wantedj a^fow to A.B^, STAHOnicc. . M" "EDICAL PRACTICE.—An oxcollent oDonuis! mista in a r.omiloua district.— A Pt iiy to Modtool Man. Box KG. Port Office. ] BRIGHTON HOUSE (Into St. James* j> MmißC), Upror Unioa-Btrca.-Wantsd, two Gentlemen oa Boarders. To Let. mO LET, two unfurnished Rooms, vory Jl cheap, in a rodueclablo, healthy stroet.— For addruav'itPiily S'l'ah Oillcc. _ O~LET, 3-roomod Cottaf;o in Viotoriaatrccl Bout low. — Apply to Mr Foloy, Grocor. corner of Hpteon and VtoMri!! ala. _ n^O LET, «"j roomoii Cottngo, Belmont X Terrace, Ilemuora.—Apply S. Pearce, Ituilwny Terminus }lo'.cl,_ghcrt eiroct. Acckland. 0 LETTshop and~4 rooms, suit a light business; rent. 10s por week.-Apply Spcakman's Store, Nowmarkot. nhO LET, in I'arnoll, oloso to city, 3 and iL 1-ro' mcd Houses : 63, 7a, 9s. -T. Hill. Cirafton ltoud, Domalnatreet. T"cJ"ITET, 1 nnd 3 roomed Houses, 7.', 4s 01; good locality.-Krqulre Ncal'u Tea WnrthouVo, Arch Hill, Ureai North Road. TO LET, top ilouso" in Victoria Avenue ; ront 7a Gil per wovk. or rroiild bo sold ; a barpaUi. -Apply to H. Neil, Premier Cath fctoro, Koranjtiihapo Roiid. _ riiO BK LKT, clneo to tho Grammar 1 Sclioul, aComfortnbl<) Furnished lloute ; turina oasy.—Apply to IP. O. Kwlngton, Eatulo ARWIt. rjnO~LET, Newton, Jionrdin^-hoase of 11 I rooiiin, waali liouao. and bath-room ; flretclass stand; rent low.-Ai.ply H. W. Bimcs, Bco'.uiakor, KaraDKaliapu Kuad. ff\O LET iv Exetor-strcct (off Newton 1 ROi.l), a Cotta»o of 3 rooms and f cullcry ; ront low to a Kood tenauu—Apply John Broaily. Kxettr-otrcct^ . rjiO LET, a ■1-roomed Oottago, adjoining JL Dock, Customs-street West; rent only 7s a nook.—Apply T. 11. Glover, Custom-street West. _ „ rTi6~LETr largo Dwolling-houso ; beautiA ful situation, every convenience Several '.Yurkmo'i's Cottaßcs, khit to Sawmills.—Apply l. O. lJunaford, cure J. 13. Grahum, Hollciior, hortlaud-S _S__ ___. nnoriJliT7Cornor Shop, 5 rooms, rent Jl 15): 5 roomed llou*o, ront 8?. Apply T. Harper, Canada-street, clcuj to Uat'ia, Pittst roe t. fliU LKT, two minutes from Queen-street, Jl I.oilginK for Young Woman; board if required.—Laurel Uoueo. Wclleslcys'.reet(first hou-.c from Simonds streul). r_nO LET, Mount Eden, Stonyhurst, near i_ Railway, buxsea pass, plenßunt alluatlon, 1 rnoma, punlry. Btoro-rcom, aood Rardeu ; low ront-—Mr Woodward. Wynyard Road. 110 LET, bhop and G roome, corner of OliiJliant-ftroct, I^incolnstrect and lUchmo'nd ltoad ; first-class stand for a butcher.— Apply John Porter, Richmond Store, Richmond Rqa_j ; TO LET, in Howe street, tirs* house from Karangahapo Road, Cottage with 5 rooms, 2 rogiitcr stova1): extensive view from veranduh-Key with Mrs Schofleld, near the prcmtsea. rpO LET, a coinfortablo 6 roomed CotJ. tairo in Nolpon-Rtroet: moderate ront to auitablo tenant.