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Lost and Fonnd. , LOST, on Saturday evening, a Gold Horae . Shoo Pin, sot with diamonds and rubles.— Findor rewarded at STAB Ofllco. LOST, yoßtorday, botwoon Symonda- 5 atroot and Wharf, Uold Karrinit; doslßn dono with forgot-iue-not.—Reward Canham's atoro, Symondi-atreot. , LOST, last night, in Karnngahapo Road, '. a small Black Bog answering to tho niimo of "Spot." Findsr rewarded on roturmuß to Mr Darragh, Wcatorn Springs. LOST, ycstorclay, n Gold Pendant Lookot, with bloodstone; nhlold form.— 1 Rownrd on returning t.o Ofllou. OST, a Bay Alaro about i-l hands, black point*, roi.o mark on ell hind fetlock, and cut our. 10a reward. — McDodhM, Avondalo ataiion. ; LOST, at (Jittos's cornor, Avondalo, a Drown, Ifour-conicivd Pluuio Haskot, coutalnlnK uoilod clotbiuc—Fintior rewarded by Mr I'eck. Rtocor, Avondalc, or Atkinson, .jeweller, Victoria-street, •JTTOUND, at tlio Stilo of tho D.1.C., 1 _I? Canada Uuildinßii, you can Imy for la M 1 I2ydo of Kood Dress Matorial ; regular price 0a 6d (late Coombcs'c). I HOUND, a Sum of Money, in a Puree " between Henderson and tho VVaitukoroi Kiuikch. — Tho owner can havo tho uamo by applying to tho Fosttuast-r, llendcraar). For Sale FOR SALE, tho Rica Slave, Mignonette. —Applyjo JohnJ2oro^On£liiinKa. IjiOll Immodiato Salo," Counter arid Fit- ' tlnsto of Binoll Hhop ; also, lias r"IUi"RB arid Goa SUivo.-Fur address, apply Btab Oillco. TjiOß. SALE, cheap, Boarding. house, J} -wllh largo Dinintf Rooms, doiiiE «ood business.—Apply (Jovoruur Gordon. Albert s\ XjiOit SALE, ,a UrHt-oioss CcftVe S'all.— _8j Ai ply to owner, corner Wolloolcy-utroot Eait. IfiOll i'KIVATK SALti, two 4-roomed 1 Houses, with freehold allotment, Chapelstroet, opptifilo cil.l Kiplint Clmpcl.—Apply C. I. Bnnon. Westell e"t. Nowlun. "gj^oK SA'LK, beuutilully linishu.i tSin K loJ} »catod nuggf. Brand Horco, very fast; anil Sllvcr-mouutod Sol ot H.irnes-n. A iiuudeomo t»rn-o\vt. chnap.—Annh Stau Ojlim IjTOB SALB, Billiard Tablos,"by rfuroiiKi.a jt? and Walta and Wriiiht and Co. Lin.-g.nno (for caslij.-H. K. Fartridgo and Co. FOX SALE, a Oood Hack, jjoiUclly quiet, for saddl'j or harnep?, nuitablo for a lady; eound in wind andliuib.-J. JCnott, Queei> street. FOH SALE, at Onohunpe, House and GrouJd, £270; aleo. 3 Acres and Houf.\ near Kailwuy Btatlon.—Apply J, V. JJenix-, Onehunga. . FOR SALE, a coneitrnmont ot 1J tons Ked. and 1 ton Whito Clovor Sefd, boh prime quality, to bo Bold at cost pnoo, In quantises to cult purchaeors.-Brown, liarrett and Co.. KUiot-Btroiit. liiOK SALE, Largo Houeo, 4 UwollitiK, 1 (i Bed Rooms. Kitchen, Scullery, Hathroom, otc, oto.; 01030 to Newmarket Stntion, with fine view; vory suitable for v boarding house ; cornor allotment; n bargain. — Apply to F, 11. Claudo, Shortland-Btrcet FjioiL SALE^ tho Ararimu, near JP Drury- Sootlon 126, conßißtinp; of 276 acres of Goott Light Bu«h Land, well watorocl, adulning church, public school, and tho &UDeri(r farms of Mr T. Kiolcy irnd othors. Aldo, Section 260, in eamo plsco. consiaung of about 300 Acrea of vory Rich, Level Land, with liKht bush—a lares quantity beinK totira— adjoining tho farms in tho occupation of Meesrn Nobbs, Julman and Scott.