-11. J. lllordan, Hobaon-strcet. nuar Cook-Btrcot. _. TB^O LET, 3 and J-roomod ilouees, in firstJL ola?s repair; also, 5 roomed House, with or without slabllnK: good ontruncj from liok.-by i;lrci:t. — Apply I 1) Jniucs Irvin, top u£ Wnkelloldstrccl. _ mO LET, Park Viow, Duy-Btroot, conX sittiiiK of fcven ronraa and kitohon. Splendid cookinn raußs, ttovo, and bath-room, wash-houao with (Ofpjr boiler; gas and water nnd every eonvenlouco. — Apply Occidental Hoiel. TO LET, at Rocky Nook, adjoining Mr Uakor'u proocrty, largo Dwelling Houpe coach-houßii, stablo and ono aero of kioui d. llcnt low ; easy terms. Can bo taken for a term if iloi-irod.-Apply to T. 11, White, Glhdstoiio st. Nuwton. TO LET, trraiidly-flituated, nowly-built Marino Villa Residence IS minutes' walk from Queenstreot and 3 of tram ; 8 rooms, bath room, range, otc ; oity wator laid in. ond Ras in each room ; ntcps to beach lor boating, bathing, etc. ; rent 18i. — Apply Kenilworth Houee, London-Btrcct, Pocsocby. T.__ .___.__ Dov J uport . j a beautifullyBifcuatod, first-class 10-roomofl Houso, on tho Beach Road, botwecn the Victoria and Dovonpjrt Wharves, aa lately occupied by Mr Foathfratono. Keot moderate to a good tenant. —Apply to W. Buchanan, Queon-Btrect, opposite Bank of N.Z. m o l b T, (or c tevra o! 8 to 7 r*a?t, a Partially [EijcoTod Farm of 810 Acres, ncer Qamfltsn, at a vary low rental to a Rood teup.ut who will i&ake further Improvements.- Apjly to F. R. OLAUDK, P.O. Box 127. Shortlandstreet. IBKENU E A D. - A Furnished Hesiilencc, near l.ho Wharf, tB bo Lst for 12 Months. Kent £2 oor woclt. Applyto- W.^HAMMnSD.^ GISBORNE.— To Lot-, monthly or other wise, a good roomy cotnor Shop, hef ftand iii Gisborxo. known as Taylor's aaddlort Bhop ; ront njoilorate. — Apply ut onco to E HoKcrs. Norfolk-street. Ponsonby. OWNER LEAVING FOR VICTORIA —Must bc:ll.—Abgut. 1 Aero best Volcanii Soil at Mount St. John, with excellent House o B rooms, bath room nnd pantry ; also, stable bußgy-houso', nnd niau'a rooms ; fully foncei and choicely laid out in cardon. Price, mil: £050. Cards to vlow en application to Kandersoi and Co. njlO SADDLERS, DRESSMAKERS, ant l_ Others. —To Lot. a Shop and Residonc (throe Btories). Queen-stroet, near to Varnom 8 ylate-elaas windows, water laid on. etc. A gooi business stand, and superior livine accommorln lioß. Kent, 30 j per week.—Apply J. M Lennox Kstate Agent. FOX SALE OR LEASE at Onebupga House with Brooms ana Bhoo, outbuildings mvl la>-g(i parden.—Apttly to Jamoa Goodall Church street. Ocehunga. N SALE, 116Esst Auckland CHEESE fix diffiror.t dairies ond sizap. In lots t suit puichaeers, at Auction Pricsa. — Gsors Sibbiß. Vm-i. street. mo" MEET THH TIMES 1 win Let thi OHOE__L HALT, for Concert! Jfceatricali, Billt, or Sundir Beriica», bt'Rt

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3