-Apply to J. GHKKNK. Opaheko ; or to J. J.QHKH.NB, r.O.,Onchunsa. jp () II SALE, In coiißcqucnco ot Dissolution of Partnership, TIIK PAKNKLL HALL. Kroebold Allotment, 11 x 100, all covered with Flist-i lass BuildiiiK. anil let to Good Tonanto. Apply- GKO. COZENS. vv ' Agent,_V«h t-strent. _ MUWBB SOIJU—A good now Sixroomed Houso. B«lcndidLy fitted up wtih evc-y convonlencu ; grand nowltlon ; larga allotment 50 x 172 volcanic. Very small. do-no-it and easy uirms.— Apply to 11. Dibby, 1-roapcct Terrace, Mount Roskill Road. ■VrbRTHCOTE. — For Sale, Allotment J3I No. 19, frontano to Qlndatono lload. oon:niniDp 1 aero 19 porches—Apply to Peter MoMahon. Te Kopuru. Northern AVoiron. SHEE'F nnd Lamb Kidnoya for Salo, Od per doz Delivery during tluin of Irori'.iDK for export. To be token in lots ot nor. loss man (i doz.—Apply Freeing Co., Railway Wliarf. WANTED, a good General Servant.— Apply Karlo and Montgomery. KaraDgahiipoßqad J ANTED, a. General Servant.—Apply to Mr Webb, Vlow lioad. noar Mount Roakill, or at Oak Uoubo. Hobaon-Btroet. T ODGE I'ONSONBY, No. 70S, S.C, Monthly Mooting TOMORROW (Wednesday) KVJJNING. February 2, at 7.30 o'olock, Oddtellows' Hall, Ponsoi»by. All Masons invited. B jjutOIIINSON. I Ton. Sf c. LADY wishes an Engagement as Morning Governess. Touches Knglieh, advancod arithmetic, French, Gorman, and nuißic—Adaross ITranris, Btak Ollice. ~BJI ■ DUNNE'S Art Union will bo Drawn tv» on Woflnoi-d»y. February 2. A. few ino-e Tickots to Soil, 6d each.- Top of Grey-et.. DATHRBOH AND CO., GRAIN AND PKODUCK MKRCHAWTS, LJITICUY AND ISA!T »TABIiB3, LORNE-STUEET. Bro»kn and Omnlbu.oea for Hire. Bcootal orrangomonts made with Picnio »ml Evoning Parties. ON SALE—Oatf", Malic, Wheat. Chaff, Gto, tt lowoot ourrent rotoi. BUSKS START From Vlotpriastreet to Mount Po^klU-8.8.18, J.«tt. 10 30.11.15-.12.1*, 1 45. ISO", 3.15, It. f 30", f, 5.15, S 30*, 5.15*. 6.5, 7", 8,30, 10*. Bahirdar-12Frbm1OMol'nt'Ro8kill-7J'. 7.20, B*. 8.25, 8.15. 9 30 10.30 H. 11.15, U*. 1, 1-45*. 2.3,1, 3.15. 4. 41511, 6.30* 0.15. 7 9.14 Saturday—LlS. 2, (!.30, 8.45. From Quoonyfltroet (opposite VV'yniii.")i!-btropt) to Mount Koen-8. 8.30, 9. 9.30, 10.15, II 11.80, 13.30 115t. 2. 3 40, 330 4,1 ?.0. 5. 3.71 5.30 6.5, 9. 10. Saturday 1.1.30, 7. « 15, it. '0. afrcr Opcrs. From^Mount. Edon-7 30. 8, 8. 0, 8.15, 9. 9.30. 1015. 11.U.30M2.15 1.15.2 2 -ts. :l 30. 4. 4.50. o, 5.50, 6.J5, 7, ».M. Sai unlay- 6, a.v. 9.50. Fron'iUnlcn Back to Moiuit i-lbert and Avondßle^,lo.l6, V 1.15,1, 3,\, 6.15, 6.lst, 10,15, Saturday—l.l 6, 3.45, »• 10. 11. From AvonAale »nd Mount Alb«t—7, S, S, 10.15, 113J1. 1,3073. i. 6.30. Baterdsy-Bm t Omittea oa Saturday. • Vis Stpne7burit.

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Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1887, Page 3